
Marvel: I am Thanos

Lukas reincarnated in the Marvel World after Thanos snapped his fingers! Just after being reincarnated, his head and arm were chopped off by Thor! Fortunately, Lukas brought a Golden Finger with him, a System! As long as he gets favorability of superheroes, he will get exchange points that can be used to buy many abilities and items! Mutants' Abilities, Fate/Zero Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, Magical Spells of Journey to the West, and the Immortal World's cultivation techniques. Well... in order not to be killed by Avengers, I will do whatever it takes! ------------------------------------------- Author: ----------- Translator: 3rdX_M ------------------------------------------- Link of the original fanfiction: https://wap.faloo.com/582116.html Five chapters per week (Friday and Saturday are off days) ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System. (patreon.com/HaOlu) 2- Harry Potter: The legendary Successor System. (patreon.com/Zainal_BL) 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- Coming Soon. 5- Coming Soon. 6- Coming Soon. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. Please understand that you are in no need to do this as we will continue our constant daily updates for free on Webnovel. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Films
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Chapter 39: NYC, Avengers Tower!

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my P@treon to see more chapters ahead.

you can see more than 30chapters ahead of everyone, you can read till Chapter 69 in my p@treon:



Hearing that Tony had come, Lukas knew that their reincarnation plan had officially begun. He and Steve, the two of them, settled their suspicions. In "Avengers 4", Stark returned Steve's shield when he officially joined the Avengers again.

Meanwhile, Lukas and Cassie were walking on the peaceful lake, enjoying the beautiful view of nature. Scott's phone call disrupted this peaceful and sweet moment.

Lukas grabbed Cassie's hand and said, "My dear, we should leave here."

Lukas and Cassie had already agreed that once the Avengers officially started their reincarnation plan, they would send Cassie away, NY. This city is too dangerous. In "Avengers 4", after Thanos and his spacecraft were fallen with Pim particles, all the people in the spacecraft are teleported here through the quantum realm, and then they destroy the Avengers building.

The entire NY was fallen into hell.

Lukas would naturally try his best to prevent this from happening again, but in any case, he couldn't let Cassie stay here. It was too dangerous.

Cassie refused it, and she doesn't want to leave without Lukas: "Do I have to go? You just have started to gather the Avengers. It would take ten days to a half months to do such a big thing. can't I stay for a few more days?"

Lukas put Cassie's hand on his lap and said softly, "You don't understand, even if we pass through the quantum realm, the long time in the past, in the real world, only a few seconds have passed. So, you must go now, and the farther you want to go, the better."

Cassie lowered her head, and Lukas continued to comfort her: "Don't you want to be an avenger like your father and me? You can take advantage of it. This opportunity to exercise your abilities, and then we can form a team of Young Avengers."

Hearing this, Cassie's eyes lit up with hope: "Youth Avengers! Well, I want to create a young Avengers. You are about the same age as me, and you will join too?"

You are joking right, joining the Avengers is not understandable enough. If he joins the Junior Avengers, won't you be laughed at by opponents of the high level!

"No, no way, my level is too high. You kids should play by yourself." Lukas immediately refused it.

Cathy yelled: "I'm not a kid, don't forget, who made me a woman."

Lukas had a smile on his face, thinking of the scene where Cassie's virginity was taken for the first time. , The two couldn't help but linger again, and then Lukas sent Cassie to the airport, and she promised Lukas that she would leave NY temporarily.


After Sending Cassie, Lukas drove an Audi electric car to the Avengers Building. As soon as he entered, he saw a lot of superheroes. The scene was really spectacular, making him a little nervous!

Those present were: Thor, who became a big fat man, Dr. Banner with hulk's body, the daughter of Thanos, Nebula, Little Raccoon, Steve, Natasha, Hawkeye, Scott, and Tony Sturk.

In addition to Lukas, ​​there are ten people in total, and these are all candidates for the reincarnation plan!

"OK, since we are all here at last." Steve saw Lukas with his setting position. Among the superheroes, he was the most stylish, and he had the attitude of a captain.

Scott asked him, "Did Cassie leave?"

Lukas nodded: "I just sent her to the airport."

"Yeah." Scott also nodded comfortably and said to him, "There are a lot of people here that you are meeting for the first time. Say hello to them." "OK."

As a new member of the Avengers, Lukas should have appeared here long ago and knew everyone well, but Lukas didn't want to face Thor every day because every time he was seeing Thor, he wanted to beat him, and they are teammates now, Lukas can't fight, so he showed up today.

Inline from nearer to farthest, Lukas start first greeted the nearest Clint Barton, and he greeted him back and told him his nickname: "Hawkeye."

Clint set a very fashionable haircut with short pushes on both sides and a long upper part. He shook hands with Lukas and said, "you can call me Clint if you want."

Although he did not go to Tokyo with Natasha to bring Hawkeye back, "Clint" had become "Rogue" Lukas also knew that Clint wasn't only good with bows and arrows. He was also very good with knives so that he could kill the strongest assassin of Tokyo alone.

Clint and Natasha were standing together, but since Lukas and Natasha weren't first met, and it happened a few days ago, he just nodded with Natasha.

Later, he came to Nebula and Little Raccoon. Nebula was Thanos' daughter that she was Lukas's daughter. When he saw her, Lukas still regarded her as a junior.

But the little raccoon is different. Lukas likes this guy. He took action and said: "Rocket raccoon, I like your name and admire you."

"Oh? Did they mention me to you? No wonder, after all, I am the strongest in the universe. I have done too many big things." Rocket Raccoon looked arrogant. He hated that others looked down on him and made fun of him. When Lukas met him for the first time, he didn't tease him whether he looked like a bear, a dog, or a rabbit, which Lukas made him feel very satisfied.

Everyone said hello, and finally, only Thor was left.

Before Lukas walked over, Thor asked Steve who was sitting next to him: "This kid is our new member? He looks a little weak.