
Marsil The Mage - LITRPG - Fantasy

Marsil, an unknown man with an unknown past, lives in the Grimrock Silver Mine Prison for three months. He did not know that his future and destiny would change in a heartbeat because of some words from a fellow prisoner named Eval. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/72337/marsil-the-mage-fantasy-litrpg ( Early Read)

GoldFear · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 - Survival and Power

Marsil continued to wait as the wolf circled around him.

"It's unlikely for a lone wolf to attack," he thought. "It attempted a surprise attack, but a single wolf can't stand against me."

He was correct. The staring contest went on for about thirty seconds, and the brown wolf hesitated in its attacking position before turning its back and running away.

"For now, it's more sensible to keep my swords at the ready," Marsil thought. After all, the brown wolf had merely withdrawn; that didn't mean it wouldn't attack later. He couldn't predict its behavior accurately since it was a wild animal.

"Nevertheless, I've learned something once again," he pondered. "In the forest, any carelessness can cost me dearly."

Marsil took a deep breath and continued on his way. He had no map, but he knew that as long as he kept heading south, he should be fine.

First, he needed to get out of the Northern Region, then spend some time in any town, and finally, he wanted to meet Eval's daughter.

"After resolving all these matters, I can return to my original purpose," he thought. "To become a wizard and attain true freedom At the same time, I'll make my homeland the most powerful and comfortable place."

Marsil continued on his journey with hope in his eyes.

Whiterock City, Whiterock Castle,

In a room that was simple yet elegantly arranged, a charismatic middle-aged man with silver hair sat on a luxurious silver leather chair. His eyes appeared strong and serious, occasionally drifting off as he took sips from a glass of whiskey on a nearby table.

"The prison riot at Grimrock Mine Prison may not have caused economic damage, but it has created a dangerous political situation," the silver-haired man thought.

As he was lost in his thoughts, a knock on the door interrupted him.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and a young woman in a beautiful and charming yellow dress entered the room.

"I apologize for disturbing you, Lord Gibson," she said.

Gibson, the silver-haired man, smirked slightly and stood up.

"Lady Anna, you cannot disturb me. Besides, I'm sure your presence would never be a nuisance to anyone who calls themselves a 'man'," he replied.

Anna, the young woman, smiled and walked forward. She slowly sat on the black, long chair in front of Gibson.

Gibson continued to talk. "Would you like something to drink?"

Anna nodded. "Red wine will be sufficient, but I won't stay long, Lord Gibson."

Gibson took a wine bottle from a shelf under the table and started pouring the quality, sparkling red wine into a clean wine glass. At the same time, he asked about the reason for Anna's visit.

"May I know the reason for your visit?"

Anna took the wine glass handed to her, took a sip, and began to speak.

"It has been proven without a doubt that the prison riot at Grimrock Mine Prison was orchestrated by a wizard. We also have a theory about which organization this wizard might be associated with."

Gibson swallowed nervously, poured himself another glass of whiskey, and took a sip.

"Can I have more details?" he asked.

Anna's face showed reluctance. "I'm sorry. Only 4th-level and higher city officials have the authority to know the details of this matter."

"Of course, Chief Warden Lenkas knows the details, as he was one of the discoverers," she added.

Gibson cursed inwardly and turned slightly away.

"I understand, Lady Anna. So, why are you here?"

Anna stood up slightly and took another sip of her wine. Her blue eyes and red lipstick, combined with the scent of wine, made her an enchanting woman.

"You, Lord Gibson, are Whiterock City's fourth-most important strategist," she said.

"Considering this, I might need your help in the future when the details come to light."

"If you support me, you will naturally become a 4th-level strategist and the third most important strategist."

"What do you say? Will you support me?"