
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Death of The Beyonder(chapter 84)

previously in chapter 83

The Beyonder teleported out of Oliver's grasp, reappearing on the opposite side of the core, unfazed by the extreme heat. "Fascinating, this is facina-" Before the Beyonder could continue, Oliver interrupted, "Quiet." Literally, the Beyonder couldn't speak. "You talk too much," Oliver said, grabbing the core of the planet, literally and compressing it into a tiny ball of orange light, which he then released towards the Beyonder. The impact sent the Beyonder out of the now-empty core planet, hurtling into the atmosphere and out of the planet he had created.

The planet's surface collapsed inward due to the sudden loss of support from the core, resulting in massive earthquakes and upheavals. With the core gone, the planet's gravitational field weakened significantly before disappearing altogether. The planet's magnetic field, which protected its atmosphere from being stripped away by solar winds, dissipated into space, leaving the planet even more barren and inhospitable. Ultimately, the planet disintegrated into smaller fragments.


Chapter 84

Meanwhile, Oliver floated in space, observing as the Beyonder reemerged. "This is quite something," the Beyonder chuckled amidst the vacuum of space, distorting the very fabric around him, only for it to rupture with a single gesture from Oliver. Extending his finger, dark purple flames danced on its tip before being unleashed.

However, the Beyonder mistook this dark purple energy for the harmless butterflies he once conjured. When the flames touched the Beyonder, attempting to transform them into butterflies, they resisted. Instead, they tore through space and time. "What is this? What's different?" the Beyonder demanded, his tone now serious, as Oliver looked on. "What's changed?" he cried out as the flames engulfed him, reducing him to ash. Even upon his return, the flames persisted, consuming his very essence. "What's changed?" he cried out while Oliver chuckled. He continued to chuckle and transform.

His robe turned crimson, adorned with white and golden scales cascading over his body. His skin shifted to a deep blue hue, and horns sprouted from his forehead—red horns that nearly pierced the heavens. His hair and eyes turned stark white. "What happened? Have you lost interest?" Oliver inquired, noting the fear in the Beyonder's eyes, which he couldn't conceal as he began warping reality, conjuring thousands of planets hurtling towards Oliver at unimaginable speed. Yet, each planet disintegrated and vanished, leaving Oliver standing there like a deity, gazing down upon the Beyonder. "Show me more. Unleash your boundless ingenuity," Oliver taunted, goading the Beyonder who summoned a black hole and hurled it towards Oliver.

In response, Oliver conjured an even larger, burning purple sphere that tore through infinite space, striking the Beyonder and obliterating him from existence. Upon his return, it took longer and seemed more draining as he appeared in his true form. "Ah, I understand now. In my hybrid state, I cannot erase you from existence," Oliver proclaimed, his voice resonating from all directions. "Hybrid—what?" the Beyonder was bewildered, but Oliver chuckled as he bathed in light, growing until galaxies appeared as mere specks of dust. The Beyonder was no longer visible, but he too increased in size.

Oliver declared, "I'm growing weary of this," his voice echoing across dimensions as the Beyonder matched his colossal form. Once they reached parity, Oliver opened his maw wide enough to consume entire universes. "Any final words?" he echoed the Beyonder's own taunt. The Beyonder remained silent, channeling every ounce of energy into an attack, yet a single dark reddish-purple sphere emerged from Oliver's maw, striking the Beyonder and unleashing a blinding white brilliance. When the radiance subsided, everything vanished—galaxies, universes, space, time, even the void. There was only infinite nothingness. Oliver, in his demonic dragon form, hummed before reverting to his floating screen state.

[Ding!] [Threat terminated successfully. Entering hibernation mode. Good luck, host, and stay alive.] Before he started to feel weak, Oliver stood there, feeling every bit of strength leaving him. He paused, turning, although his nearly infinite strength was leaving him, he could still perceive beyond time and space. A soft smile graced his lips. "Hey, how are you doing?" he asked, staring into nothing.

"Yeah, sorry about all of this," he said as he gestured to the literal hole in existence. "I hope you and the conceptual being in this existence can fix it, talking about them they are getting close, i don't want to interact with them yet" he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his lush redhead. "Look, this time, don't look for me. I promise I will come back with your ring," he said with a genuine smile as he leaned forward before extending his hand, specifically his index finger, making the gesture as if he were lifting someone's chin. Then, he leaned his head forward. "I promise," he promised before he started to change. His body quickly became battered and bruised, a hand of his disappeared, replaced by a bloody stump where bone was still visible as blood flowed from it. One of his eyes was also missing, not to mention the numerous broken bones.

Before a hole appeared beneath him into which he fell, along with a fragment of the world that the Beyonder had shattered, at least what was left of it and some of his items. As soon as Oliver disappeared into the hole, which was quickly closed by something or someone, as entities appeared—entities such as Celestials, Death, Phoenix, Eternity, and the Living Tribunal. They were conversing in ways beyond any human could, before they disappeared after fixing up everything. that is when Heroes like Wanda, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Star Brand, and Thor appeared, while those who couldn't breathe in the vacuum of space stayed back. "It's here," Wanda spoke, appearing to be in a really bad mood. Some people who knew her would say that she was mad. "Are you sure, Wanda?" Iron Man asked, but a side glance from Wanda was enough to shut him up. Before Wanda released a large amount of her chaos energy, casting a spell.

The spell replayed all that happened, starting from the moment the Beyonder created a space for their battle. "See, I told you this motherfucker wanted to create another Battleworld," Iron Man said as they watched the event unfold, from Oliver using the Peak Sword to cut off the Beyonder's hand, which he regenerated in less than a nanosecond, to him using the Marrow Devourer. "Is he stupid?" Star Brand asked, but no one answered, as if Oliver wasn't up against a Beyonder but instead them. Given what he had displayed so far, they would not have come out unscathed in that fight. Heck, they might have died.

The scene continued until Oliver, with a missing arm and eye, told the Beyonder to come, to when he died. "He fought valiantly," Thor said, at least that is what it looked like to them. Seeing this, Wanda clenched her hand as she watched Captain Marvel approach her, placing her hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry," she said while Wanda calmed herself down. But strangely, the scene where the Beyonder was speaking to the two shadowy figures was not there, as if it had been cut off, leading to just where Oliver's corpse suddenly became shrouded by light before he changed. Wanda's expression turned that into a smile while the heroes sported shocked expressions, before they experienced what they could only describe as a bullshit cartoonish fight.

"What the fuck just happened?" Star brand said in shock, as did the other heroes, but none was more shocked than Star Brand as she remembered when she first met Oliver and how she wanted to attack. "Thank you," she said to Captain Marvel, who nodded. "Who the hell is he?" asked Captain Marvel to Wanda, who herself didn't know how to answer as she didn't have a clue. After they watched the Beyonder disappear into nothingness, they still had shocked expressions on their faces as Oliver returned to his human form, before he suddenly looked in their direction. "Wait, is it me, or is he looking at us?" Stark asked, and Thor replied, "I believe he is, he is looking at us from beyond time" before Oliver walked towards Wanda.

A soft smile graced his lips. "Hey, how are you doing?" he asked as he stared not into nothing but at Wanda, who looked at him with a surprised expression before she looked at the destruction on their sights, remembering the same destruction caused by Oliver's fight with Mjolnir. "Yeah, sorry about all of this," he said as he gestured to the literal hole in existence. "It's fine," she replied to him as he smiled. "I hope you and the concepts can fix it, ?$%?^%^£$^&$% with them yet" he said as he got close. "Would you be alright? You killed one of the Beyonders. They will be coming for you," she said as Oliver sighed, ignoring her question.


Author's Note: Well, for those who are disappointed that Oliver isn't going to be overpowered, I'm sorry because I wouldn't give him something he didn't earn. But don't worry, it won't be long before he attains the same power. In the meantime, I hope you all had a wonderful day.