
Marvel: Knighted Belova

Agent gets fucked by Russia and maybe ??? Originally a little boy --> Wolf Spider Ops Graduate --> ???

Travo · Films
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Reincarnation I

[1988 - Moscow, Russia]

In the distant snow fields where greens scarcely visit lay a simply dressed boy. The clothes on his back were reminiscent of rags sown together by an amateur tailor. No where close to being sufficient enough to block out the cold.

The boy as though unaffected by the cold stared at the cloudy platinum sky. His stare showed something that others his age lacked.


Maybe when he got older it would make sense. But he only looked like an eight year old. He hasn't even pulled all-nighters yet. So why is he depressed?

Well, it was the course of his life. To be exact, the lack of conditioning in his life sucked his will to live dry. His mom died when he was born. His dad was recently sentenced to the gulags for drunken talk where he lightly bashed the government. The boy's rations ran out and he had no other family to help him.

The movement of the muddy clouds caught the boys attention as he let of a breath. The clouds swirled and twisted in a never seen manner. It formed into creatures that varied from winged violations to amphibious atrocities to humanoid monsters.

The boy woke from his stuper as emotion finally showed in his eyes.

Fear. The first and most powerful feeling.

The creations in the clouds all turned at him and seemed to get closer. Their eyes, if they had them, started glowing a natural blue. The Sky's blue.

The boy opened his mouth to scream only for the cloudy entities to storm his mouth. The boy's fragile body was surrounded by a gray mist as he started levitating. His earthly brown eyes turned into a gray shade of blue.

With a loud boom the entirety of the clouds monsters entered the boy's body and the sky cleared around the boy. The bare blue skies showed in Siberia for the first time in a long time.

In a matter of minutes a battalion of Snow Riders slid up to the boy's Location.

"Fucking hell!" A person said as they left their snowmobile.

They looked at the sky and a small hole was created encircled by gray clouds. In the middle of the hole in the sky was a little boy.

"Re-report this to the commander!" The person who cursed earlier said as soon as he got his bearings. "We may have an enhanced here."

"On it sir." The man beside the person said as he played with the larger than life radio.


[2004 - Clinton District in Manhattan Island, USA]

My life is fucking SHIT!

Who would have thought that forfeiting your freedom for some food when you were younger would have such a bad ending? Not me. Sadly. I even thought it was a good idea. But six years of me fighting for my fucking life has weaned my enthusiasm to basically nonexistence.

I grip my fist as I practice my killing move. The ring on my hand springs a tiny pinpoint needle up and quickly goes back inside.

I take a deep breath as showing I was composing myself. Although I didn't turn around, I knew there were stares coming my way and I had to act my part. A businessman that's anxious to gain the approval of his boss but feigns confidence to separate himself from his co-workers.

I shake my hands in a silly fashion before opening the door.

Inside the room was a simple large desk filled with a monitor and a drawing pad. Behind the desk was a large leather cushioned chair. Sitting on the chair was a large man in a pitch black business suit that helped thin his frame.

"Nervous?" He says with a charismatic smile.

Not in the slightest. "No." I managed to croak as an answer. I felt my face heating up which helped with my performance.

The man in the business suit laughs and motions for me to sit down.

"Look. Your work has been amazing the last few weeks." He says with a smile. To that I scoff it off and pretend that I didn't spend the entirety of my time in New York perfecting my engineering skills. His smile grows bigger knowing that I was bluffing.

"Thank you." I say a little tenser than I should have and he laughs to that. This man laughs to everything I suppose.

"I don't usually promote people for a few weeks of work but this air-craft turbine design is phenomenal. The effectiveness-to-waste ration is even better than our current design!" He says with enthusiasm. "All we need to do is somehow lighten the total weight and we'll have a monopoly in not only aircrafts but also marinecrafts!"

The man in the suit goes on and on about the business prospect as I played with my ring. Instead of attacking him out right and risking him making a noise, I bid my time and wait for a natural interaction.

"What do you say? Will you work with me grow Constant Aviation?" He says walking away from his desk and standing in front of me.

I awkwardly stood up to meet him.

"I wont disappoint you sir." I announce as I press my hand firmly around his meaty hand.


After hearing the click I quickly let go of his hand. He looks at me with a clearly confused expression. I manage a smile as I realize that I didn't have to deal with his annoying laugh.


In three quick seconds he fell to the ground.

I quickly clear my throat. "Help! Help! Mr. Phil - he fainted!" I announce as I open the door.

This took the work place by storm. Sure their boss and his diet wasn't the healthiest but fainting! It'll take the whole world by storm if he was to be hurt.

"Someone call 911!" A man announces as he runs into the room Phil fainted in. I remember him. He was Chris something. He used to part time as a life guard and is probably trying to see if he could put his skills to use. I resist the urge to smile. Phil was beyond saving the moment the needle entered his flesh.

A Security Guard stationed a hallway came running into the room as he passed through the blockade of people by the door. He is looking around frantically for anything that seemed off.

"Who was in the room with Mr. Phil?" he asks around. The majority of my co-workers look in my direction and that was the only answer he needed.

"What happened?" He asks and that attracts the attention of the room from the unconscious man to me. The stakes now increasing that everyone was paying attention to me. Maybe if it was just the Security Guard, I could bullshit my way out of it. But now, I actually have to make sure my responses make sense. Stuttering ville, here I come.

"Oh - um. We were - he was giving me a - a promotion when he just fell down." I tell him.

He squints his eyes as if he didn't quite believe me. His intense stare as though encouraging me to continue talking.

"I - I think he stood up too quickly." I tell him. Insinuating that his unhealthy lifestyle had contributed to this collapse.

The Security Guard nods for a breif second before the ex-lifeguard yells out, "He has no pulse!"

I think this gud...Yall want a system? Cuz I feel like a system is really unnessesary if I just give him a weakass superpower.

Travocreators' thoughts