
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Films
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Machine Man 54 Soldiers of the Future.

As the high-ranking military officials gathered in the spacious conference room, anticipation hung thick in the air. They had been summoned by Alex Arasaka, the enigmatic CEO of Arasaka Towers, for a presentation that promised to revolutionize modern warfare.

The one standing Infront of them is the T-1000 a perfect mimicry of Alex Arasaka, ironically being controlled by him in Savage Land. He wants to do the presentation himself instead of having Skynet go through it, since this will need a touch of human interaction.

"I know that each and every one in this room has dreamed of having their own super soldier," Alex began, his voice commanding attention. The murmurs and speculation among the military personnel intensified, each one imagining what innovative technology Alex would unveil.

"Perhaps it's an advanced exoskeleton suit, like the one Norman made but more affordable?" one officer whispered to his colleague, while another speculated, "Maybe it's a new weapon something that will outspec Starks?"

As the room buzzed with anticipation, Alex gestured toward the entrance, and the heavy doors swung open to reveal a procession of twenty imposing robots marching in with military precision.

I present to you the future or military combat! Soldiers of the future by Militech a subsidiary of Arasaka Industries for weapons development!

As the robots march, their metallic frames gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lights, and each one carried custom heavy firearms that seemed too large for any human to wield.

"These are the Militech Robot R Mk.2, equipped with artificial intelligence with object recognition technology, they are capable of thinking and moving on their own," Alex declared proudly, his gaze sweeping over the assembled military panel. "Agile, intelligent, resilient, obedient, and tireless. The five qualities that distinguish them from human soldiers."

The robots stood in perfect formation, their presence commanding respect and awe from the audience. Alex continued his presentation, detailing the advanced cybernetic enhancements that made the Militech Robot R Mk.2 unparalleled in combat efficiency.

"Their cybermodified leg joints and reinforced muscle kinetics allow them to traverse large distances with ease and great speed," Alex explained, his words punctuated by the occasional metallic clang as the robots shifted their weight. "They are capable of scaling floors and buildings with ease, exhibiting a level of agility that's superhuman."

The military panel watched in fascination as Alex demonstrated the robots' capabilities, showcasing their precision marksmanship and unmatched combat prowess.

As the twenty imposing robots stood in formation, their metallic frames gleaming under the harsh fluorescent lights, the military personnel couldn't help but notice the bulky and formidable weapons they carried. These firearms seemed too large and unwieldy for any human soldier to handle with ease.

One officer leaned over to his colleague, his voice filled with curiosity. "What do you think those weapons are?" he whispered, gesturing toward the robots. "They look like some kind of heavy artillery, but I've never seen anything like them."

His colleague frowned in contemplation, squinting at the weapons as Alex Arasaka, the CEO of Arasaka and Militech, began his explanation. "Those are Power weapons," Alex declared, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the audience. "They're modified conventional firearms, utilizing traditional ammunition and calibers, but with enhanced penetrating power."

The military personnel exchanged incredulous glances, their interest piqued by Alex's revelation. Power weapons, offering unparalleled firepower which usually are mounted on vehicles but are too heavy to be carried by infantry troops.

As Alex continued his presentation, he demonstrated the robots' proficiency with the Power weapons, showcasing their accuracy and efficiency in hitting moving targets. The robots moved with speed and precision, unmatched by humans.

Their mechanical limbs adjusting effortlessly to each target, while their weapon systems unleashed a relentless barrage of gunfire with pinpoint accuracy.

The military personnel watched in amazement as the robots effortlessly dispatched each target, their weapons firing with deadly precision. It was clear that these machines possessed a level of marksmanship and combat proficiency that far exceeded that of any human soldier.

"That's incredible," one officer exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration. "I've never seen anything like it. The speed and accuracy with which they move and fire… It's like they a bunch of Captain Americas."

His colleague nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on the display before them. "They're like super soldiers," he murmured. "If we had these robots on the battlefield, we'd have a decisive advantage over our enemies."

With each display of strength and skill, the robots proved themselves to be formidable adversaries on the battlefield.

"These cyber-engineering masterpieces are the future of military warfare," Alex declared, his voice resolute. "With the Militech Robot R Mk.2, we can ensure the safety and security of our nation, while maintaining a strategic advantage over our adversaries."

The military officials exchanged impressed glances, recognizing the potential of Alex's creation to reshape the landscape of modern warfare. As the presentation drew to a close, they erupted into enthusiastic applause, eager to explore the possibilities of integrating the Militech Robots into their arsenal.

Amidst the resounding applause filling the conference room, a red-haired woman discreetly positioned herself in a corner, deftly adjusting the hidden camera concealed within her attire. Natasha Romanoff, better known as Black Widow, observed the proceedings with great interest, her mind already racing with the implications of what she was witnessing.

As Alex Arasaka stood at the podium, basking in the admiration of the military personnel before him, Natasha couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. How had SHIELD missed this? How had they not known about Alex's project and his collaboration with the military? It was an oversight, one that could potentially complicate matters significantly.

While Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, as he speaks with the military personal and high ranking officer shaking hands and closing in contracts.

Then as an after though, he thinks to himself. Some might question why go to all this trouble and even give out advance technology, well first if you're comparing them to the T-800 that his using, these robots will look like your average humans standing Infront of Captain America, that's how a big of a difference in their capabilities and power are. Even with the high-powered weapons they are using they will not be able to damage the outer shell of the T-800 specially now they have Vibranium and Adamantium armored shell.

Plus, he made sure that each robot once tampered will automatically cease function and the major components will be destroyed. Their power source will create an explosion which will surely damage its surroundings. Its circuitry and programming will all turn into garbage, making sure it can never be reverse engineered.

The AI program used are all basic although advance they will not be able to crack it, if there is any sort of intrusion the firewall will retaliate if it can't it will completely erase itself acting as a virus. They also need to be connected to Skynet or one of his AI's to actually work, so he has full control over them. Also his major concern here is to throw a bait not just to the military and create connections, but with SHIELD and even America as a whole.

He plans to secure himself like how Lex Luthor had secured his prestige over the Military and the country. You must know that having lawyers is not enough, he must have the Military and even the country as his backing if things ever go haywire.

Back in Savage Land.

As Alex settled down in his tent, disconnecting from the T-1000 his remotely controlling and letting Skynet control it. The rhythmic hum of the camp's activities surrounded him. Amidst the ambient sounds, Rico, his most loyal Praetorian, knelt outside the entrance, requesting an audience with him.

"Enter," Alex commanded, intrigued by the urgency in Rico's request.

Rico, showing a mixture of respect and concern, entered the tent and greeted his Emperor. "Greetings, Emperor," he began, his tone reflecting both formality and urgency. "We have captured individuals sneaking into the camp, and what surprises me is that the group is led by a female human. Based on our observations and the previous battles we've had, she possesses strength that surpasses the capabilities of a super soldier. Her physical prowess exceeds even the most exceptional human athletes in every aspect."

Alex, eyebrows raised with genuine surprise, took a moment to absorb the unexpected news. First, the encounter with Sauron, the king of the Pterons, and now a formidable human female warrior displaying extraordinary strength akin to Captain America. Things just keep happening and happening about things he don't know off.

"Take me to them," Alex commanded, his curiosity piqued. Rico nodded, acknowledging the order, and led the way to another tent within the camp where the captured assailants were being held. The journey through the camp offered glimpses of diligent Praetorians engaged in various tasks, a stark contrast to the impending confrontation that awaited him.

Arriving at the tent, the subdued atmosphere signaled the presence of the unknown assailants. Alex stepped inside, eyes focusing on the captives. Among them, the female human stood out, her demeanor displaying a blend of resilience and defiance.

Approaching her, Alex studied the captive closely. "Who are you, and what brings you to my camp?" he inquired, his tone carrying a mix of authority and curiosity.

The woman with amazonian physique with blonde hair, although wearing rugs and hides showing her primal appearance, can't hide her beauty. Though confined, met his gaze with an unwavering intensity, hinting that she might be more than just an average intruder, maybe even another important character from Marvel's ever growing roster.

"My name is Shanna O'Hara, and the people with me are my companions," she declared with a defiant tone, her gaze meeting Alex's.

As Shanna spoke, Alex shifted his attention to the other cage, where a magnificent spotted saber-toothed tiger named rested. The creature exuded a majestic aura, and even in captivity, it retained a sense of primal dignity. "Even him," Shanna affirmed "His name is Zabu my friend", and Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected bond between the woman and the formidable beast.

"Really?" Alex mused, a smirk playing on his lips. "So, Shanna O'Hara, let's see…"as he pulls up the information of the person that stands before him, hacking through all the database around the world looking for her specific information. "Daughter of a diamond miner, studied abroad, and got lost in an expedition in Antarctica in the late '90s."

Shanna's eyes widened in astonishment, realizing that her background was known to this enigmatic person. Before she could question further, Alex continued, "So, tress passer, what are you doing in my camp?"

A growl escaped Shanna as she retorted, "You are the trespasser!"

Alex, still amused, responded, "But we have an agreement with the one who claimed to be king of this land." He referred to Sauron, the Pteron king, whose reign over the Savage Land seemed to be acknowledged.

Shanna, however, vehemently rejected Sauron's claim. "He's nothing but a madman! A tyrant, a blight upon this land!"

Alex's grin widened as he goaded her, "Oh, why don't you tell me more about this, then?"

The conversation took a serious turn as Shanna, sensing an opportunity, proposed an alliance against Sauron's oppressive rule. Alex, intrigued, agreed to consider it, contingent on the veracity of Shanna's tale.

As Shanna began recounting her story, the camp transformed into a backdrop for the narrative. She described their inadvertent arrival in the Savage Land after their ship sank, navigating the dangers of prehistoric creatures. She mentioned Dr. Karl Lykos, whose panic attracted predators, jeopardizing their camp, like those noisy characters from zombies movies.

"Lykos left us to fend for ourselves," Shanna explained, her voice tinged with resentment. "The Uruburians, or as you call them the Beastmen, saved us from the brink of danger. But soon, a new menace emerged—a Pteron mutated into a vampiric creature."

The narrative unfolded like a story from a fantasy, revealing the intricate connections between the five sapient beings that once coexisted symbiotically. Shanna recounted the turning point when the green-skinned vampiric Pteron, revealed to be Dr. Karl Lykos, forcibly seized control of the land. As the rebels fought against his tyranny, casualties mounted, leaving Shanna as the sole human survivor even her companion and friend Kevin Plunder died at Sauron's hands.

"He asked me to become his queen, to rule the land in his twisted way," Shanna revealed with a mix of sorrow and anger. "Now, we're all that's left of the rebels, hiding and hoping to find a way to free this land again."

As Shanna concluded her harrowing tale, Alex, absorbed the gravity of the situation in the heart of the Savage Land. The once harmonious realm now echoed with rebellion, a desperate struggle against the vampiric tyrant, Sauron. The camp, nestled in the prehistoric landscape, stood witness to a moment that could reshape the destiny of the land.

"So, Sauron is a human or was a human. I wonder how he turned into such a creature," Alex mused, his gaze shifting from the captives drape with pelts and animal furs.

Turning his attention to Shanna, he asked the pivotal question, "If I help you kill Sauron, what do I get? Not everything is free in this world." Alex, always calculating, thinks how he can use this scenario to his advantage to take over this land as his own kingdom.

Shanna, feeling the weight of her desperation, steeled her resolve and replied, "I will serve as your slave."

A villainous laughter erupted from Alex as he responded, "What worth can you give me? You're asking me to attack a nation I'm in a cooperative relationship with, and you offer yourself as the price? You think too highly of yourself, Miss O'Hara."

Shanna grit her teeth, overwhelmed by the hopelessness of her situation, couldn't hold back tears as her companions, a diverse group representing various races, echoed in unison, "We will serve you as well. Even if you ask us to die for you, we will not question you."

Alex, relishing in their desperation, continued his taunts. "How do I know you're telling the truth? I've seen the Pteron, especially Nodon. He's a slimeball who would lie to save his own skin. What makes you different?"

The beastman a humanoid white tiger named Byakko, let out a beastly growl, breaking the solemn silence. "We are not like those cowering in fear. I will die for you and prove my allegiance. If you ask me to jump off a cliff, I will not question it and do as you say." The resounding metallic clank of Zabu's head bowing drew the attention of the Praetorians, who nodded in silent approval of the beastman's conviction.

A wicked grin crossed Alex's face as he accepted their pledge. "Very well. I do need more soldiers under me. All of you should serve well."

Rico, Alex's most loyal Praetorian, received the command to prepare the Matrix machine. Simultaneously, Skynet, the advanced AI, received the notification and initiated preparations to integrate the new group into the same simulation used for training the Praetorians.

The camp, surrounded by towering prehistoric flora and the distant roars of ancient creatures, transformed into a stage where alliances and servitude were sealed. The captives, now potential soldiers in Alex's growing army, awaited their fate.

As the Matrix machine hummed to life, the captives, including Shanna and the formidable She Devil and Byakko and white tiger beastman, were enveloped in a digital realm, where simulations of difference scenarios would forge them into loyal servants.

Going through the memories of Shanna, Byakko and the rest of the rebels. Alex was able to learn that the Strongest in their race will be the leader and the brightest although will have no power but will act as guide or elders, which puzzled him as to why they don't have any technology. Another thing is, there doesn't seem to be any magic caster in their group as well. Just a bunch of uncivilized people thinking sacrificing something will give them either a good harvest or hunt.

Shanna had shown the people about modern knowledge like basic agriculture and forging. But nothing was really change since most of the people here are either stubborn or stuck in their ways.

What Shanna said about Sauron, seems true as well. There are a lot of things I really don't know about Savage land and I'm glad that we have the matrix and we can just go through their memories.

The other race did joined and rebel at first but due to Sauron immense strength he was able to decimate any enemies and he could even grow stronger by draining more life force. Not only that it seems he can temporarily get stronger by absorbing energy like heat energy from volcanoes. Its really fascinating.

Basing on the memories it seems Sauron is the one who started slavery, capturing the Aerians due to their beautiful human like appearance and avian like features like the colorful wings, reminiscent of angels.

In the morning Alex gathered the leaders of his guards, in the makeshift command center. Seated around the command table were the Emperor's trusted Praetorians – Rico, Strife, Vincente, Cid, Barret, and the newly embodied Sky, now bestowed the title of the Crimson Princess by the Praetorians. As they settled in, anticipation buzzed through the air.

"My Praetorians," Alex began, his voice echoing in the high-tech chamber, "today, I unveil our plan to liberate this land from the tyrant who falsely claims dominion over it."

He continued, recounting the information gleaned from the unexpected visitors the night before. The revelation that the ruler, Sauron, was not a native of the Savage Land, intrigued the Praetorians. Sky, the Crimson Princess, offered her insights, having examined the memories of the newcomers.

"The source of the woman's extraordinary strength is a heart-shaped herb," Alex revealed. "This plant bears leaves resembling a heart, and the potent serum derived from a glowing purple flower grants incredible power. It's akin to what once empowered Captain America."

Excitement and murmurs of praise swept through the Praetorians. The prospect of gaining more superhuman abilities filled their minds with visions of enhanced strength and prowess.

"Praise the Emperor!" cheered the Praetorians, their loyalty resounding.

However, Barret's reaction was different from the rest. As the news settled in, a shadow of guilt crossed his face, and without hesitation, he dropped to his knees, his forehead colliding with the floor with a force that formed visible cracks.

"My apologies, Emperor. I have unknowingly burned one such plant when we were mining," Barret confessed, his voice muffled by the cold, hard ground.

Alex, ever composed, raised his hand in a gesture of reassurance. "Don't mind it. There are bound to be other specimens within this land. We know a particular place where Shana obtained hers, so no need to worry."

Despite the Emperor's forgiving words, Barret remained prostrated, his guilt weighing heavily on him. Alex, observing the remorseful display, shook his head with a hint of understanding.

"Get up, Barret. Just prove yourself in the upcoming battle, and you shall redeem yourself," Alex declared, his voice carrying both authority and a touch of encouragement.

Barret, still on the ground, heard the Emperor's words and nodded fervently. "Yes, Emperor. I will be sure to redeem myself from this shame."

However, Alex raised his palm to quell the jubilation. "Hold, my Praetorians. While the serum shows promise, we are still in the testing phase. Our initial findings reveal no adverse effects, but caution is paramount. We need more thorough examination before we proceed."

Remembering the movie on how the personality of the Red Skull and Steve Roger's were amplified. He must make sure to fix that first before applying it to his soldiers as well as to check if there is an effect like a Panther Goddess appearing before them, but base on Shanna there seems to be none. But you can never be too careful about such things.

Cid, ever the pragmatic one, chimed in, "Princess Sky can certainly expedite the testing process. Her abilities are unmatched among us."

The group nodded in agreement, acknowledging Sky's prowess in deciphering complex matters. The Crimson Princess, in her new physical form, simply inclined her head, ready for the challenge.

Alex continued, "Once we ascertain the safety and effectiveness of this serum, we shall wield its power. But for now, our goal is liberation, and we shall not rest until the Savage Land is free from the grip of tyranny."

With determination burning in their eyes, the Praetorians pledged their allegiance to Alex their Emperor and his cause. The underground chamber resonated with the echoes of their unity and shared purpose as they prepared to face the challenges ahead.

As they delved into the details of the plan, strategizing and discussing the best course of action, the futuristic command center hummed with the energy of a force destined to shape the destiny of the Savage Land.