
Marvel: Elysium (Old)

As You all know, A guy gets killed in a fantastic way Meets God Reincarnates with Gifts becomes ridiculously OP Turns the entire world into his plaything cause he knows no one can hurt him Please Note, It has been rewritten under the name/ Elysium [Marvel] === === === here's my Patreon for those who like the book and wish to support my work ko-fi.com/5imply_lucid

king_frosh · Films
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130 Chs

Chapter Ten(10)

Immediately I got to my room, I started to rearrange in to create some space for the new equipment I was about to create. I didn't have many things in the first place and my room was mostly empty so with the exception of my bed and the wardrobe by the wall. My room was basically empty, removing some of the unneeded things, I created enough space for my new set up.

"Now as for you, you are going away" I said as I picked up the laptop and kept it on my bed for now after all I still had some files on it that needed to be transferred.

After that I reached into the Resource dimension and pulled out a book and repeated until I had a pile of books sitting in front of me. Most would be asking what the pile of books had to do with the computer and drawing set up I wanted to create. These books were the most advanced and normal books, one could find on computer hardware and how to create them. If I am going to be creating a computer along with its accessories then I want to create the very best and not just leave it to the metal to choose what it would become. The books looked like something that would take me days to finish but unfortunately for whoever was thinking that, I was fast and at the same time, I had the generic superpower, Perfect Recall. I can remember everything clearly even if it wasn't my main focus in that situation.

Taking a deep breath, I began my reading or in better words, my memorization because I am not reading to understand at the moment, I am reading to put everything in my mind then take my time and understand later. Within two hours, half of the pile was gone despite the fact that some of them were as big as encyclopedias. It was moments like this that I am thankful I decided to take the Primagen crystal. A few hours more and I was done with the entire pile as I closed my eyes and started to replay the past few hours of my reading again in my mind, this was simply done to make me understand better. Perfect Recall and Enhanced Intellect was a dangerous mixture, The Movie and the series; Limitless showed exactly how powerful this combination can be, with perfect recall, you hardly forget anything and with enhanced intellect then understanding those things you see becomes extremely easy.

"Okay, let's do this" I said as I jumped up with an excited smile on my face. In the words of Eddie Morra, I knew what I wanted and exactly how to get it or even better, I knew what I want and I could make it with a thought.

I reached into the resource dimension and pulled out a soccer ball- sized ball. The ball was completely white in colour and was as hard as concrete and possibly even more so than concrete. This was Transformium aka Cyber Metal aka Living metal, whichever you prefer but just know that it was what the Transformers are made of. A metal….. sorry, turns out, Transformium isn't exactly a metal so it would be better to call it a material that can be controlled by thought alone…. As long as it isn't already in use by another being.

Looking at the ball in front of me, a smile appeared on my face and I immediately enforced my will on the ball sending the detailed image of what I wanted to the ball and immediately the ball disassembled itself forming tiny perfect cubes that then reformed themselves into a laptop that was slightly better looking than the old one but it was nearly identical in every way. Transformium is capable of transforming into anything the user can think of as long as said thing is within the confines of science within said universe and I just turned it into the greatest computer the world has seen. I can't say the Universe because the Celestials, Galactus, the Progenitors etc exist, these are all beings that have taken the term technology and brought it into the realm of the gods. The Progenitors, the weakest amongst the above-mentioned, was capable of creating Quantum computers that were as small as molecules.

Now to really make you understand how powerful that is, Quantum computers are computers that even the least powerful is as powerful as the world's current fastest supercomputer. I don't exactly know how many Qubits these Quantum computers have but a quantum computer can only be considered a full quantum computer if it surpasses the 100-Qubit mark meaning that the Progenitors were able to create 100-Qubit quantum computers that were as small as molecules but that wasn't all. Their entire home, the World Farm was a giant computer as each molecule on it was a Quantum computer, that was just on a whole different level. An entire planet that was nearly as big as the sun where each molecule is a 100-qubit quantum computer.

Even Stark Industries only had a 79-Qubit Quantum Computer at the moment and that was groundbreaking for the entire world but just a single grain of sand from the World Farm held more processing power than that. The laptop I had created didn't have such ridiculous processing power but in terms of processing power, this baby would fuck Quantum Stark, a thousand times over. It had processing power equal to a 100,000-Qubit Quantum computer, I know how to create the Qubit processors and I had access to a material that can transform into anything I want. There was no real reason to limit myself to normal levels, the only reason I hadn't taken it to ridiculous levels was because I didn't know how the Progenitors had made their World Farm.

The Laptop was a hybrid in the sense that it utilised both Qubits and normal bits. Quantum computers can not be used the same way regular classic computers could but I wanted something that could keep up with my speed so I made the laptop a mixture of a powerful Quantum computer and a classic computer. This was achieved by simply making the Qubit processors do the work then feeding their calculations to the classic processors which then perform a final calculation to give me an answer that best suited what I wanted, not the exact process but it is similar in a way. With the laptop done, I placed it down on the bed beside the old one then reached into the dimension again and pulled out a much smaller white ball which I turned into a flash drive with near unlimited space or at least a large amount that wouldn't be used up anytime soon.