
Marvel : Creating games for fun

A story full of twist and turns. We can't also forget about misunderstandings. What would happen when a person gets a power to create a too real games. -If you expect something from me ,then don't expect - ( I am not joking ) It is also my first story so expect a lot of mistakes

SkeletonHunter1 · Films
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7 Chs

Marvel : Creating games for fun - Chapter 1

In a small room with gray painted walls and only one small light bulb lamp on the ceiling .Sat a boy that looked to be around 12-16 year old.

He had short dark-brown hair and two blue eyes.Except him there was nothing in the room that would stand out.After a while he opened his eyes.

After looking around for few second ,he again closed his eyes.He had no idea where he was or why is he here. In such situation he tried to remain calm.The room that he was in was without any doors or windows ,there wasn't even a switch to turn off the light .

He only know one thing - the light is too bright for him.He tried to remember if he did something that lead to this situation but something happened while he was thinking.

The light turned off. He wasn't really suprised by that ,because he already come to conclusion ,that he was in some kind "Saw" game.

There was no other explanation for a person to wake up in a room without any exit. Could there be other people that are trapped in similar rooms to my ?

If someone really is forcing him to play death game ,then he should prepare mentally for horrors that about to come.

He started to think which part of his body has the bomb or could it be ,that the light is somehow connected

to the morse code and he needs to solve it to escape before he sufficate to death by lack of oxygen.

He waited for the light to start turning on and off ,so he can try solving the morse code .

No wait I should wait for tv to appear ,so I will at least know what kind of game he is playing .He waited and waited and nothing happened.

Just as he was about the say something ,he remember that usually in such situations there could be a beast released into the room while he couldn't see it ,so he remained quiet.

He remained like that for about 5 min before he got bored and laid on his back to sleep. At least he will die without worries in his sleep-Too bad that light turned on again.

Slowly standing up to see if something changed ,he saw that a computer was lying on the ground with mouse and keyboard connected to it.

He didn't see any cables that would connect computer to any source of power ,so when computer turned on he was kinda suprised.

He laid on the ground so he can see computer in front of him and waited for the kidnapper to appear on the screen.

But after 1 min of no scary face popping out on it ,he decided to see if he can use it. After using mouse to click on the black screen ,he saw line of text that said :

[ ! Welcome lost soul to Marvel Universe ! ]

[ Would you like to know more about Marvel Universe ? ]

[ ! YES ! ] [no]

At first he was confused but slowly over time he started to think ,that he could be actually in Squid Game or Hungry Game show.

After reading it ,he had to choose 'no'. After all if it was really that important then there wouldn't be option like 'no' .He also didn't want to see anything bloody ,so he clicked 'no'. The screen turned black the moment he clicked no and another option popped out.

[ Are you sure about your decision ? ]

[ No ] [Yes]

After reading that ,he become confused because why would someone place options ,like 'no' and 'yes' to such question. He decided to click 'No' ,after that he was again back to previous question.

So he chose no again and then he chose Yes. He just wanted to see if option 'No' lead to something different.

[ As you already know after watching the tutorial ,you need to make games and earn GP and MP and more such stuff - good luck ]

He was confused there was no tutorial or such thing ,it only asked if he wants to know more about marvel world ,which he already knew about because he watched movies and read comics.

He didn't really care anyway ,so he started to see what ha can do on this computer.It has only one program that has (M) icon and after starting it ,there were only three options.

[ Create Game ]

[ Shop ]

[ Dark-Web ]

At first he was confiused why would he need to make game but then he saw Dark-Web and come to weird conclusion ,that they are forcing him to make a death game.

That was actually something new for him ,kidnapping a person and then forcing him to develop death game for other people and maybe force him to play it with them.

First he clicked shop option which showed a lot of categories ,in short it was like eBay. After surfing a bit he concluded that it was a real deal ,because he can tell that people used this - he could tell by looking at products that were on sales.

'I guess ,I need to collect money after winning a round of death game ,so I won't starve'

He then went to check Dark-Web it was nothing special.

He could see a lot of forums and other information that had nothing to do with illegal activites althought there was black market ,but generaly over 60% of the stuff that was there wasn't much special.

Information that was there was such as 'Is Bigfoot real' , 'How old is Roberto Nihiwic' and even 'How to earn a lot of money fast'.

He guess that if he tried to ask for help on it ,he will be killed by his kidnappers who are probably watching. Some sites wouldn't even load for him or even somehow crash. So he went to his last option [ Create Game ].

[ Create new Game ] - [ Edit Game ] - [ Collection ] - [ Hacks ] - [ Quests ] - [ Shop ] - [ Options ] - [ Exit ]

When he saw so many options he clicked Exit and went to surf some more on Dark Web before dealing with this ,he really didn't know if it is right to creat a death game. Is he going to become a murder ?


[ Galaga Guy's POV ]

In the Marvel word where Avengers didn't yet form ,on flying ship Helicarrier base of S.H.I.E.L.D. There were few people that were confused.

They intercepted some kind of communication signal for few second but soon lost it. After that they couldn't find it again ,so they tried to decipher the recording of it.

After a lot of time of running back and forth they found nothing. They didn't want to give up because it could be something very important.

It could be message from aliens or even a secret code from remains of Hydra. That is why they decided to spend most of their work hours on it.

They even got permision from Nick Fury but it didn't take long for the project to shut down.

It was concluded by World Security Council that their departament shouldn't waste time on useless stuff and should stop trying to decipher it.

So it was counted as "wasteful programs" and everyone had to go back to doing their job.

But not everyone was happy with this development ,one of such people was agent nicknamed 'Galaga Guy' .

He was S.H.I.E.L.D. technician who didn't like how World Security Council shut down one of his friends projects.

Although he couldn't really do anything to change WSC decision .It is not like if he could to change it he would try .

After all he was too busy with playing Galaga. He was working really hard on the job.

He was really bored from playing the same game. He really wondered if a new game will come out. After all creating games is very dangerous and hard

because there are so many hackers out there (and in the S.H.I.E.L.D.) who are killing the games before they even start ,that is why even thought new anti-hacks systems exist ,online games are non existing.

There are hardly even single player games out there because they don't really bring that much profit ,if only people stopped pirating games then gaming industry would actually improve ,

but it is impossible for that to happen unless there was game out there that was 100% anit-hack proof.

After I finish job for today ,I should see if there are any interesting games that I missed.


After looking thru Dark-Web and collecting random information such like 'bees are faster form of transport than horses' I decided to finally check Create Game option for real this time.

I decided to check every option from last to first and see what they do. After doing exactly that ,I could conclude the following information. Most of them are locked...

I mean [ Options ] - [ Edit Game ] - [ Collection ] - [ Hacks ] - [ Quests ] - [ Shop ] are locked so I can't do anything with them ,my only option was [ Create new Game ].


[ Slot 1 ] - ( Change name )

-Choose the pre-made genre of the game and start creating your own game

-To add more elements to the game you need to spend GP

-If you want for your game to have special elements that will have impact on real word ,you need to spend MP

-After you create game you will need to pay with R$ to relase it in real world ( you can chose more than 1 platform ,but you will need to spend more R$ for that )

-As this is your first game ,you will be forced to make a Single-player game with the following budget [500GP],[0MP],[200R$]

-You will also get 150$ to buy food or other things for your room ,after you finsih your first game.

-Good luck.


Why are they talking about choosing the pre-made genre of the game ,when they are forcing me to make death game for a single person ,which is probably me...

Most of the stuff here really needs a better explanation ,I mean what is 'GP' or 'impact on real word' .Do they want to show ,how I struggle to survive in my own death game to the word ?

They are also telling me that if I won't make one ,I will starve to death...

Although by getting that 150$ I won't need to worry about a food for a while ,I wonder how will they deliver it to me.

Also 'you will need to pay with R$ to release it in real world' ,does this mean that other people will be forced to also play it ,but I guess they won't be trapped in the room forever ,unlike me.

So until I live ,I will have to create death games for the psychopaths that kidnapped me ,who will later force people to participate in them. If I die does this mean that no one else will have to suffer ?

No wait! How can I be sure that they won't find someone else. Until they live nobody is safe.

I decided I will create easy to beat death games ,so people won't have to die ,I will also try hiding a hidden messages asking for help.

Although I have no idea what to write in them ,so they won't become too obvious.

But first I should try creating my first game ,I even have a good idea for it. I will create it so it will be very similar to the existing games ,so people will know how to survive.

That is why my first game would be something that is famous and there are not too many ways to die. It is called "Poppy Playtime" . I will probably do only chapter 1 because it is short and easy to survive.

Lets get started:

[ Slot 1 ] ----> [ Poppy Playtime ] - ( Name changed)

> [ Please select genre for this Game ] ----> [ Horror ]

> [ Please design map ] : { Terrain } - { Items } - { Living beings } - { Add special effect } - { Character } - { Behavior } - { Vision } - { Lights } - { Material } - { Copy/Paste } - { Saved } - { More }

...This is going to take a while. Lets go Terrain and chose buildings ,oh this works like building in Sims let's recreate it then. At least they are no limitations for now...

After working on it for few hours I started to become hungry ,thirsty and tired but I knew that I can't stop because I won't get money until I finsih this game.

The only things that I understand and use are 'Terrain', 'Items','Lights','Material','Copy/Paste','Saved' .

Terrain allows me to easily change terrain. Items allows me to add props and items such as grasping hand (blue and red),lights allow me to add light,Material allows me to add from what something is built.

Copy and paste allows me to copy and paste, and save allows me to save the progress.

I don't want to touch character because it forces me to create how player will look like ,which is in my opinion pointless because there was option {Player will look the same ,as in real life}

I still dont want to touch Living beings while Vision is too complicated for me.

The Huggy Wuggy was made by using items {I had to desing him myself} while by adding special effect I could add that he will bleed + he will actually move on his own.

Of course I added forced behavior for him ,so players will be able to escape from him .It won't work only when something unexpected happens then he will do everything what he wants.

The only annoying part was that I had to design Menu and recreate it from my memory like everything else. Everything should be the same or at least the same as in original.

It even has the same description as in the game.

"The story revolves around an ex-employee of the toy manufacturing company Playtime Co., that has been invited to return to the factory after the other employees have gone missing. "

This game also had 4 main items that should help players ,although I have no idea how to mark them ,so players will have to collect and use them without my help.

They are (Cat-Bee ,GrabPack ,Yellow Key ,Power Circuits).Of course I didn't forget about the tapes I added them because if my kidnappers were to find one of my messages for help they will just ignore it.

And because of that there are 6 named tapes and two charred ,which are my messages for help. Okey I am getting more thirst ,so I better check it one more time to see if everything is okey before relasing it.

Okay let's go {Save} and lets click release it now.

[Would you like to release Poppy Playtime ? ]

I clicked yes and waited for my money to come ,so I can finally eat something.

[You didn't pick platform on which it should be released]

...Where do I pick it ? At this point I stoped caring about any more details ,I just wanted to finish this and eat something .I went to look for it but I couldn't find it for 10 min ,until I found something in 'More'.

> < Vr game that recreates all senses in human body > - ( ! When you chose this option you won't be able to pick other options - it will be only avilable in stores that sell VR games !) -(Not Advised)

I guess that will do it - at that time I didn't know that such decision ,would have catastrophic consequences.

[To release Poppy Playtime you need to pay 840Gp and 550R$]

Is that for real !? I really wanted to cry ,should I delte some stuff... such as tapes .NO! I can't ,if I were to delte something now then I don't know if something won't become broken.

My only option was to look thru { More } option. The more I looked thru it the more I become confused ,because there were some options that weren't there which actually gave GP ,R$ .I guess because I picked VR.

So I picked three which are as follow.

> < Players won't be able to leave until they finish the game > < Gives 250R$ >

> < All the damage in the game ,will be the same as in real world > < Gives 400 GP >

> < It becomes real > < Gives 300 R$ >

I picked the chepest ones. Althought I think the first one means ,that person who plays that death game won't be able to cheat ,like break the door or window and escape. I picked that because I doubt that my kidnappers would actually let someone leave alive when they stumble onto death game .

The second option ,I guess they are talking about not fixing the objects such as walls or items when someone breaks them ,they will probably fix them after the game is over. Althoug the second option would be good ,if not for the fact that I had to choose first option.

The option three is probably talking about Huggy Woogie ,they will probably try creating such monster instead of just making a robot .I have no idea how the hell they want to do that.

Which leads to my saving 60Gp and 200 R$ ,not a lot but at least that is something. I still wonder why would they give me money for making the game harder... Never mind I can already guess.

With the rest of R$ I can select from where people can get the game. I can only pick low price VR stores that range 180-200 R$ they are the cheapest ,so only in them people can watch or get the game ? Do they want to select their victims in such stores ? Too much complicated information ,I guess I will ignore such details for now ,after all I am in hurry.

I selected the store with price 200R$ named "Epic Vr Games For Fun". After choosing it ,the option that I was waiting for very long time finally appeared. And that how my saved 200 R$ turned into 0 R$.Oh I almost forgot to release it.

[Do you wish to release Poppy Playtime ?]

I clicked yes and waited for some kind of special effects ,but to my disappointed there was only message [Game Released] .

I really expected special effect, after doing this whole death game thing.Oh well time to finally eat something. Let's save some money so I won't starve ,should I save supplies so if I wake up in Poppy Playtime ,I won't have to worry about staying there for the night. Let's hope that people who watched or played that game will be selected as players.

While he was confident in the decision he made ,he wouldn't find out about consequences until very late. After all such game never existed in this Marvel world.