
Chapter Eighty-Eight(88)




The screaming suddenly turned as the man's expression changed from that of pain to a blank face. He looked as emotionless as anything can get but his struggles remained though they had lessened significantly


"One….. Freight car" the man finished reading and the man was now completely silent and still

"Good morning Soldier" the man said as he dropped the look on the tray beside him

"Ready to comply" the man in the chair replied in Russian

"Good, the Supreme One shall meet you now" the officer said as he turned and started walking out the door

The man followed behind him as they started navigating their way through numerous hallways and passed by several squads of soldiers. Soon they arrived in front of an office.

"Come in" a slightly deep voice said in a thick Russian accent, hearing the command, the officer stepped out of the way as he stood watch by the door and the man entered

"Ze winter soldier" the voice said again as the man entered only to find himself facing a desk and sitting behind it was a man in what seems to be a skull mask.

"Yes, Supreme One" the winter soldier said as he saluted

"I have a mission for you, simple assassination" the Red skull said as he pushed forward a document

"Elysium?" The Winter Soldier asked, slightly confused

"I thought America and the governments of the world would do what they do best and solve this small issue but they have proven to be incapable. This is your target, Kill her and Elysium falls" Red Skull said as pointed at a picture in the file

"I will" The winter soldier replied as he picked up the file and left the office to begin his duties. He needed information.


A week Later,


A man in a fancy black suit steps out of a luxury car along with an accompanying woman as they walk into a fancy bar. The two made their way straight to the bartender who was standing behind the bar.

"What can I help you with sir" the bartender asked

"Yes, the usuals please" the man responded

"Follow me" the bartender said as he led them into a private room then left them to their own devices.

The Man seeing him leave, walked to the small bookshelf in the room and shifted a few of them around and soon a secret passageway appeared. It was a typical English secret passage, the two stared at it for a little while before they entered the passage

Soon the two found themselves inside a large space filled with several poshly dressed people, naked and half naked women and men walking around everywhere, the entire place was a cesspool of degeneracy.

"Come on" the man said as he dragged the woman along as they found the way to their destination while passing by several not so private rooms filled with people doing all manner of things.