
Marvel : Gene Extraction

Adrian, a regular guy, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel universe equipped with a Gene Extraction System. Watch as his journey unfolds in this extraordinary new world. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters; all rights go to their respective owners. I am simply editing a machine-translated novel. If you are the owner of this novel and wish to have it taken down, please leave a comment below, and I will contact you shortly. English is not my first language, and I edited this using ChatGPT. If you find any mistakes, please point them out. I hope you enjoy it!

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Chapter - 2: Gene Extraction

When Pepper explained the situation to Adrian, he finally realized his current predicament.

He finally remembered that he had become the younger brother of Tony Stark after crossing into this world.

He was Adrian Stark, the illegitimate child of Howard Stark.

Although Howard Stark's story in the Marvel universe didn't involve any illegitimate children, Adrian found himself in this unexpected situation.

Occupying 20% of Stark Industries, Adrian wondered about the implications of being Tony Stark's younger brother.

"Why are you always causing trouble? I brought you here to help, not to fight with you" Tony Stark scolded Adrian, nursing his bruised eye.

"It's not my fault that you're so secretive. Besides, you've been eyeing me since last night," Adrian retorted, feeling guilty.

"Rubbish! I would never stoop so low, especially not with someone as unappealing as you," Tony shot back.

"So, if I were more attractive, you'd be interested? Tony, you've got some serious issues," Adrian replied.

Tony Stark was nearly speechless.

"Forget it, let's move on. Tomorrow, there's a weapons briefing in Afghanistan. The Afghan military wants to buy equipment from Stark Industries. Originally, I was supposed to handle it, but now that there is a black spot in my eye, you have to go with me," Tony informed Adrian.

"It's time for you to step up and make your mark. Despite being an adult, you haven't fully taken on the responsibilities at Stark Industries. You have shares in the company, and now's your chance to prove yourself. Your home is here, after all," Tony Stark remarked, glancing at Adrian.

"An Afghanistan weapons briefing?!" Adrian's eyes widened in shock. "Is it about the new Jericho missile series?"

"Indeed, it seems you have some knowledge after all," Tony smiled.

"Please don't tell me to go," Adrian pleaded.

He vividly recalled the events when Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists during his trip to Afghanistan for a weapons briefing, resulting in his capture.

While there may be slight variations this time around, the core plot should remain unchanged. Despite not possessing Tony's level of importance, Adrian still belonged to the Stark family and held shares in Stark Industries. So, the outcome was all but certain.

"Why are you resisting coming with me? Adrian, are you content with things staying as they are? You need to help me handle this; It's a big deal, we will go together tomorrow, If you don't go, I will freeze your bank card," Tony Stark pressed Adrian, his tone firm.

"Seriously? You're resorting to threats now?" Adrian retorted, though uncertain of the funds in his own bank account, he knew Stark industries value was considerable and if he really holds 20% stake in Stark Industries, he would indeed be a billionaire, given the company's substantial value and profitability.

"You can think that way. Even though you're already an adult, you're aware of my capabilities," Tony Stark remarked with a smile.

"Fine, I'll go," Adrian relented.

Tony smirked. "That's the spirit. If you don't go willingly, I'll freeze your bank account anyway."

"What a threat!" Adrian muttered under his breath, knowing that Tony had the means to carry out his threat.

He then stood up and proceeded to make his way towards the gate.

"Adrian, where are you going?" Tony Stark asked subconsciously.

"Going out for a walk" Adrian said without looking back.

As Adrian left the room, he pondered his situation. Regardless of whether Adrian decides to accompany him or not, Tony is now his brother. Although Tony managed to escape the captivity using his Mark I suit, Adrian couldn't bear the thought of him getting hurt. His best course of action was to prevent Tony from going altogether, but that would be easier said than done.

Tony Stark was stubborn once he'd made up his mind.

After some contemplation, Adrian left the villa. Tony certainly enjoyed his lavish lifestyle, living in this luxurious seaside villa.

Suddenly, Adrian felt a strange urge overwhelming him. His gaze fixed on an ant on the ground, and before he knew it, he picked it up and swallowed it.

"What's happening to me?" Adrian exclaimed in shock.

He had no desire to eat ants, yet he couldn't resist the urge.

"Ant gene detected. Extract abilities?" suddenly a mechanical voice echoed in Adrian's mind.

"Golden Finger!" Adrian's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, it seemed that almost every transmigrator received a Golden Finger.

Without hesitation, Adrian agreed "Extract."

"Ant gene extracted. Proceed with fusion?" the mechanical voice continued.