
Arc Nine. Chapter Two-Hundred Sixty-Seven. Eating Out

Liv waited until after Peter had dealt with Maria and Scott before pulling him to one side,

"There is also a small matter we need to discuss, and then you have another choice to make. As a group we already discussed it, and while we all agree you need to set things right with Jean. We all know about the change in reality, but it doesn't excuse not mentioning things to her and then disappearing off to Africa," and Peter nodded guiltily.

He had been hesitant to talk to her. He liked Jean, they shared a lot of interests and he knew the feeling was more than mutual, but he had also been keeping some distance to let her deal with not just her break up with Scott, but the ever insistent Charles. He had heard from a few of the visiting Augmented he was planning something, but none of them would say what, and Jean was being asked to help. Peter knew she needed time, her powers were still spotty and while there weren't too many complaints, her ability to keep them under control was lacking.

As the only teacher she knew was Charles, his price for teaching her was something she hadn't discussed or mentioned. Even without the Mind Stone Peter could tell things at the mansion were tense, even Ororo had taken up residence on Genosha away from Charles.

"But first, we need to talk about your powers, and then you have to make your position very clear."

Peter frowned, "my powers? But since Extremis, they haven't changed," and Liv nodded,

"They haven't but our testing facilities have, and sorry dear but this time it's not a joke." Liv reached over and clicking on the projector called up several slides, each one from previous slides they had taken of Peters cells.

"We contacted Shuri and had her share data on the legend of the devourer. We have samples from our own Symbiotes and thanks to Miss Moon, we have samples from an actual Klyntar," and as Peter stared at the slides, Liv continued.

"The Symbiotes you spawn do share several traits with normal Klyntar but they are more in line with your hybrid DNA, so they aren't really the same species anymore. Normal Klyntar, it seems, attached to a host, can absorb and digest memories and other skills by attacking and eating neural tissue. Your Symbiotes are the same but only require a DNA source, as you are well aware," and Peter smiled, he was blissfully aware of that, "however, we traced that back to your unique DNA and not the Klyntars. And this is where the bad news comes in and Shuri agrees with my hypothesis."

Liv clicked a video, and as Peter watched, the black symbcell sample attacked and absorbed a white sample, then a blue one, grey, and then a pink one.

"As you can see, your cells will attack and absorb any Symbiotic material, those were all samples of our Symbiotes," and Peter frowned,

"We already knew that from Monarch, so?" and he shrugged,

"The last one wasn't a Symbiote. It was a bone marrow sample. Kindly donated by me after separating myself from Octave," and Peter scowled,

"You should have said" Bone marrow biopsies were a painful procedure, requiring a large-bore needle to be driven into the centre of a bone to draw out the tissue within. As it couldn't be done under anaesthesia, it wasn't something he would have wished on anyone.

"I know, but we needed to check something," and Liv squatted down in front of Peter and looked him in the eye. "Your cells attacked and absorbed the DNA rich tissue. Without testing we can only theorise that you can also absorb memories and abilities, by consuming the tissue of others," and Peter looked horrified,

"I, what?" and Liv nodded,

"If you eat enough genetic material, you would gain the powers of the person."

Peter leant back and took a deep breath, "So I am a devourer, and I guess it's not just a lick?" and Liv shook her head,

"Probably 3-4 kilos, maybe about half a skeleton," and Peter shook his head, "we really can't be sure, and we are not going to test the theory out. But, given the evidence, and some of the more advanced medical equipment Shuri has, that it is not just likely, it's only the scale we may have wrong."

Peter shook his head but had to agree. "This stays in the family. Nobody ever knows I can do something like that," and Liv agreed. If it got out that Peter's powers could be increased by cannibalism the government would throw him in the Freezer without trial. "What did Shuri say?" and Liv laughed,

"She didn't. She agreed and all the samples we sent her mysteriously vanished, all the files are gone and she used her authority as Queen to purge the Wakandan system of those stupid devourer records. I know, She knows and you know. Nobody else was involved, as we figured it was sensitive enough."

"So, I owe you and Shuri a lot of dates then?" and Liv laughed, leant over and kissed his cheek,

"I do have a few ideas in mind, but, item two. Jean." and as Liv shut everything down there was a quiet knock at the door. "No running away. Either break her heart or, well. Just don't be too loud," and as Liv ran a hand over his shoulder she let herself out and Jean in.

Jean looked angry, vulnerable, and it was obvious that she had been crying. Peter shook his head, and silently cursed himself.

"Do you want to or should I?" he asked her and she rubbed one arm with a hand and looked apprehensive at him,

"Sorry, things got weird and complicated. You needed time, and I thought I was being considerate and not crowding you, and I guess I was wrong. So. Yes, I like you, but there has to be conditions." and she frowned.

"Conditions? You leave me hanging, get engaged, and I hear you already had sex with her, conditions?" and as Jean got angry the desk and selection of books in Peters lab began to rattle, and Peter felt the heat beginning to rise from her

"That for a start," and Peter reached out with the Mind Stone,

Sorry, but you need to be calm, and he pushed down onto her, calm, please be calm

At the dam, Phoenix had told him the only one who was strong enough to contain her was a Mind Stone Enhanced Peter, and right now he was pushing it to its limit and he could still feel the power burning within her

That is why Jean. I like you, but you can't control your power,

I CAN! She yelled, but nobody listens, nobody cares, I CAN. I CAN!

We do listen, we hear you, you live next to Liv and she hears you at night, when you dream. We hear you and Nat wakes up horny and wet because you've been touching yourself thinking of me. We do hear you, and we all know how you feel.

It's not fair, it's not fair, and Peter starts to shake as the power of Phoenix ignites and Jean starts to burn, why, why won't you- mphff

Ignoring the blistering heat, Peter moved forwards and embraced her, kissing her gently, pressing his lips against hers, but as she pulled back and Helios slipped back into her, she stood naked expecting him to do the same. As the heat flares between them, she stares at the burns. The red flesh not just blistered but cooked and the pain in his eyes,

NO! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, no, and as Jean pushes him away she squats down, wrapping her arms around her legs and burying her face in her knees.

Taking a deep breath Peter moves and sits in front of her, "Hey, look." and lifting her head he smiles, "see, it heals. I've got healing. Sure not like Logan but a bit of fire isn't anything." and she sniffs and shakes her head,

"But what if, " and he nods,

"What if I'm going down on you and whoopf, up in smoke, and that's why. It's not no, you just need to get control of your powers."

Jean huffs and stretches out her legs, "it's not fair." and Peter shrugs and tries his best to not stare at the uncaring Jean, as she shifts and shows him everything.

"We had this talk, remember. Gwen attacked me too, and look where that went. Jean. You wouldn't be living here if we hated you, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you, you'd be at the mansion, still miserable"

Jean snorts, "you mean, rather than being here and miserable." and as she looks at him,

Peter shrugs, "that I can't help with. You're as much of this family as anyone. You live here, you work with Gwen, I mean, you take baths with the others,'' and Jean rolls her eyes and huffs again,

"And yeah, you hide." and Peter shrugs, "even now, I mean, I'm not unattractive, you can look."

"It's not polite, and plus, I don't recall being invited."

Jean stared at him, frowning slightly, "You mean? All I had to do was ask?" and Peter nods

"Red flag was up. Nobody wants to be stared at while they're bathing, or be made to feel uncomfortable while they're trying to relax." and Jean sighs and buries her head in her hands

"I'm such an idiot. You've been keeping your distance so you don't hurt my feelings." and Jean laughs to herself and shakes her head, "and I thought you were avoiding me."

"Oh yeah, cause seeing naked ladies is totally a turn-off." and as he half shrugs, "but without permission, it kinda is. Nobody likes a creeper."

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, Jean stands and takes a deep breath, and now Peter lets his eyes drift up her slender and toned body, and Jean smiles as she sees the excitement in his eyes, "So, if I say, I needed a bath, after getting all emotional, and I asked if you would wash my back, what would you say?"

Peter holds up his hands in mock terror "Help! Stranger danger. I need an adult!"

Raising an eyebrow Jean just stares at him, unamused, and Peter clears his throat, smiling back at her,

"I would ask what your favourite soap is, and see if anyone else wanted to join. My point still stands, no crossing the line until I know you aren't going to burn our homes down."

Jean pouts and crosses her arms in front of her chest, pushing it up slightly, "not even a little?"

Peter laughs and leans forwards, "do you want to test if my regeneration applies to that?" and as Jean leans back and looks down, she blushes slightly, "knowing as well, that there are eight others who would be pretty mad?" and as she frowns, she realises what he meant, even if it did grow back the rest would be mad at her for hurting him, even accidentally.

"Maybe just washing my back then."

"And you know, Gwen is now going to start treating you like a target." and Jean pouts,

"She handed me her coffee one morning, and stared at me." and Peter frowned, confused, "She told me it was cold, and could I heat it up for her." and Peter bursts out laughing,

"And you were worried about being accepted?" but Jean shrugs,

"I was worried about being rejected. I like you, Peter, I just," but Peter interrupted her by moving forwards and kissing her softly,

"I like you too." and as his eyes flicked down Jean grins and shakes her head, Helios spreading over her and into her usual red and white tracksuit.

"Everyone knows you like those more. Everyone is well aware of Peter Parker's preference."

Peter chuckles, "oh that's just eye candy, what I really like is-" and Peter leans close and whispers in Jean's ear, making her go a bright shade of red, and as he leans back to enjoy the brief moment of teasing, her aura flares again and she giggles as a few moments later as they wait for his eyebrows to regrow,

Shaking his head, "But it seems that is off the menu until someone gets her powers under control."