
Marvel: Hero of the Marines

My name is Monkey D. Garp. A strange name for a strange world. Born and raised in Queens, New York. A soldier in both the First and Second World Wars. The world is so sad and cruel. There is so much injustice. Maybe that’s the reason for my birth and my powers: To make this harsh world a little better. --- First of all, sorry for any mistakes. I translated this from German to English using AI, so I hope there aren’t too many errors. Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to One Piece or Marvel. This is just a little fanfiction for fun and entertainment. I aim to upload once or twice a week.

Geisterlos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 9


Had time today:)





First thing in the morning, I made my way to the field hospital to check on James and especially Victor. In my mind, I had played out all kinds of scenarios, but the sight that awaited me was none of them.

There they were, the two brothers, sitting comfortably and smoking cigars, looking as lively as ever. Victor spotted me coming and laughed out loud, "Garp, my friend! That was quite a right hook! James could learn a thing or two from you!"

James looked up and grunted, "Cigar?"

I stared at the two of them, dumbfounded. In my head, I'd imagined having to apologize a thousand times before they'd even speak to me again. But their reaction left me speechless. I nodded, took the cigar, and soon enough, I was puffing away with them.

"Aren't you two angry with me at all? I could've killed anyone else yesterday..."

"But we're not just anyone," Victor laughed. James added, "For us, a few minor injuries during training are normal... as long as you don't take our heads off, we'll heal up just fine."

"But..." I began, only to be interrupted by Victor's laughter. "Forget it! That's old news. Besides, kid... you're one strong motherfucker!"

"I still want to say that I'm sorry, though," I muttered between puffs.

"Garp," James said after exchanging a look with Victor, "I think I speak for both of us when I say we only respect strength... and you've earned our respect, more than enough."

"You crazy idiots!" I cursed before bursting into laughter myself.

"Bwahaha, I'm starting to think all mutants are a bunch of crazy fools. But than i'm lokking forward to more fun training sessions where I get to kick your asses!"

Victor and James exchanged glances and then spoke cautiously, "More often? I think we should discuss that... you're not exactly in our weight class... just because we heal doesn't mean we don't feel the pain."

"Bwahaha, no way! Just last night, I came to terms with my love for fighting! Who else can give me at least a bit of a challenge? I think we're going to be very good friends! Bwahaha!" I laughed, throwing a playful, predatory look at the two of them. I could swear I saw a shiver run down their spines, their neck hairs standing on end, which only made me laugh even harder.


Victor murmured quietly to James, but not quietly enough that I couldn't hear, "Shit, I think we've created a monster... and maybe our worst nightmare."


Later that day, Fury gathered us for a briefing on the upcoming mission.

"Tomorrow, we'll head out with the first rays of sunlight. The initial part of the mission will be covert. We're meeting a KGB contact who supposedly has information about a Hydra camp near the monastery ruins of Montecassino.

As you know, the area around the abbey is heavily contested, and Hydra will probably try to relocate the camp soon. The Allied forces are about to launch a joint offensive against the German defensive line, Operation Diadem.

Our task will be to strike Hydra directly during the first shots of the battle and eliminate them. If possible, we're to capture scientists or leaders. Dino, you'll pull any loose teeth from unconscious targets—we're not dealing with any cyanide capsules.

Garp, James, and Victor will lead the direct assault. We'll support from the background.

And one last thing... when we meet the KGB tomorrow, trust no one. We don't know exactly who we're dealing with, so be prepared for an ambush at any time. Garp, the records from Erskine suggest you can sense ill intent, is that right?"

I nodded. While the ability wasn't flawless, it had never failed me before.

"Perfect. We'll stick close to you tomorrow. If you sense anything negative, scrape one of your feet against the ground. That'll be our signal to launch a preemptive strike with all available weapons. Alright, boys... any questions?"

"Do we know how many Soviets will be at the meeting?" Pinky asked, nervously cleaning his rifle.

"Unfortunately, no. The KGB's communication center wouldn't give us that information... so we should prepare for anything. In the worst-case scenario, we're counting on the brothers and Garp to handle things," Fury replied, and the tension was evident in his voice.

I felt the same way. It wasn't that I was worried about my own skin, but the KGB was being a little bit to secretive for my taste. And Fury felt the same way by the look of it. Half of me expected a Hydra trap.

'Wouldn't be the worst thing, actually... it'd make things a lot easier if Hydra came to us instead of us having to hunt them down,' I thought to myself.

The rest of the day flew by. Fury was busy with the rest of the team, planning various strategies for different scenarios. Then there were backup strategies for those plans, and backup plans for the backup plans. Honestly, I checked out around the seventh contingency and even dozed off a little, catching up on the sleep I'd lost the night before.

Eventually, just as the sun was setting, Dugan shook me awake, and we headed with the team to the mess for our rations. Being part of a special unit had its perks, like getting as many rations as we wanted, at least as long as the supply lines held up.

I ate my fill and used the time to get to know the group better. Dino, for example, had once been a high-ranking member of the Italian Mafia. His reason for being here was to finish up this war as quickly as possible so he could get back to his illegal businesses. "For the family," he'd say over and over, apparently his favorite phrase. I learned that Jim loved tending to his bonsai trees, and Izzy, if he had his way, would spend the entire day tinkering with his car.

Each of them had their own reasons for serving on the front lines, and some kept those reasons to themselves. Gabriel, for instance, barely spoke at all, his gaze often distant, staring off into nothing. But one thing you learn from other soldiers at the front is that anyone who doesn't want to talk doesn't have to. Your thoughts are the last bit of privacy you have left, and that's something to be respected.

After dinner, everyone turned in early, with tomorrow's mission on their minds. Departure was at sunrise, so we all tried to get as much sleep as possible. I made my way back to my tent, too.

As I lay there, my thoughts started to wander again, but the muffled sounds around me slowly lulled me to sleep, and before long, my eyes closed.

The next morning, Dugan shook me awake in his usual rough way, and ten minutes later, I was standing with the rest of the team in the biting morning cold. Our breaths puffed visibly in the air as we tried to shake off the drowsiness and waited for Fury to show up.

Dugan was beside me, lighting up a cigarette. "So, sleep well?" he asked.

"Like crap, and not nearly enough of it," I grumbled, still half-asleep. I'd never been a morning person, and for years, my sleep had been plagued by dreams of war and death.

"Let me guess… nightmares? Pretty much all of us get 'em... but hell, I don't need to tell you that. This isn't your first rodeo," Dugan said, taking a drag.

I just grunted in agreement. "Yeah, but these weren't the usual kind. You ever have a dream where something important happens, but by the time you're awake, you can't remember a damn thing about it?"

He nodded vaguely. "Like when you learn how to fly in a dream, but the second you wake up, that feeling just slips right outta your head?"

"Pretty much," I said, rubbing my hands together against the cold. "I can only remember there were people in the dream… strangers, but their faces were all blurred. Still, I swear I know them."

"Well, where the fuck is the sergeant?" I muttered, ready to move on from the topic. "Are we supposed to freeze our asses off out here?"

"Knowing him, he's probably in the command center, doing one last check on everything…" James piped up, clearly overhearing me even though I'd kept my voice low. I'd have to get used to not being the only one around here with sharp hearing. Hell, James and Victor probably had better ears than me, given their animal-like mutations.

Just then, Fury finally showed up, and we all quickly piled into a small transport boat that would take us to the mainland, specifically to the little port town of Paola. Gabriel took the wheel, and we set off just as the first rays of sunlight started to break over the horizon.



Sometimes I hate my job. Or more accurately, the life that comes with it. Since my husband Alexei died, my life has revolved solely around serving my country.

And I would give everything for my motherland. Two years of intense training and numerous trials and experiments by the KGB's Red Room, and a once-innocent ballerina was turned into a weapon. A human was turned into something more. I can proudly say that I became the best spy in the USSR.

Today was one of those days when I hated my job again. I'd been sent to Italy with two missions. The first was to take out a Hydra camp alongside the capitalists, and of course, steal as much information as possible from right under the noses of the famous Howling Commandos for the KGB. A mission that fell squarely under my expertise and would probably even be fun.

The second mission however... I wasn't fond of at all. It involved the 'Hero of the Marines'—a super-soldier, presumably a mutant, of the US military. General Dreykov, my superior, had the brilliant idea of trying to turn him for the USSR. The fastest and easiest way… a honeytrap.

It wasn't the first mission where I'd been ordered to fuck some guy. I'd been given as a "trophy" to various politicians and generals before. Part of me is disgusted by these assignments. But there's a voice in my head that tells me, if the motherland wants this guy to fuck me, then it's my job to make sure I get fucked well. And so far, that voice has never let me down. It's what got me through the toughest missions.

I swallowed my disgust and hatred for the upcoming assignment and prepared myself to play the perfect honeytrap.

Sex was just another weapon I would use. My late husband always wanted me to serve our country well, so I would let the Hero of the Marines fuck me until he willingly came back to the USSR with me. If he didn't fall for the honeytrap… what am I even thinking… every man I've met so far has looked at me with lust in their eyes. I bet this one won't be any different.

I waited in the small fishing village of Paola for the Howling Commandos. The KGB had secretly taken over all the key positions here weeks ago, all to create the perfect setting for the upcoming missions.

I didn't have to wait long before a small transport boat of the Allied forces docked at the tiny pier. Out stepped the small group of special forces that I already knew from the KGB's files.

My eyes scanned the group and landed on two men. The first was Sergeant Nick Fury; I'd been warned about his intellect and eccentricity. He would be the biggest hurdle in my first mission.

The second man was a true giant. The files said he was 2.87 meters tall, but seeing it with my own eyes was something else entirely.

"Shit, if he fucks me, I'm probably dead afterward," I thought, hoping his cock wasn't as big as the rest of him.

I greeted the newcomers with a military salute, discreetly giving the Hero of the Marines my "fuck-me" look and flirting with my body language as I had been taught in the Red Room.

"Good morning, gentlemen. My codename is Agent Black Widow. I've been authorized to share my civilian name for the upcoming mission, so please call me Agent Natalie Rudenko from now on," I said, analyzing the men's reactions as I spoke.

As expected, I could sense lust and attraction from the men. No surprise, given the tight leather outfit I was wearing. The only ones who regarded me with neutral expressions were the sergeant and the Hero of the Marines. I expected it from the former, but the latter's reaction made me a little defiant. Perhaps the second mission wouldn't be as easy as I'd thought…

I noticed the sergeant writing down my name, probably to report and verify it. But that was no surprise.

Fortunately, the man in front of me would never find out that my real name was Natasha Romanov.



'Shit, so we're dealing with the Black Widow...' The command center had already warned me about her. The best spy in the USSR, and probably on the planet. Her SSR file is thicker than even Hitler's. Numerous successful missions, from espionage to assassinations. Likely enhanced, too. Erskine suspected the Soviets had a similar program to Rebirth, and Black Widow was probably one of the first...' My thoughts raced as she introduced herself.

I jotted down the name she gave us, though I was 99% sure it was fake. Then, I turned my attention to a bigger problem. I know a honeytrap when I see one. The target was probably Garp, though I couldn't completely rule out James and Victor. The rest of us are good, but not superhuman. We're probably not worth the best spy they've got.

'I need to talk to Garp and the brothers as soon as possible... Garp shouldn't be an issue, but I can't be sure the other two can keep it in their pants... the way they're eyeing her says it all... Motherfucker! Nice move, I'll give them that.'

Luckily, Garp didn't seem outwardly fazed by the witch's charms, but I hadn't known the guy long enough to be sure...

I focused my attention on Garp's feet and sighed in relief... at least for now, it didn't look like there'd be any bloodshed.

To pull my team's attention away from the beauty in front of us, I cleared my throat and said, "Agent Rodenko, I believe we have more important things to do than watch the waves roll in."

"Certainly, Sergeant," the woman replied with a cold smile. "We've left rooms for you at the inn... and don't worry, the whole village is firmly under KGB control."

'Don't worry?! Now I'm definitely not going to get any sleep around here,' I cursed silently, but I followed along with the rest of the team as the agent led the way. She swayed her tight leather-clad hips a little too seductively in front of us.

'I need to stay sharp. Constant vigilance! But at least we've got a nice view,' I thought, though I quickly averted my gaze before anyone on the team could catch me sneaking a look. An unnecessary concern, given that every one of my men had their eyes glued to the agent's ass.

Only one person noticed my actions and burst out laughing.


Rodenko turned around with an enchanting smile and asked, "Everything okay? Are you gentlemen coming?"



We'd been sitting for hours in the common room of the inn while Fury, Dugan, and the KGB agent discussed the upcoming mission. I kept to myself... the only things that mattered to me had been decided hours ago: my task, the start time, and the general plan.

My thoughts wandered to Agent Rodenko. The woman confused me. When we first arrived, I thought she might be a Hydra agent. Her will felt clouded, like the Hydra men I'd encountered before, as if her true will was hidden. But I could also sense a strong hatred and anger toward Hydra, which made me rethink that theory.

That wasn't all, though. I'm no innocent boy—I can tell when a woman's interested in me. And Rodenko was giving off all the signs… every glance, every sway of her hips was measured, watching for my reactions. I could almost sense her disappointment at my lack of response.

Not that I wasn't attracted to her outward appearance. Any man would be tempted and flattered by her attention. She was beautiful, with more than generous curves, smooth pale skin, and fiery red hair. Her green eyes seemed to pierce right into your soul, and the way she looked at me stirred an urge to fu... protect her.

But despite the signals she was sending, I wasn't sure if she was genuinely interested in me. The emotions I felt from her weren't lust or attraction; they were discomfort, disgust, a sense of duty—even a bit of hatred. I wasn't an expert at interpreting these feelings, but it seemed to me that her emotions were directed at herself, rather than at me.

It threw me off. Was she ordered to seduce me? Did she not want to, but was following orders anyway? There had been a brief moment of desire when she first saw me, her eyes roaming over my body, but it was quickly snuffed out by a wave of shame.

I wasn't sure how to handle the situation.

A little while later, I excused myself from the group and went outside to relieve myself. I considered going back inside but decided instead to take a walk down to the beach.

The sea had always held a special kind of draw for me. I sat down in the sand and looked out over the endless expanse of the Mediterranean.

My peace didn't last long. With my Observation Haki, I sensed someone approaching slowly, then sitting down beside me. Keeping my gaze fixed on the sea, I paid the person no attention.

Until the person spoke in a sultry, bedroom voice, "Hero of the Marines, or should I say Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp? I'd like to get to know you better..."

At the Same Time



'MOTHERFUCKER! WHERE THE HELL ARE GARP AND BLACK WIDOW?!' I screamed in my head. Garp wanted to go take a piss for a minute, but he'd been missing for nearly an hour now. I had to take a shit myself, and when I came back, Agent Rodenko was also gone.

'Five goddamn minutes I was taking a shit… is it already too late now?!'