
Chapter 05:

[Part 01: ]


As I slowly regained consciousness, I could feel my head throbbing.

'Wow. What did they use to knock me out?!' I questioned myself.

When I finally opened my eyes and was able to take in my surroundings, I saw an unfamiliar, sterile environment.

'Yeah. I expected them to put me in a lab. Like, what the fuck is wrong with these villains' brains?!' I wondered why they all must act the same throughout the genre.

The typical evil lair of an evil scientist: cold steel everywhere, a laboratory full of machines that hummed and beeped all around me, and their creepy lights blinking in a synchronized pattern. I tried to move, only to find that I had been restrained to a metal bed, aka a dissection table, by sturdy leather bindings.

'Noobs!' I thought amusedly. It seemed like these people hadn't had the chance to encounter many mutants yet and didn't know about the capabilities of some of the more dangerous ones.

A door hissed open, and a man, or rather a dwarf of a man, walked in wearing a white lab coat. His demeanor was cold, and his eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and malice. The bastard didn't even say hello. Instead, he started by arranging his utensils, looking through his documents, and finally, after a whole whopping 15 minutes, he leaned in closer to me. His breath smelled like shit.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, subject 002," he sneered. "Let's start with the basics. Who are you working for?"

I couldn't help but smirk, well because it seems they've got Jubilee. Also, all villains ask this question as if it's some sort of customary tradition. "Do you expect me to answer that so easily?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

The little scientist frowned. "No, I do not, but you will," he replied, delivering another cliché line.


I burst into a fit of mad laughter. "Really? That's the best you've got? How about you drop a 'We're not so different, you and I!' next?"

The scientist's face reddened with frustration. He slammed his fist on the table beside my face. "Enough games! You will answer me, or you'll regret it."

I just rolled my eyes. "Yada yada yada, 'You can't handle the truth!' Come on, let's skip to the part where you start twirling your mustache and begin laughing maniacally."

The scientist growled and reached for a control panel, but before he could press any buttons, the door swung open again. A tall, suit-wearing figure stepped in, his presence exuding politician vibes, like a mixture between a rat and a trusty barkeeper.

"What's going on here?" the newcomer demanded, his voice already grating on my nerves. It was the kind of voice people get when they've never received a no for an answer—haughty, with an underlying self-entitlement. He wore a brown suit, his hair gelled slick back, and the dude exuded authority.

"Sir, I was just about to begin the interrogation," the dwarf scientist stammered.

The dwarf's boss stepped forward, his eyes locking onto me. "You think you're clever, don't you? But let me tell you something, Mutant. In the end, freaks like you always lose."

I snorted with laughter. "Oh, this is priceless. 'Freaks like you'? Really? Do you guys have a handbook of racist cliché lines or something?"

The boss's eyes narrowed. "Enough! Trask, break this freak!" he barked. But before the dwarf named Trask could proceed, alarms started blaring throughout the facility. Red lights flashed, and a voice echoed over the intercom: "Warning! Facility under attack!"

The scientist's face turned pale. He ran to one of the computers and blanched even further before he finally gave his command through a microphone. "Sentinels, deal with the intruders!" he ordered, his voice shaking.

The boss grabbed the scientist by the collar. "We need to get out of here, Trask. Now!"

I watched curiously as the two scurried away. I then closed my eyes and focused for a moment, as my head was still throbbing with pain. With a small exertion of my telekinesis, the bindings around my wrists and ankles snapped open. I stood up, rubbing my sore wrists and stretching before looking around. In a corner of the room, I spotted a folder with Jubilee's name on it. It seemed like she was in the room next to mine, strapped to a similar bed.

I moved to the closed door and simply punched it, making it fly off its hinges, and walked down the corridor to the next room.

"Jubilee, what kind of mess did you get yourself into this time?" I muttered as I approached her.

"Oh, it's you?! Thank God," she sighed with relief as I undid her bindings. "I thought I was a goner."

I shook my head, smirking. "You really need to stop getting into these kinds of situations. It's embarrassing for both of us."

As the two of us hurried out of the lab, we entered a corridor filled with the sounds of battle.

"Wait here!" I commanded before I peeked around a corner to see the X-Men locked in combat with a squad of Sentinels. Wolverine was in the thick of it, claws slashing through metal with furious precision.

"This is for AJAAAAAX!" Wolverine roared, driving his claws through the chest of a Sentinel.

My face lit up with a bright grin. "Isn't he the best? We are the bestest of friends!" I turned back to Jubilee just to tell her that, my voice filled with mock admiration.

Wolverine's keen senses picked up my scent, and he turned, eyes wide with shock. "You're alive?" he asked, disbelief evident in his tone.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Shouldn't I be?"

Before Wolverine could respond, a Sentinel lunged at him, and he turned back to the fight, his claws a blur of motion.

'Damn! The guy is a small beast!' I thought as I watched him in action. It shows that he is a master of martial arts; he has no wasted movement, and his animalistic instincts work into his way of fighting rather than hindering him. He has everything: experience, talent, and the training to go with it.

Jubilee and I joined the fray, basically just to add to the chaos. Jubilee's fireworks exploded against the Sentinels, while I used my telekinesis to occasionally give my teammates openings they could exploit to get the upper hand or to get out of sticky situations.

The battle was intense but brief, the X-Men working in seamless coordination—well, most of them. Wolverine was just his usual self—dismantling the threat. Once the last Sentinel fell, the team regrouped, breathing heavily but victorious.

Wolverine approached me, his eyes still filled with a mixture of relief and confusion. "How the hell did you survive?"

I grinned, clapping a hand on Wolverine's shoulder. "I let myself get caught! Those robots' main priority is to catch us, not to kill us, so if we don't fight and surrender, they'll take us into custody. It was the fastest way to find this one," I said, pointing toward Jubilee. "Also, I'm just too stubborn to die."

Wolverine chuckled, shaking his head. "It's good to have you back, bub."

As our team made their way out of the facility, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. I had escaped, saved Jubilee, and reunited with my friends—all while having a good laugh at the expense of the cliché villains. It was turning out to be a pretty good day.

And the most important reason for my good mood is that now I know where the fuck I am! I am on Earth-92131. This is one of the shittier Earths to be on, but by far not as bad as some alternatives.

[Part 02: ]


Our team moved quickly through the hallways, leaving the trashed laboratory behind. The alarms were still blaring, but the sounds of battle were fading as the Sentinels were all but destroyed. Cyclops led the way, his usual cocky grin plastered across his face, while Jubilee and I followed closely, throwing wary glances over our shoulders.

'Damn, they did some good damage to the place!' I thought as I observed the wreckage.

As we reached an exit, Cyclops blasted the door open with a precise beam from his visor. The bright light of the outside world poured in.

'Finally, I was getting sick of this dim and artificial lighting of this shitty lab,' I thought happily.

"Let's move!" Cyclops shouted, motioning for everyone to exit quickly.

Outside, the scene was even more chaotic. Smoke billowed from parts of the facility, and the remains of destroyed Sentinels littered the grounds. The X-Men fighting outside regrouped in a clearing, catching their breath and checking on each other.

"Everyone okay?" Storm asked, her eyes scanning the group.

"We're good," Wolverine growled, still catching his breath. "Thanks to the new guy here."

I merely shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for helping those in need."

Beast, who had been helping clear a path through the facility, approached with a serious expression. "You guys need to move. The reinforcements will be here any moment, and we can't afford to be caught off guard."

Cyclops nodded. "Alright, team. Let's get out of here."

As we were making our way, I noticed that Beast did not follow us but instead returned to the facility. I sidled up to Wolverine. "So, what did I miss? Why is Beast not following us?"

Wolverine's jaw clenched. "Don't ask me. It's the Professor's idea."

I looked at him, more shocked than anything. Why would we leave behind one of our own? "But why?!"

No one gave me an answer, so we all focused on getting away. I couldn't just open a portal because the guys arrived with the Blackbird, and now we needed to use it to get away the same way, or leave the thing behind, which would be simply wasteful.

Jubilee, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, finally spoke up. "Ajax, how did you end up here? I mean, how did they catch you?"

I sighed. "Honestly, it was on purpose—a combination of bad luck and a lot of arrogance on my part. While we were looking for you, we got ambushed, and I decided to stay behind to give the team a chance to escape. I got caught. Thought I could take on a few giant robots on my own. Turns out, they're tougher than they look, and they outnumbered me."

'And I haven't mastered all my skills yet,' I thought silently.

Cyclops turned to me as we continued to move. "We're just glad you're okay. We thought we lost you both."

I grinned. "Takes more than a bunch of overgrown tin cans to keep me down."

As we neared our extraction point, a familiar jet roared overhead. The Blackbird descended gracefully, its landing gear extending as it touched down in a nearby clearing. The ramp lowered, and the team quickly boarded, securing themselves for takeoff.

Inside the jet, the atmosphere was a mix of relief, exhaustion, and worry. I simply plopped down into a seat, stretching out and relaxing for the first time since waking up in the lab.

"So, what's the plan now?" I asked, looking around at my new teammates.

Cyclops, sitting in the pilot's seat, turned back to address the group. "First, we head back to the mansion. We need to debrief and figure out our next steps. We still don't know who was behind that facility or what they were planning."

Storm nodded. "Indeed. There are too many unanswered questions. We need to analyze the data we collected and prepare for whatever might come next."

I leaned back, closing my eyes with a smirk. "Well, I have some information. One of the scientists inside the facility was named Trask. This might be a helpful clue, but now can someone please explain why Beast stayed back?!"

The Blackbird lifted off, and the team settled in for the journey back. As we flew over the landscape, my mind tried to process the information I got from Cyclops. It seems the Professor decided that we need to make ourselves known and that we need to make a case in front of the public to showcase that we are no threat if not threatened.

'What an idiot!' I mentally cursed. Aren't the past few hours a clear indication? There will be plenty of challenges to make that fool's dream an impossibility, and the most severe one is human nature.

Humans don't even like other humans! What about mutants?! They look different from them, and this alone gives them enough reason to ostracize us, but I'll see how this plays out.

As we approached the mansion, Wolverine clapped me on the shoulder. "You know, bub, it's good to have you back. I need to see you in action. Meet me in the Danger Room after everything is settled."

I laughed. "Are you sure, Logan? I won't be going easy on you."

He smirked. "I recommend you don't."

The jet touched down, and the team disembarked, greeted by the familiar surroundings of the X-Mansion. I had been through quite a lot in just less than a day! Marvel is just a different kind of world. I don't think these people realize it, but they're thrown into chaos over and over again.

'Also, I don't have to stay with them as I am technically not a mutant! I have the X-gene, but it is in a dormant state, and I am using my templates for now.' I contemplated my options. One big advantage is that I don't have to work, and I get free food and lodging, but a disadvantage is that I am pulled into the X-Men's shit.

As we stepped inside, I saw the Professor in his hover chair alongside Jean Grey, and they both looked at me awkwardly.

[Part 03: ]


As we entered the mansion, Professor Xavier and Jean Grey were already waiting for us. The Professor's intense gaze immediately focused on me, a mix of curiosity and concern evident in his expression.

"Mr. Freeman, I need to understand your abilities and intentions! I feel as though you have been hiding a few things from me," Xavier said, his tone firm but not unkind.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure, Professor. I wasn't quite upfront with you, Sir. I have a mixture of powers, including telekinesis, telepathy, and portal creation. As well as some martial arts skills. And as for my intentions, I'm here to help, find a place to call 'home,' and have a bit of fun along the way."

Xavier leaned forward in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You must understand, Frank, that trust is crucial within our team. We need to know if you're with us for the long haul or if you have any ulterior motives."

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "Look, I'm not here to betray anyone. I was brought into this mess by circumstances outside of my control, and now that I'm here, I might as well make the most of it."

Before Xavier could probe further, Wolverine stepped forward, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Enough talk. Let me test what the boy can do, Charles. Follow me to the Danger Room."

Without waiting for a response, Wolverine grabbed my arm and pulled me along. The rest of the team followed, curious to see the showdown.

"What the hell?! It's not 'follow me' if you literally pull me to the place!" I thought.

We entered the Danger Room, a high-tech training facility equipped to simulate any environment or combat scenario. The metallic walls and advanced machinery hummed with energy, ready to facilitate our battle.

"Alright, kid," Wolverine said, rolling his shoulders. "Let's see how you handle a real fight. No powers, just pure martial arts."

I smirked. "You got it, Logan."

The fight began, and Wolverine came at me with a flurry of punches and kicks. He started with moves I recognized from Karate, but I effortlessly dodged, drawing from my knowledge and skills from Ancient Ogre and Shang Tsung to evade every strike. Despite appearances, this fight wasn't easy; Wolverine put me on the back foot with relentless attacks. However, I remained calm, redirecting his force with subtle movements. The longer we fought, the more I got the hang of it. Moves that were once familiar became my own, awakening a dormant part of myself.

The team watched intently from the observation deck, murmuring among themselves. Cyclops crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "He's holding his own," he admitted, surprised.

Realizing I wasn't an easy target, Wolverine growled in frustration and unleashed his claws with a snikt, the adamantium blades gleaming under the harsh lights. "Alright, let's see how you handle this."

I continued to dodge and weave, occasionally using my telekinesis to make Wolverine stumble or redirect his attacks. "Come on, Logan. Is that all you've got? I expected more from you."

Wolverine's eyes narrowed, and he pressed harder. Despite his efforts, I remained unscathed, even managing to throw out quips. "You sure you're not getting rusty, old man?"

Finally, Wolverine paused. "Get serious, Ajax."

I grinned savagely. "You sure about that?"

Wolverine nodded, his expression deadly serious. "Yeah, I'm sure. I want to see what you can do!"

I shifted my stance, my demeanor changing. "Alright then. Let's do this."

Using my telekinesis, I propelled myself forward with incredible speed, closing the distance between us in an instant. I landed a precise punch to Wolverine's throat, knowing that suffocating him was one of the few ways to slow him down. His healing factor would kick in, but it would take a moment.

The impact sent him stumbling back, gasping for air. I followed up with a series of swift, powerful strikes, targeting his pressure points and weak spots. Despite his enhanced durability and healing, Wolverine was struggling to keep up.

"I can't break your bones, and punching you will hurt me more than you," I said calmly. "But I can still make it hard for you to breathe."

Wolverine, regaining his composure, lunged at me with a feral roar. I met his charge head-on, using a combination of telekinesis and martial arts to deflect his attacks and land my own. The clash was intense, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing through the Danger Room.

"You're good, kid," Wolverine admitted between breaths. "But I ain't done yet."

I smirked, dodging another swipe of his claws. "Neither am I."

The battle continued, each of us pushing the other to the limit. Finally, with a well-placed telekinetic push, I sent Wolverine crashing into the wall, pinning him there.

"Yield, Logan?" I asked playfully but firmly.

Wolverine struggled for a moment before nodding. "Alright, alright. You win, bub."

I released him, and he dropped to the floor, breathing heavily but grinning. "Not bad, kid. Not bad at all."

The rest of the team descended from the observation deck, their expressions a mix of awe and approval. Xavier, in particular, seemed impressed. "You have formidable skills, Ajax. I welcome you to the X-Men. I hope this place will become the 'Home' you are looking for."

I nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. "Thanks, Professor."

As we left the Danger Room, Wolverine clapped me on the back. "You're gonna fit in just fine, kid. Just don't get too cocky."

I laughed. "No promises, Logan. No promises."

"Also we will need to repeat this more often!" the short canadian man says with a savage grin.

Hello everyone,

this is a little pet project of mine! I write it every oonce in a while when I am not writing my current main book

[HP: TheBigBadWolf]!!

If you enjoy it come to my Pat Reon and read it for free.

I will only Post here whenever I have five chapter together.

Ikaru5creators' thoughts