
Marvel: Angel of Death

What happens when DEATH takes a liking to someone? Read more to find out.

Amon_The_Fisherman · Films
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24 Chs

Class upgrade

[Battle Instincts Lvl. 1: Increases spatial awareness and adaptability to the opponent's fighting style.]

'Just what I expected.'

Brennus added 3 stat points to wisdom and intelligence to boost his Soul Power just a bit. The rest 4 equally went to his vitality and dexterity. Some more agility and health won't hurt.

[Proceed to the next round?]


The shiny Mysterious Box awaited after another win.

This time the barbarian held two short spears stained with the blood of all he slew before.

[Fisherman (Level 11 Barbarian)]

[Main Skill: Natural dual wielder.]

'A dual wielder, nice.'

Brennus clenched the swords and rushed at the barbarian, hacking down the Bloodbane sword. The barbarian joined his spear. The metal and wood clashed. The sharper steel cleanly split the spear shaft and tore open a massive gash on the barbarian's front.

The barbarian retreated and eyed Brennus's sword with a hint of fear in his murky eyes. Brennus gave the savage no time to think. He plunged forward and launched relentless attacks. His opponent tried, but couldn't evade the joint onslaught of two swords. Slashes appeared one after another on the barbarian's thick skin. Already bleeding from the bucket, the barbarian's focus started slipping. The surging adrenaline and his survival instincts worked overtime to reign in his consciousness.

Brennus sped up even more. Once the barbarian consumed the entirety of his adrenaline, Brennus swung the sword in a wide arc, cleaving the barbarian's head off his shoulder.

['Sword Mastery' skill leveled up. Swords now deal 17.5% damage.]

[Round finished.]

[+2750 XP]

[Level up!]

[5 Stat Points received!]

[Reward for 3 win streak: 1 X Mysterious Box]

[Level 10 achieved. Finding suitable Classes…]

[Classes List]

Marksman: Great innate talent for firearms.

Skills: Trickshot, Bullet time.

Light Swordsman: Strength in both light and sword.

Skills: Healing Sword, Exorcism Sword.

Butcher: Admire the art of butchering.

Skills: Cleave, Blood Frenzy.

Dual Sword Master: Inept at handling two weapons at the same time with superb techniques.

Skills: Dual wielder, Twin Sword Arts.

Blood Reaper: Born for slaughter and harvesting blood.

Skills: Shadow Blood, Kill Counter.

"So it's here."

"You can see the skills description by hovering your finger over them," Lady Death said. "I advise you to leave this arena."

"Why?" he asked.

"Evolution, my friend."

Her words piqued Brennus's interest. Brennus's SP hovered between 190 and 200.

"Your body is using that Divine Essence to cope with the building fatigue."

As he concentrated, he felt the energy traveling everywhere in his body.

"I quit."

A portal opened behind him and took him back to the room. He leaned on his bed and carefully checked the skills of every class. The trickshot could bend the bullet midway, and bullet time could boost his reaction speed. Honestly, he felt like this class was useless without a good gun.

Healing Sword could heal his and his allies' wounds by stabbing them with his Light sword. It'd be useless too since Lady Death already told that his Divine Essence could heal. He just needed to experiment more. Exorcism Sword could slay low-class demons. Another thing his race was already known for.


Butcher, now that's where things started getting interesting. Cleave increased his damage by 50% with any cleaver or axe. Blood Frenzy increased his damage proportional to the health lost.

He shook his head at this. He already had the skill and trait for swords. Choosing this will throw all of that into the trash.

'Not this.'

Dual Sword Master increased his skills with the dual-wielding. The twin sword arts were a set of techniques used to counter and parry flawlessly. He could emulate it with Battle Instinct, though it will take some juice out of him. Then again, with the Master Swordsman, he could gain these skills with some effort.


That left only one choice.

The Blood Reaper. The Shadow Blood skill boosted dexterity by 5%, and Kill Counter temporarily increased damage by 2% per kill and 30% at max. A class suited to thin out hordes.

"Duelist or mob killer, which path should I pursue?"

He asked, lost in thoughts. With an influential organization ticking like a bomb on his back, he chose the latter.

[Class selected: Blood Reaper]

[Skill acquired: Shadow Blood]

[Skill acquired: Kill Counter]

He let out a sigh.

[First Evolution criteria met.]

[The process will take place during sleep.]

"Sleep now," Lady Death said gently. "You've done enough on your first day."

He felt like a child being put to sleep by his mother.

"I recreated your body from nothing with my powers. If you look at this from a human's perspective, I'll be called your mother."

Brennus was tongue-tied at her logical explanation. "Sure. I'll take a Cosmic Entity as my mother any time of the day."

He allotted the points to his strength. He was building his character as sufficiently agile and strong (physically and magically) without having a defense similar to a glass cannon.

He opened the Mystery Box. Two items came out.

[1 X Blessed Pendant, 1 X Fire extinguisher added to the Mystic Dimension.]

[Fire extinguisher]

[Item Rank: F]

[A common equipment used to extinguish the fire.]

"Am I supposed to bash heads with it?"

Lady Death only giggled in response.

[Blessed Pendant]

[Item Rank: D]

[A pendant blessed by Mother God.]

[When equipped: HP regeneration +20%, SP regeneration +50%]

This one item made up for the shitty fire extinguisher. He wore the pendant made from brushed pink metal and turned off the lamp.

"Goodnight, Child."

Lady Death was hung up on roleplaying as his mother.

"Alright, Mommy."

He closed his eyes. The mental stress accumulated throughout the day finally showed its effects, taking Brennus into a deep sleep.

[Evolution commencing…]


Name: Brennus

Level: 10 (86.08% to next level)

HP: 470/470

SP: 400/400

Current Race: Newborn Angel

Class: None

Title: Limb Butcher

Traits: Barbarian, Scholar, Cosmic Dweller, Aphrodite's Child, Super Sense, Master Swordsman, Master Smith.

Strength: 50 (+5 from Unholy Vengeance, +10 from Bloodbane Sword)

Vitality: 47

Dexterity: 60 (+10 From Reaper's Shroud)

Intelligence: 40 (+5 From Unholy Vengeance)

Wisdom: 40 (+5 From Reaper's Shroud)

Luck: 25

Stat Points: 0


[Death's Blessing Lvl. Max (Passive)]

[Beyond Death Lvl. Max (Passive)]

[Mystic Wings (Active) Lvl. 1]

[Divine Essence Manipulation Lvl. 3 (Active)]

[Ignore Lvl. 2 (Passive)]

[Telepathy Lvl. 2 (Active)]

[Sword Mastery Lvl. 4 (Passive)]

[Levitation Lvl. 1 (Active)]

[Create Dungeon Lvl. 1 (Active)]

[Poker Face Lvl. 1 (Passive)]

[Battle Instincts Lvl. 1 (Passive)]

[Shadow Blood Lvl. 1 (Passive)]

[Kill Counter Lvl. 1 (Passive)]

Current Quests:

[An Eye for an Eye, a Soul for a Soul]

[The Real Angel of Death]

[The Forgotten Past]

Current Equipment:

[Unholy Vengeance (E)]

[Reaper's Shroud (D)]

[Blessed pendant (D)]

[Fire extinguisher (F)]