
Marsil The Mage - LITRPG - Fantasy

Marsil, an unknown man with an unknown past, lives in the Grimrock Silver Mine Prison for three months. He did not know that his future and destiny would change in a heartbeat because of some words from a fellow prisoner named Eval. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/72337/marsil-the-mage-fantasy-litrpg ( Early Read)

GoldFear · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 11 - Decision

Gibson was left alone in his chamber.

Merely five minutes had elapsed since his conversation with Anna.

"Accepting won't harm me," he reasoned.

Handling such situations was second nature to him as a strategist.

He maintained a facade of inscrutability, though Anna's cleverness wasn't lost on him.

"Nonetheless, she's certainly cunning. She's already playing power games, trying to gather allies,"

Gibson reflected, mildly amused by Anna's words.

After agreeing to Anna's proposition, Gibson, through his strategic prowess, managed to acquire certain details about the Grimrock Mine Prison uprising, despite his rank not officially granting such access.

This information unveiled the true instigator of the revolt—a man named Eval, an elderly figure from Broken Rock Island.

The existence of the Sky-North Temple on Broken Rock Island was widely acknowledged among political and knowledgeable circles and was renowned as a bastion of wizards.

This knowledge illuminated many aspects of the situation.

"Eval Morningstar is an elderly resident of Broken Rock Island with ties to Sky-North Temple," Gibson summarized.

"If his connection to the temple can be verified, it would implicate them directly in the uprising," Gibson analyzed.

"While Whiterock City alone can't challenge a power like Sky-North Temple, if they join forces with other factions, the evidence could be wielded as leverage," he deduced.

"The wizards' reactions remain unpredictable, but I'm certain that Sky-North Temple has its own share of adversaries.

Those enemies won't let an opportunity like this pass," Gibson reasoned.

After contemplation, Gibson's eyes narrowed, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"Marsil, the young man, is merely an innocent victim. There's no reason to suspect or involve him at this juncture."

"Indeed, in this harsh world, occasional rays of positivity, like a young, untarnished spirit regaining freedom, are welcome."

Gibson felt a sense of satisfaction stemming from his deductions and resolutions.

Understanding the situation more comprehensively, he began devising the best course of action to utilize the information he had gathered.

Meanwhile, Marsil continued his journey, blissfully unaware of the unfolding machinations.

He realized that the incident and the prison breakout would be investigated, yet he remained oblivious to the extent of the impending escalation.

"Rest is in order after walking for five hours," Marsil concluded.

He located a comfortable spot beneath a towering tree's shade, settled down, and inhaled deeply.

"Who knew walking could be so tiring? Staying on main roads in the past was probably why I didn't experience this fatigue,"

Marsil mused with a gentle smile.

However, at that moment, a sharp pain seared through his head. "Is this exhaustion?" he questioned silently.

Little did Marsil know that his soul was undergoing growth and transformation, shifting into a different state.

Unaware of this profound change, he sat under the tree, his consciousness unaffected by the metamorphosis within.

Grimrock Mine Prison

Lenkas stood within a dim chamber, observing the chained prisoners lining the walls.

His superiors had berated and scolded him in response to recent events. The fallout from these events would likely impact his monthly stipend and income.

"Your duty was simple—work. Yet, you're worthless, pathetic excuses for life!" Lenkas's voice boomed as he vented his anger upon the prisoners.

His awareness of the darkness consuming him was undeniable.

On the right side of the shadowy room, Lenkas retrieved a red whip from a guard's hand and began lashing at the prisoners.

In moments, the room resounded with the prisoners' cries, echoes of suffering permeating the air.

The guards had it coming. It was true that they would have little chance against a mage or a wizard, for that matter.

But it did not mean that sleeping on duty and not showing enough respect to their mission was not acceptable.

It is great that they are only getting punishment in the form of getting whipped on the back.