
Chapter Eighty-Nine(89)

In a particular room in this large degenerate space, three people could be seen simply sitting in their boot drinking.

"Okay, I have to ask, does this thing actually affect you in anyway?" The male amongst them asked while looking at the girl who was sitting towards his right and pointing at the bottle sitting on the table before them

"Okay that's it, I'm done" the girl replied in a fed up tone

"Gali… Gali, it's okay, I'm sorry but I'm just curious after all, you are made mostly of energy" James said to apologize

"Okay, just because I am made entirely of energy in my true form doesn't mean that I can't shapeshift, I am nigh-omnipotent after all… well at least according to Paris" Gali replied as she tried to answer his question as patiently as possible

"What does that mean" Emma asked confused, she had no idea what they were talking about, she knew that Gali was James's P.A from day 1 but their discussion at the moment was flying over her head.

[In simple terms, Miss Frost, Gali is an alien and a being powerful enough to create her own universe with ease] Paris suddenly explained

"Oh….. oh! Does that mean you're a god?" Emma asked Gali when she realized exactly what that meant

"To some races, yes but still James what exactly are we doing here, you don't like places like this so why?" Gali asked

"To collect information" James replied

"What sort of joke is that, you log around an Omniscient device everywhere and you come here to collect information" Gali asked surprised by his answer

"That is precisely why I need to gather information like this, She has to consider every decision, every word, sentence etc she makes so it doesnt result in a terrible future hence why for now, she is limited to just not telling us anything until said topic comes up or she feels it is right to know that" James explained the tiny limitation that Paris had even though said limitations didn't matter much

"Oh…. That doesn't make sense then it destroys the purpose of having an omniscent helper, she is basically holding back all the information we may find useful" Emma said

[No, you are understanding it wrong, I tell you what you need to know and when you need to know it not what you want to know, same thing but massive difference] Paris explained

[The Winter Soldier has been awakened] Paris suddenly said

"Who's that?" Gali and Emma asked at once

"Let me guess, he's to kill me right" James asked with a laugh

[Well… not exactly but it is related to Elysium's higher ups]

"Should I be worried?" James asked straight up not wanting to play any mind games

[No, there is no universe or timeline where he succeeds though I would say you would need to intervene at some point if you don't want him dead]

"Okay just keep an eye on Aunt Mary, she's pregnant, her mother box would protect her and her husband but I don't want to take chances with her for now"

[Will do] Paris replied then became silent

"So that's the end of that, it just ends?" Emma asked

"What ends?"

"James, one of your family members is about to get assassinated and you aren't even worried about anything"