
Marvel - One last sacrifice

In most marvel fanfics MC always gets to transmigrate or reincarnate into marvel universe and knows the future plot. But here, it's one of the many realities where our protagonist is neither transmigrated nor reincarnated. But the part of this universe from the beginning. He doesn't know about any future events. He also faces the unbelievable difficulties and threats just like everyone else. This is the story about how much impact our protagonist Had on the fate of the world and how the story changes from the marvel we knows. So let's see how a boy in the highschool turns into the last wall that protects the earth. After all this is the story about Emergence of guardian of the earth. ---------- hello guys, Author here... By reading the synopsis. you have gotten the idea of where I'm going with this. I want to write a character, who doesn't have a head start like knowing the future or getting things from the system. I'm trying to make a character as real as any other. Soalong with others he will also get surprised by the unbelievable thing and struggle agains the terrible invasions that will occur in future. That's about it. So enjoy reading. ---- note: you already know but I don't owe marvel or even the cover image. so if the image owner wants me to take it down I'm happy to comply.

Blood_God_ · Films
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67 Chs

The regret

Peter was looking in the crowd, his eyes scanning the entrance, desperately hoping to see Ethan's arrival.

But disappointment lingered as Peter failed to spot him among the crowd. Just as he was about to resign himself to the reality of Ethan's absence, the door swung open, drawing everyone's attention. Ethan had arrived. Though some held a tinge of resentment for his tardiness, Ethan paid no mind to the judgmental gazes that bore down upon him. He strode purposefully towards the coffin, his eyes trembling as they fell upon Gwen's lifeless body. Clenching his fist, he gazed at her, taking in the sight before him. With a deep breath, he turned away, his heart heavy with unspoken emotions.

Descending from the stage, the disapproving glances of those around him only intensified. Ethan was expected to offer his own words, as everyone knew how gwe had referred ethan as her best friend all the time.

Murmurs circulated, insinuating that his affection for Gwen had been nothing more than a deception. Unperturbed by the rumors and judgments, Ethan prepared to leave, but a sudden grip on his hand halted his retreat.

"Don't run from yourself again."

The words, uttered freezed ethan on the spot, as they reverberated through Ethan's being. It was gwens voice.

He turned around in disbelief, searching for the source, yet there was no one to be found. But suprise soon turned into something else. A wistful smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he realized she was still watching over him. Gathering his strength, he stoped his desent and returned to the stage, resolute and composed.

Standing behind the podium, Ethan's gaze traversed the faces of those assembled, his voice steady yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I... I was essentially an orphan, but more than that, I was alone in so many other ways. Perhaps I did it to myself, deliberately pushing people away, creating distance. I did the same with her too, but she was persistent one. She refused to let me push her away until she became an irreplaceable part of my life."

A collective hush fell over the crowd as the deep emotions in his voice wash over everyone. Ethan continued, his voice filled with regret. "I was the worst friend anyone could have, while she was the best. More than I could ever deserve. Now that she's gone... I will forever regret not appreciating her more, for the rest of my life."

"I hope, in her next journey, she meets people who will cherish her more than we did here," he concluded, stealing one final glance at Gwen lifless body before stepping down from the stage. Peter enveloped him in a tight embrace, his tears flowing freely as Ethan stood silently, providing solace through his touch.

Side by side, they stood in solemn silence during the burial ceremony. But suddenly ethans blank eyes turned cold as he heard update on task he had given to alice.

"I had found which prison he is going, sir." Alice said.

Ethan's eyes, once blank and devoid of emotion, transformed into cold, piercing orbs as he absorbed the update Alice provided regarding their target's location. With unwavering determination, he swiftly made his way toward the exit, his purpose clear and his heart consumed by a burning fury.

Unnoticed by Peter, lost in his own sea of sorrow and torment, Ethan slipped away silently. The weight of Gwen's loss had crippled Peter, rendering him incapable of reacting to the news that someone had breached the New York prison, ultimately claiming the life of Harry Osborn, the owner of Oscorp Limited.