
Marvel : Creating games for fun

A story full of twist and turns. We can't also forget about misunderstandings. What would happen when a person gets a power to create a too real games. -If you expect something from me ,then don't expect - ( I am not joking ) It is also my first story so expect a lot of mistakes

SkeletonHunter1 · Films
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7 Chs

[ Chapter 6 : Vr helmet ]

In a small room ,with gray painted walls and only one small light bulb lamp on the ceiling .Sat a boy in front of computer ,silently screaming.

Except him ,there was only computer with mouse and keyboard ,and VR helmet that was kicked to the side.

'Why is this like that ,oh why!' - Everything began 5 min ago when I woke up from my shock. At first when I realised that the so called death game ,that I created isn't a death game ,I was shocked and confused.

I mean ,why would someone force me to make a death game ,if it won't be a death game. Everything was like in SAO ,there was no log out button ,you could feel touch and smell and other similar things.

It was too real ,that I even thought that the world inside game was real and not a game. I thought that ,I died for real but I only died in that game and not in the reality ,without any lasting damage .

Even the burns and bruises are nowhere to be seen. Only now that I look into my first game 'Poppy Playtime' more deeply ,I can see why everything was like that.

The option 'All the damage in the game ,will be the same as in real world' ,didn't really bring damage from the game into reality. But it made is so ,that the damage in the game will be like in the reality.

Let's say you were torn to shreds in the game ,yet when you log out you still will be without any visible damage ,because it was only your avatar ,that was damaged. So you can't really die for real in that game.

And because of it ,if someone's leg were to be pulled out ,it would be possible to see a lot of disturbing details.

I am not sure about the level of pain one could experience thanks to it but I am sure that without it ,it wouldn't be so bloody .

That is why that Gala guy wound was so bloody real. Next annoying option ,was 'It becomes real'. Probably because of this everything felt so real ,like we were there in person.

It also made everything become close to the real thing ,I say close because I couldn't break the windows or doors .Even when I don't count Huggy Wuggy into it ,there was still a big mess because of it.

Which now leaves me ,with the last option that was the most messed up. It was 'Players won't be able to leave until they finish the game' .Probably because of this everything broke and become such a mess.

Next time I won't pick any more options from { More } category ,because there they are way too unpredictable. Even if I know their name ,I don't know how will they work in details .

Although they give GP and R$ ,I should still not use them and remove them from the game ,for safety reasons if I were to misunderstand ,how one of them works again.

But now I am facing another problem. - 'What does it mean ,that the game is broken and I need to pay 840Gp and 550R$ again to rerelease it !?'

It wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that I am broke. That is why I tried to look for a way to fix it without paying.

When I opened the only program that was on this computer and clicked create game ,I could see that 'Shop' option ,was unlocked.

In it ,there were even more option.

[Bank] - [Upgrade] - [Game Shop] - [Contacts] - [Information] - [Exit]

And as I could expect ,[Upgrade][Game shop][Contacts] were locked. When I tried to check the [Information] ,I was welcomed with a small explanation of how does it work.

In short I need to pay with the real money to even buy information. The minimum price that I have to pay even for useless information is 5$ ,which is a daylight robbery.

When I tried to see how much would it cost ,for knowing the real name of Gala guy ,I was shocked when I saw the cost.

It was 5.000$ ,I wonder why even such thing cost so much. - 'Is his name very special or what ? Could he be a very important person but why would it cost so much ,even for knowing his name?'

I wanted to play with it more and see how prices vary for different information but I wanted to check [Bank] option first.

After I opened it and scanning thru it ,I could conclude it worked as my bank for all my different currencies. There were sections for GP - R$ - MP and even $.

When I checked $ ,I was shocked that I only earned 48$ from selling that game. After I looked into in more ,I could see that only 12 copies were sold for 7$ while the rest were confiscated.

I was shocked for a bit ,because I had no idea that I can earn money from releasing games. Although I was happy ,that I can earn more money that way but soon I realised that something was not right.

'Why after selling 12 copies for 7$ ,I only got 48$?' - I tried to look around to find the reason why and soon found an 'more details' option.

The next moment when I clicked 'more details' ,I could see that I had to pay tax ,that is the reason why I only got 48$.

'...Are the guys who kidnapped me here ,for real ? Actually I am now even more confused with this whole death game thing. Do they want me to make normal games or what ?'

I really needed time to organize my thoughts and find a logical explanation for my situation.As I tried to distract myself from my thoughts I checked GP - R$ - MP .I could see ,that I only have R$ in reasonable amount.

Except R$ ,I am not only poor with all game points but also with real money. I really need to find a way to earn a stable income of real money ,because I have no idea how can I earn more GP to create another game.

If I don't create game ,what will happen to me ,will I die from starvation after I ran out of money or will the guys who kidnapped me dispose of me.

I really need some money just to make sure that I won't starve ,if I don't earn more money in the future. When I was slowly falling into depressing thought ,I saw a VR helmet at my feet. After which I had a brilliant idea.


In an dark office ,there was a bald man with eye patch ,wearing black coat sitting in the middle of the room on the chair behind the desk. His name was Nick Fury ,the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In front of him is agent Phil Coulson ,who was telling him how the operation 'The Rubber' went.

"As we are still dealing with the aftermath of this incident ,we still can't send any reliable agent to the Bermuda triangle location ,only after we dealt with the aftermath we will send someone."

"Any suspicious activity ,while we were busy dealing with this game ?"

"No ,Sir .We still have no lead ,of who really was behind this incident. I already asked the victims about ,what happened in it but it will take some time ,before we could figure out what it was all about."

"Hmmm...Did any casualty occurred ,if yes then explain how they died."

"The good news is that nobody died but there are seven people with mental trauma ,who have not yet recovered ,one of our agents is included into that"

"We should deal with them and make sure that none of them will talk about this incident. Find a good excuse for what happened to them ,without raising any suspicion."

"I have one more thing to tell ,before I will go to deal with them. It is about how ,the game doesn't work anymore.

We tried to do a few simple tests but it gave no results ,so we can only estimate that the whole program of that game should be already erased.

We estimate that ,everything that was connected with that program should be gone. "

"If everything went as planned ,which it probably didn't. So make sure to monitor if it appears again on the market and if it does then take it down.

The remaining game boxes even though they are harmless now ,we should still put them into the storage area."

"Should we do anything more ,with it at this moment ?"

"...We should also appoint some trusted people ,to deal with finding information from the recording that we got. If that is all then-"

"Also mister Stark wanted to know-."

"Deal with it."

"Yes ,Sir."


In a hidden facility ,there were people moving from one machine to another. In the middle of this room ,there was placed a Vr helmet on a small metal stand.

Many cables are connected from it ,to various machines on which people worked. If one looks closely , one could see on them a logo 'A.I.M.' on the people uniforms .

In a high room that was overlooking everything that was happening there ,stood a figure of a man. His name was Marcus Kevan.

He wanted to make sure ,that everything is going without problems. One of the people ,which was overseizing them ,noticed him and came up to him ,with worried expression on his face.

"Mr. Marcus ,we didn't expect that you would come personally. We thought that ,you will send someone else again."

"I don't have time on this .I came only here to ask if ,it is possible to salvage something more from it ,than what we already have .Something that would be more ground breaking."

"I think it is impossible ,the Vr helmet already become a worthless piece of junk but we are still trying to see ,if we can get something else from it."

"With what we got right now ,do you think that your project could be more important ,than Aldrich Killian project ?"

"I know that he is still busy with his project ,although I don't know the exact details but I think his project is more profitable than ours."

"...How can we reverse this situation."

"If we really want to reverse this situation ,then we would need more such things as this helmet."

"How did you get hands on it ? Did you leave any trails that would track back to us ?"

"...No ,I am pretty sure that ,Aldrich Killian won't notice what are we working on. He is too busy with his own research."

"I am asking if someone else ,other than him would notice what we are doing ."

"N-No ,it is impossible that someone would notice that."

"Make sure that every person that is working or will work on this is trustworthy. Finally a chance has appeared for me to gain power and I don't want to miss it ,because of your subordinates."

"Don't worry Mr.Marcus ,we will make sure that the profit will be worth the risk ,that we are taking."

"How do you even want to make money out of this Rotin. Do you really believe that you can sell something like this to someone ,without sounding crazy?"

As Marcus pointed his hand in direction of one the machines ,which is a giant glass tube connected to another machine. In which ,there was a very tall blue figure ,with early big smile.

Although it was motionless ,one could still feel like it is looking at you even if its eyes aren't turned to you.

"...You would be surprised ,what military wouldn't buy. And even if not them then ,I still have some connections that would be interested in such things."

"I don't care ,if you don't show me anything that would interest me ,then I am cutting of the funds for this project and by that shutting it down."

"D-Don't worry ,we will 100% get something that is interesting very soon."

"If not then I will throw you out of my facility. Even if you rat on me to Aldrich Killian ,I won't die not before you."

"Y-Yes ,don't worry."

As Marcus Kevan was slowly walking away ,the Rotin who was showing worried expression on his face to this moment ,had a cold look on his face.


In a dark room ,that was only illuminated by weak dark-red light ,sat three figures on couches around the table. On the table ,there are unknown white powder ,poker chips and playing cards.

One could also see a lot of cigarettes laying on the ground ,mixed with liquid from broken bottles. In such environment ,three figures were playing poker ,while they listened to the music.

Every time one of them tried to say something ,they would laugh . Finally after some time ,one of them managed to say a full sentence ,without laughing.

"So ,did you know that games spread violence?"

"Oh boily ,how could I not owly that. I am so oily to the point of ponly."

"HAaaha...at least don't bash someone head ,when he is on the red carpet. After all ,what you did just now was an act of spreading happiness ,not dirtying carpet movement."

"She at least didn't spill it on us. Hahahaha-"

"Oh uily ,it was just onrly one timly. Next timly I wily not spill blodly on the capet. - Pbbbbbffffbbbtt"

As the figure said that ,it stuck out its tongue out in direction of person who was sitting on the couch ,that was between the coaches on which the other figures were sitting.

Only after some time ,did they stopped saying illogical stuff and stopped laughing at everything.

"So ,what did you do with the VR helmet that I bought ? What kind of crazy psychopathe did you find and how did you manage to sell it to him? Tell us more ,I also want to know about it."

"Haaaa...Nothing special ,I was more looking to make money ,than to do the usual thing. Although he is a bit special but not enough for our standards hehehehe."

"Oh ,so yoily didn't founly anything better ,so yoily picked him among toily"

"Hmm...yes and no. I picked him also because ,I know that I can earn a lot of money easily from him."

"But we didn't get that much money for that VR headset ,we got less than a million."

"I meant that he will give us more soon. We just need to wait for him to call us again."

"Will it be fun !"

"Yes ,it will be fun ,after all getting rid of symptoms is pointless ,unless you get rid of the cause first."


"Ahahaaa. Soon very soon."

"So what is the cause ,who is behind all of this ?"

"It isn't our problem ,so why should we solve this riddle ? Wouldn't a better question be - why would even our client want such thing ?"

"To do wacky stuff ?"

"HEheheeheh - Yes and No .The fun fact about him is - he can do something that sounds absurd. If he manages to succeed then ,it will be even funnier because everyone will start to move again."

"They won't hidly ? Aren't they litly ccaties ,without the toily the are hopliss."

"Soon ,everything will be explained soon ,just-"

-phone ringing-

"Ah yes ,as times passes everything is becoming even more colorful for us."

"Rainbow ! Rainwob !"

-phone ringing-

"Hehehe...Shouldn't we answer that ? Hehehe...Isn't that our client ?"

"Hahaha...yes I guess we better answer that and start a new game."



Few day earlier:

I was siting happy in front of computer ,because I managed to earn easily 500$ ,for selling that VR helmet ,which I got before. At first I wanted to see ,if I can sell it and earn some money.

And it somehow worked ,I got 500$ so I don't have to worry about food for some time. I feel even a bit proud because I found such loophole and got free 500$.

I didn't even need to create game or risk my life to earn it and the best thing about it was ,that nothing bad happened or will happen because I sold it on Dark Web.

What could someone possibly do with a broken VR helmet that doesn't work.