
Marvel: All For One

A guy reincarnates in MCU/XMEN with AFO. This takes place in AU with comic elements. (I don't own any character that belongs to MCU or MHA ) this my first time writing . the updates on this fanfic are irregular I am just writing this for fun.

LUCIF3R · Anime et bandes dessinées
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chapter-1 Reincarnation(rewritten)

(Hi guys I have rewrite this chapter by changing of somethings like mc being Born in Xavier instead of being adopted by them and being reborn as Charles Xavier. I have also given him a different name despite being reborn as Charles Xavier. I hope you will like this chapter.)


well, I die due to a Truck that crushed me to death. Now I am floating in black space, it feels like I am floating for an eternity.


I am your average everyday high school student. One day I was going home from school. I was crossing the road and I am pretty sure that I check that no vehicle was coming but out of nowhere a truck came and killed me.

(Flashback ended)

Now I am floating in this black space. I am thinking will I get reincarnated like those protagonists from fanfic? While I was thinking about this a big bright face appears before me." is this god?"I thought.

the big face said, "I am THE god, I was responsible for killing you due to a mistake so as an apology I will reincarnate you with three wishes."

Really! I was very excited to get reincarnated. " Now tell me your wish, "said God

Ok, my first wish is to get reincarnated in MCU with all my memory. Then my second wish is to have all the powers of All for One with without side effects. Now my last wish is to hide my existence from all higher-power beings in MCU.

"Your first and last wish can be granted but I will nerf your second wish. You will get the AFO without the side effects but you will not have all the quirks he has stolen, you can only choose 2 quirks" God said.

Okay, so the quirks I choose are rivet stab and super regeneration.

"Now time to go ", god snaps his fingers.

After that, my mind goes black.

1929, near New York

I try to open my eye, but all I see is darkness. I thought,' I think I am inside my mother's womb. It feels warm I should sleep now.

time skip(nine months later)

I open my eyes due to the feeling of being squeezed. I am finally out of my mother's womb. While I look around the hospital room, a doctor slaps my butt due to the pain I started to cry. I look at him angrily and thought' You fucking pussy, I will definitely take my revenge in the future.' 'Congratulations, Mr and Mrs. Xavier it's a healthy boy, ' the doctor said and handed me over to my mother. ' hello son I am your mother Sharon Xavier.' Sharon told me. 'what the fuck! did she just say her name is Sharon Xavier, did I get reborn as the brother of Professor X? While I was thinking, a man came rushing into the room, I think he should be my father. My mother asked the men' Why are you late?' The man said,' I got in a traffic jam. Please forgive me. I am sorry.' the man started to beg for forgiveness from my mother. ' Alright, alright stop begging I forgive you for now, We will talk about it at home. After that, my father asked my mother to hold me. My mother give me to my father. 'Hello son I am your father Brian Xavier.' He moves around the room while holding me. Mother asked him to give me back to her. She started to feed me milk from her breast. After drinking milk to the full, I went to sleep.

When I fell asleep, ROB came into my dream and said to me,' Whats up boy? I have reincarnate you as charles xavier and as a bonus I will also give you his power as well. You awaken your AFO on your fourth birthday. Good Luck boy!

While I was asleep my parents were discussing what name to give me. They decide that my name will be Lucas Xavier. The next morning I woke up, my mother and father were already awake up. When I woke up my father pick me up. After that, my mother said to me,' Son we discuss yesterday night about your name. So your name will be Lucas Xavier, Bringer of Light. We name you that because you have brought light into our life.'

After that, they put me in the cradle. While lying in the cradle I thought about the things ROB told me. According to the ROB, I have been reborn as Professor X. I don't want to be bald and crippled as Professor X.

I want to become very powerful and be at the top of the Marvel hierarchy.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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