
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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120 Chs

Oliver Vs The Beyonde: part 4(chapter 83)

prevously in chapter 82

As the minutes passed and fatigue began to set in, the true extent of the battle's toll became apparent. The ground was littered with debris, the once lush landscape now a scarred and battered wasteland. Yet still, the two Olivers fought on, their spirits unbroken despite their wounds.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, one of the Olivers faltered. With a final, desperate effort, the Beyonder unleashed a devastating blast of energy, striking his opponent with lethal force. The duplicate Oliver staggered, his form flickering before collapsing to the ground in a heap.

But even in defeat, the original Oliver refused to back down. He was missing a hand, an eye, and both of his horns and wings, as well as most of his scales and surrounding where pits and pieces of his shell home that shattered by the beyonder, making all of his item disappear into the realm that exited before time, before there was anything. "Any last words?" the Beyonder asked as Oliver stopped laughing. "Well, I wished I could have made Wanda's ring," he sighed before crouching down as he continued to bleed. He couldn't see from one eye as it was missing before extending his only hand towards the Beyonder. "Now, then let's dance, shall we?" The simple action of Oliver made the Beyonder quiet for a second before laughing as he ascended higher up.


Chapter 83

"Fateless, you truly are interesting," the Beyonder continued to laugh as he revealed his true form, which seemed to be a technoorganic green-skinned creature with hands that seemed to be hanging without being attached to the rest of his hand. "And for that, you truly deserve to witness my whole power," he chuckled as he smiled before extending his hand. "Farewell, Fateless," before flicking his finger, which at first didn't do anything before a large force could both be felt and heard. Before Oliver could react, half of his body as well as the space behind, the literal fabric of space, was gone, disappeared, like they never existed, creating a large hole through existence itself.

Through the hole, the stars and universe and everything in space were gone, like something erased everything that was there. "It was a fun fight," the Beyonder said as he returned to his human form while watching as Oliver faded out of existence. Meanwhile, in Oliver's case, his world was going black as he thought, "Huh, so this is how I die," Oliver thought as he faded out of existence. "Guess I won't be joining Goldie and my brothers," he chuckled, mocking himself As the Beyonder was walking away, a blue screen suddenly appeared where two shadowy figures appeared on the screen. "Is it done?" asked the closest figure, as the Beyonder chuckled. 

"Yeah, he's just fading out of existence," the Beyonder said, causing the shadow figure to frown. "You toyed with him, didn't you?" said one of the figure as the Beyonder laughed, not answering the question. "Well, it was fun anyways. Plus, did he really have to die? He was fun to have around. I'm sure if I gave him some time, like a hundred years, he would have some power," the Beyonder mused. The figure frowned. "Enough. You have served your purpose. Where is the sphere?" the figure asked, confusing the Beyonder.

"What sphere?" the Beyonder asked as the figures looked at him, frowning. "Did he not drop a sphere when he died? every system host drops a sphere after death!" the figure asked as the Beyonder looked back. But the figure was about to say something before he stopped himself, sighing. "I warned you, didn't I? I told you not to toy with him and just kill him. Now you reap what you sow," the figure said as the blue screen disappeared. meanwhile, Just outside of the Marvel omniverse or the whole marvel existence, there was a small spaceship, as creatures that lived between stories swam around the ship, where a young man and a young woman could be seen, their features shrouded in mystery. The young man sighed as he facepalmed, while the young woman groaned. "I told you, we should have sent Knull if we wanted the host of the Option System dead. Now we have to do it ourselves," only to get a glare from the young man.

"And I told you, Knull is gone. He has been gone for some time now," before sighing to himself as they stayed in silence. "What about the others? How are their hunts going?" asked the young man as the young woman thought for a minute. "Well, the first already caught one of them, a soul with a dual cultivation system," she said as the young man gritted his teeth. "Of course. And let me guess, he caught the soul because he was fucking everyone and disrupting the entire timeline?" the young man said sarcastically.

"Bingo," the young woman replied, causing the young man to sigh. "I swear, dad only gives the first the easiest hunts, meanwhile we are stuck with a guy with an Option System that can create multiversal-ending weapons, and if given enough time, could create weapons that would pain in the ass to deal in the coming war" he groaned as he leaned back. "What about the second?" he asked as the young woman also pondered for a while, as if gathering information. "Ah, the second was tasked with hunting a soul with an item drop system, apparently the soul was in the new Percy Jackson universe, but when he arrived there, the soul wasn't there, turns out, the soul can dimensional hop. I guess Dad is still mad at him for cucking him by sleeping with his 108th wife, dad most beloved wife" the young woman chuckled, and so did the young man. "Yeah, but then again, the second is heavenly defiantly beautiful. Anyways, what about the 4th and the 3rd?" he asked.

"Well, the 3rd got a soul with a crafting system that was most likely to reside in the Witcher universe, it can also dimensional hop and the 4th got a soul with a sorcerer system in the DC Universe, oh and the 5th got a soul with an alchemy system in the mcu, which i am really fucking jealous off, " the young woman informed as the young man sighed,

"yeah, catching mcu or dcu based souls is easy, they always fuck the timeline and try to safe tony stark or most likely the scarlet witch or black widow, these idiotic fucking souls" the young man could help but curse as he said, "and we are stuck with marvel 616 soul" as he then started to ponder. "Guess that Goldie is learning, by making his soldier hop dimensions to avoid us," he sighed as he went back to what they were doing, which was trying to avoid the One Above All as they tried to find a way to decent to 616 and kill their target.

-scene change-

 Back in the marvel multivlse, where the beyonder stood. something occurred, oliver's system actually appeared on its own.

[Ding!] [It's detected that the host's life is in danger.] [Activating emergency protocol.] [Searching for a suitable action.] [Ding!] [Two bloodlines have been detected.]

[Suitable action found, temporarily merging both bloodlines together… Merging… Merging] [Merging completed. Increase the quality of the temporarily merged bloodline to its highest level conceivable. Error…making qualitative change will consume all available energy and would require hibernation mode to regain energy…requesting permission] [Ding!] [permission granted, process with the change.]

 he stopped as, in a moment, he felt something he hadn't experienced in a long, long time. "Is this… fear?" he questioned himself incredulously. "I am feeling fear… me… ahhhhhh," he started to laugh, turning around just in time to witness the fading Oliver surrounded by a light. Oliver's body melted and reformed together, a fascinating sight for the Beyonder. "You still had something to show me, fateless," the Beyonder chuckled as he watched Oliver reconstruct his body and emerge anew. The transformed Oliver stood tall at 6 feet 4, with lush red hair cascading down his shoulders, his body seemingly creating a robe out of thin air. His skin was brand new, smooth as silk. "Hm," Oliver mused as he became aware of the new abilities he had acquired. "So this is the potential for both the demonic and draconic form after they merge and reach their limit" he thought, completely ignoring the Beyonder's presence.

"Well, this is just rude," the Beyonder commented, appearing behind Oliver, expecting some sort of reaction. "Come on, you pulled this trick before." However, it was Oliver's turn to disappear and reappear behind the Beyonder, who, for the first time in this fight, was genuinely shocked. "Ho-" he began to speak, but Oliver cut him off by grabbing his face and plunging through the ground, descending all the way down to the Earth's core.

The Beyonder teleported out of Oliver's grasp, reappearing on the opposite side of the core, unfazed by the extreme heat. "Fascinating, this is facina-" Before the Beyonder could continue, Oliver interrupted, "Quiet." Literally, the Beyonder couldn't speak. "You talk too much," Oliver said, grabbing the core of the planet, literally and compressing it into a tiny ball of orange light, which he then released towards the Beyonder. The impact sent the Beyonder out of the now-empty core planet, hurtling into the atmosphere and out of the planet he had created.

The planet's surface collapsed inward due to the sudden loss of support from the core, resulting in massive earthquakes and upheavals. With the core gone, the planet's gravitational field weakened significantly before disappearing altogether. The planet's magnetic field, which protected its atmosphere from being stripped away by solar winds, dissipated into space, leaving the planet even more barren and inhospitable. Ultimately, the planet disintegrated into smaller fragments.


Author's Note: That was a lot of lore (gosh, I missed MatPat), which hopefully was clear, along with some info on my upcoming fanfic. Hopefully, with the above information, you can see what I have planned for my fanfic. Yes, surprisingly, I have a plot, although it's not much. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Starting from this chapter on, Oliver is going to clap the beyonders cheeks(pause) and dog walk him. in the mean time. In the meantime, wish me luck because my silly self decided to upload a chapter 1 HOUR BEFORE MY EXAM.