
Marvel : Gene Extraction

Adrian, a regular guy, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel universe equipped with a Gene Extraction System. Watch as his journey unfolds in this extraordinary new world. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters; all rights go to their respective owners. I am simply editing a machine-translated novel. If you are the owner of this novel and wish to have it taken down, please leave a comment below, and I will contact you shortly. English is not my first language, and I edited this using ChatGPT. If you find any mistakes, please point them out. I hope you enjoy it!

Shredder_ · Films
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Chapter - 15: Attack by Terrorists, Part 2

As Adrian issued his orders, a large group of heavily armed terrorists appeared in the distance, approaching their location. Among them was a burly, middle-aged man with a big beard, leading the group.

The terrorists moved swiftly, their objective clearly the destroyed car. As they advanced, their faces bore sneers, confident in their imminent victory.

Most people wouldn't expect anyone to survive such a violent bombing, and even if they did, their fighting ability would be greatly weakened. So, the terrorists approached confidently. Although they still used some tactical manoeuvres, they were noticeably more relaxed.

Seeing the situation, Adrian didn't need to give any instructions. The experienced black-suited bodyguards held their fire and waited for the attackers to get within a certain range before making their move.

One of the black-suited bodyguards with a sniper rifle shot the middle-aged man with a big beard, a high-ranking leader in the terrorist group. His eyes widened in disbelief as he died.

This man who just died was the one who captured Tony Stark. He initially threatened Tony to make missiles, and when he didn't cooperate, the man tortured him by dunking his head into a bucket of water.

With the death of the bearded man, the other black-suited bodyguards opened fire. They used submachine guns, rocket launchers, and grenades, launching a full-on assault on the advancing terrorists. Although the terrorists were prepared for some resistance, they were quickly overwhelmed by the fierce counterattack.

But they had only anticipated some scattered resistance, never imagining the intensity and ferocity of the counterattack they faced. Submachine guns and a barrage of grenades made it seem like a premeditated ambush, with the defenders lying in wait.


"Charge, shoot them, kill them!"


A series of orders echoed from some of the terrorists, prompting them to retreat along with their comrades. They realized that facing the black-suited bodyguards and other defenders was not a situation they could easily handle.

Adrian's arrangement of these black-suited bodyguards for them proved to be more than mere decoration.

Each of these bodyguards are definitely elite of the elites in their field of work.

Although there are only 16 of them, but these 16 bodyguards successfully fought off dozens of terrorist attackers without losing anyone. Their precise shooting and tactical skills were on full display as they continued to take down the terrorists with impressive efficiency.

"These terrorists seriously attacked us, as Adrian warned. And, damn, some of the weapons they're using are from Stark Industries. I don't recall ever selling weapons to terrorists." Tony observed the black-suited bodyguards engaging the terrorists and expressed his concern about the situation.

"Please, Tony, can you not be so naïve? Isn't this a normal thing? Even if you don't sell things to terrorists, there are still others who do, whether it's the black market or some of the other higher-ups of our Stark Industries affiliates. They can facilitate such transactions." Adrian said with a ugly expression.

"This…" Tony 's expression darkened. He swiftly retrieved a gun from his pocket and began firing at the terrorists who were advancing towards him.

Tony fired three shots, each hitting its mark and instantly killing three terrorists. It was his first time taking a life, but his precise shooting demonstrated his skill with a firearm.

As the largest arms manufacturer in the USA, he extensively tests all kinds of weapons before designing and producing them, allowing him to make necessary modifications and adjustments. Therefore, his shooting ability is naturally formidable.

As Tony fired his shots, Adrian observed his precision shooting and decided to follow suit, drawing a gun from his own pocket and attempting to fire at the terrorists. However, despite the sound of gunfire, He failed to hit any of his targets. His lack of experience with firearms became evident, as he had never handled a gun before and lacked the necessary skill to aim accurately.

"Hahaha, man, your marksmanship is really terrible. Did you ever practice shooting before?" Tony teased him about his shooting skills.

As he laughed, a bullet suddenly whizzed past Tony's location.

"Don't get distracted if you want to stay alive."

In a split second, Adrian sensed the danger through his spider-sense and swiftly pulled Tony behind a nearby rock, narrowly avoiding the incoming attack. Without Adrian's quick reaction, Tony would have been shot in the head.

"Shit" After seeing the attack Tony cursed from behind the rock.


"Every time you buy drugs, you are financing murders."

- Captain America.


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