
Civil War (4)

Everyone got ready as Simon with his energy flaring glared at them especially at Tony. Tony's system started to flare up as FRIDAY scanned the unknown energy. Tae-won clenched his fists as his eyes started to glow golden.

Tony: "Everyone, be careful. His energy is rising every second."

Tae-won: "You better take Rhodes away from here."

Natasha: "I'll take him to safety."

Rhodey got out of the suit as him and Natasha walked away and hid behind an empty warehouse. Tony then turned back towards Tae-won.

Tony: "I still don't know your name kid."

Tae-won: "Just call me Helios for now. I'll explain everything once this is all done. Let's bring this guy down before he goes into a critical meltdown."

They didn't have time to react when Simon suddenly tackled Tony away from everyone as he slammed the armored Avenger on a wall. Tony tried to blast Simon on the face but the man wasn't fazed at all. He grabbed Tony by the neck before throwing him towards a bus denting it.

Simon jumped in the air with his fists raised ready to slam them on Tony when Tae-won flew in and punched Simon making the energy being crash on the concrete floor of the airport. Simon clenched his fist again and fired at his Optic beams at Tae- won who dodged out of the way before firing his Atomic Vision hitting Simon on the chest pushing him further. Tae-won flew towards Simon and landed multiple punches pushing the energy being back as Tony slowly stood up and saw the dents on his armor.

Tony: "What's that guy's problem?"

The others ran towards him with Peter helping Tae- won on subduing Simon who kicked Tae-won towards a plane.

Rhodes: "You tell me! He's actually really pissed at you."

Tony: "I don't even know why. I don't even know the guy!"

Natasha: "Well we should probably help them. This guy's started to glow even brighter."

Simon flew towards Tae-won and threw a punch at the son of Hyperion who just caught it with ease. He kicked Simon into the air towards a swinging Peter who then wrapped Simon with his webs and Scott in giant form slammed his fist over Simon burying him on the ground.

Scott: "I guess that does it."

He then felt his arm shaking, grasping it as he tried to make it stop.

Scott: "Uh, guys. A little help here."

Simon pushed Scott's arm away before flying up and landing a hit on his chin making him stumble back. Sam flew around firing his guns at Simon who just covered his face with the bullets bouncing off of him.

Simon: "Stop that you imbecile!"

He fired his Optic beams hitting Sam's backpack making him swerve in the air as Peter caught him with his web. He put Sam down gently as he went back to help the others. Simon slammed the ground where Natasha and Rhodey are with the two jumping out of the way. Natasha and Rhodey fired their guns at Simon who just stood their.

Clint fired an arrow with Simon catching it but the arrow exploded in his face blinding him. T'Challa jumped in punching Simon who staggered back but he got blasted by an Optic Beam hitting him on the chest. Tae-won swooped in catching T'Challa before he hits a cart.

Tae-won: "I got you."

Natasha fired shot after shot at the energy being as Simon got more irritated. Rhodes fired another shot of his gun at the back of Simon's head as he turned around, and flew towards Rhodey. Rhodey jumped out of the way as Simon slammed his foot towards where Rhodey was standing.

Simon: "I grow tired of you people getting in my way!"

He was about to fire his beams at Rhodey but Tony blasted him with his Uni-beam sending the energy being skidding on the ground creating a trench. Tae-won also fired his Atomic Vision at Simon who used his arms to block the beams. Peter swung in and kicked Simon on the back making him stumble forward.

T'Calla also dashed in landing a few good hits with Natasha, Rhodey, Sam and Clint using their weapons and rained fire on the energy being. Scott in giant form also went for an overhead punch when Simon suddenly exploded sending a wave of energy to push everyone back.

He went to dash at Tony who was slowly standing anck up but Tae-won was faster landing a punch on Simon's face sending him crashing towards a wall. Simon gritted his teeth as he went to charge at the group but was hit by a laser beam courtesy of Vision.

Tae-won: "He's fighting is a little sloppy but he's got power."

Tony: "He's anger is clouding his mind. He's not thinking properly and we have the number advantage."

Simon got out of the rubble but was stopped moving as red aura wrapped around him. He turned to the side seeing Wanda with her arms moving around but was struggling to keep him from moving.

Wanda: "I-I can't hold him much longer!"

Simon was trying to get out of the hold as he made his energy rise up. Everyone got into a fighting stance as Tony fired discs to help restrain Simon. Tae-won who was floating in the air got ready to charge at Simon but heard multiple shockwaves from above with his Super Hearing. He smirked knowing who it is as he calmed down and crossed his arms.

Everyone was a little confused until the shockwaves got nearer, a figure crashed on top of a restrained Simon causing a loud explosion blowing dust and debris everywhere. Once the smoke cleared, they saw Hyperion just in his regular clothes in top of an unconscious Simon.

Tony: "Great timing old man. Where have you been?"

Hyperion: "Just had a little talk with someone. Hey kid, good job on holding him back."

Tae-won: "Thanks dad. I tried my best."

Everyone: "Dad?"

Time Skip

It was after the fight with Scott, Wanda, Clint and Sam being cuffed. An unconscious Simon was also cuffed but it was power dampeners and Wanda having a power dampening collar. She turned to Hyperion and gave him a sad smile with the Eternal approaching her.

Hyperion: "I'm gonna get you out-"

Wanda: "It's okay. I-I deserve this anyway."

Hyperion: "Don't say that."

Wanda: "You're only trying to protect me and I didn't listen to you. I'm going to be okay. I promise."

Hyperion: "Okay."

She nodded and followed the others getting inside a truck with Tony walking towards him.

Tony: "I'm sorry if things didn't go as planned. Cap and Barnes are still on the loose."

Hyperion: "Go and talked to him Tony. You two can still fix this."

Tony: *sigh* "I'll try."

Hyperion: "How many times did I hear that from you already."

Tony: "I know. So...."

Tony then turned towards Tae-won who was having a conversation with Rhodey and Peter. Natasha already left as she is now a fugitive for helping Steve leave with Bucky and T'Challa has other plans.

Tony: "Want to tell me about the kid and why he called you dad?"

Hyperion: "It's a long story but I'll keep it short."

He explained everything to Tony leaving the billionaire in awe and amazement.

Tony: "Wait! So you're telling me that different timelines and dimensions are real? And he's from a different timeline?"

Hyperion: "Yup."

Tony: "W-Wow, this is.... Just...wow."

Hyperion patted his shoulder and walked towards his son and everyone else. Tae-won waved them goodbye and approached his father.

Hyperion: "You did good today."

Tae-won: "Thanks. I needed to stretch so I guess it was a good one."

Hyperion: "Again, great job. Go back to your mother, I'll be back once I'm done here."

Tae-won: "See you later Dad."

He blasted off into the air breaking the sound barrier as Hyperion watch his figure disappear. He then got a call from Helen telling him that Pietro arrived at her Research lab hearing of what happened between Steve and Tony. He told her to not let him leave and made him stay there. He then approached Tony who was busy looking at his watch.

Hyperion: "What is it?"

Tony: "Let's talk to them and ask where Cap is going. FRIDAY, fire up the chopper."

Hyperion: "I was planning to go to the Raft to talk to Simon anyways."

Hyperion got inside the chopper that Tony used to arrive earlier as it ascended off the ground.

Tony: "But first, cheeseburger. Want some Pops?"

Hyperion: "Sure."

After grabbing a few cheeseburgers, the chopper is seen flying above the sea. The prisoners already arrived at the Raft when the two went for a cheeseburger run. Tony was looking at his tablet while Hyperion was sittinga cross from him with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

FRIDAY: "The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched Dr. Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. He was met by this man."

Upon hearing FRIDAY, Hyperion opened his eyes and raised a brow.

Tony: "Did you run facial recognition yet?"

FRIDAY: "What do I look like?"

Tony: "Uh, I don't know. I've been picturing you as a red head."

Hyperion: "I think you're thinking of someone else Tony."

Tony: "Must be."

Hyperion moved and sat beside Tony to see the image on the tablet.

FRIDAY: "The fake doctor is actually Colonel Helmut Zemo."

Hyperion: "He's the one with Simon back at the embacy."

FRIDAY: "Yes. He's Sokovian Intelligence. Zemo ran Echo Skorpion. A Sokovian covert kill squad."

Tony: "So, what happened to the real Boussard?"

FRIDAY: "He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room. Where police also found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes."

Hyperion: "He planned this all from the start."

Tony: "He's good, I'll tell you that old man. Get this to Ross."

FRIDAY: "Yes boss."

The two watched as something moved underwater until the Raft Prison came out from the water as the chopper floated right above it. Tony controlled the chopper using a touch screen panel on the wall as the comms beeped.

Guard: "This is the Raft Prison! You are clear for landing Mr. Stark!"

Tony landed the chopper safely as he put on his sling on his shoulder as he had an injured arm when he was toppled over by cars courtesy of Wanda. The floor where the chopper landed descended down as the two saw the inside of the prison. The floor reached where Secretary Ross is seen waiting for the two. Hyperion and Tony got out of the chopper as the two stood in front of the Secretary.

Tony: "So, you got the files? Let's reroute the satellites, start facial scanning for this Zemo guy."

Ross: "You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you after that fiasco in Leipzig? You're lucky you're not in one of these cells."

Ross then turned to Hyperion who was behind Tony with the Eternal giving the Secretary his signature glare.

Ross: "And you. Your even more dangerous than Banner. You should be inside a cell too."

Hyperion: "Oh please Ross. We all know that there's nothing on this planet that could stop me. Not even you."

Ross: "Hmph. Follow me."

Ross led them towards a thick steel door as it opened to reveal the operation room with a bunch of people working and guards standing at every corner. Hyperion walked towards a screen that shows Wanda hunch over the wall looking sad with the collar still on. He then turned to Simon who was in the corner of the room with power dampening cuffs. Hyperion scoffed once he saw Wanda's condition. The people around him started to get nervous because of his expression.

Tony walked towards the window and saw the prison cells where the others are being held. He and Hyperion walked out of the room and towards the cells. Hyperion walked towards where Wanda and Simon's cell are.

Clint: "The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not."

Tony: "Give me a break, Barton. I have no idea they'll put you here. Nobody told us even the old man."

Clint: "Yeah, well, you know they'd put us somewhere, Tony."

Tony and Clint continued to talk as Hyperion walked towards Wanda as he knocked on the glass. Wanda looked up and as she gave Hyperion a small smile. She stood up and walked towards the window.

Hyperion: "How are they treating you?"

Wanda: "So far, good. They haven't treated me like a monster yet but overall, I'm fine."

Hyperion: "Good. If they didn't, then I would have ripped this place apart."

Wanda: "Don't. They can hear you."

Hyperion: "I don't care if they can hear everything we are talking about."

Wanda: "Besides, this will help me think of what I did. Is Pietro..."

Hyperion: "He's fine. He is with Helen. Hey, listen, I'll get you out of here okay?"

Wanda: "Like I said, it's okay. Just look after my brother. You know how he is."

Hyperion: "Of course. Too bad, I would like you to meet.your other brother."

Wanda: "What do you mean?"

Hyperion: "It's a long story."

The Eternal explained everything to her making smile even more. After talking to her, Hyperion moved towards Simon's cell and saw that even with the cuffs on, his ionic energy still flaring around his body. He tapped the glass gaining his attention as Simon looked up.

Hyperion: "Hi."

Simon: "It's...you."

Hyperion: "Save your breathe for now. I can tell you are struggling with that energy inside your body."

Simon: "The guy....w-who l...agreed to.. experiment on..me... Told me...the energy...I-I'm unstable...and i-it's killing me."

Hyperion: "That's very bad. You might die."

Simon: "I-I have...no choice. I-It was...my d- decision. Just for...a useless...revenge."

Hyperion thoughtful look as he turned towards Tony who was walking towards him.

Hyperion: "I'll think of something that might help you."

Simon: "B-But....I-I caused you...trouble-"

Hyperion: "You were just a puppet in all of this."

Hyperion approached Tony who loosened his sling on his shoulder.

Tony: "I know where they are with Ross not knowing. I'll head over there now."

Hyperion: "Be careful. I'm going back to South Korea. I need help.wuth something."

Tony: "Alright."

Hyperion: "Hey, don't mess this up. This is your last chance."

Tony sighed and nodded. The two then went back towards the room with Ross stopping the two.

Ross: "Stark, did he give you everything on Rogers?"

Tony: "Nope. Told me to go to hell. I'm going back to the compound instead, but you can call me anytime. I'll put you on hold, I like to watch the line blink."

Ross stopped walking once the two got inside the chopper. Once the chopper flew off the Raft Prison with Hyperion nodding before opening the door and flying off back to Korea. Tony sighed before touching his injured arm. He then pushed a button as his armor incased his entire body before flying out of the chopper towards where Steve is.

To Be Continued....


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Also please read 'Superman(Marvel+DC)' too.