
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

What are you doing here?


I went to Marie's house to find out what happened, There were yellow tape every where, The police were still looking to maybe find evidence in the remains " Excuse me, Excuse me sir" I went through the yellow tape and ran to the officer i think was in charge of the case "Young lady you are not allowed in here" He replied and motion for another officer to see me off "I know sir, but i just wanted to know if there were any news" I rushed in saying. The officer asked to see me off paused and looked at the senior officer as if asking if he would like to speak with me "When i am ready to talk to the press i will" He replied and turned his back at me "I am not from the press please, I am just worried about my friend please" I yelled as the officer was pulling me away. He turned around and looked at me, Indeed he saw worry in my eyes "Leave her" He finally said "Thank you josh" He said to the other police man which in turn he nodded and left to give us privacy. I took the opportunity i was given to ask all the question i had "Is there any news?, Is Marie alright? What about her mum and sister? i heard from the news that a body was found, Whose body was it ?" I asked in a rush that made the officer motion with his hands for me to either stop talking or slow down with the questions "Jesus Christ! You might as well be a journalist lady,,,,,, The body we found was not a female's body" The police man which i later found out his name was detective Coley said. "Are you sure? Marie's dad is late and i am very sure she does not have a brother" I said "Positive, That body belonged to a man" He said and i bowed my head in confusion who was this guy there saw in Marie's house "Don't worry, I believe your friend in out there, She is fine and We will find her" With that said detective Coley walked out, this time i did not stop him. After standing there in what used to be Marie's front lawn i walked out. I need to find Marie, Why didn't she come to me? Where is she? All this question went unanswered in my head "Please be okay princess" I muttered a prayer.


"You should stop calling me carelessly" I said to the person in front of me.

"Sylvia almost heard me talking to you" I added "Then maybe you should be a little more careful" He said "Did you handle the problem?" I asked changing the topic because i had no time nor strength to play rights with this idiot. He better prays things don't go side ways or else i will make his life a living hell "My men are on it right now, Before morning she will be history" He said ". Marie can not be spared or she will say what she saw and we can not allow that. "I got a call that her friend went by her house" He said "What friend?" I asked "Diva" He simply said "Oh you mean the one you couldn't handle?" I asked him "Do you think she will be a problem"? He asked instead "Did she mention anything? Anything suspicious?" I asked. We cant just kill her except she knows or suspect something, we can not afford to kill carelessly now. I am close to what i want, so we don't need anything that might draw attention to us, We can not afford that. "No" he said "Then why do you think she will be a problem" I asked him because he was getting on my last nerve -This idiot. "I just asked because you know like you said, No loose ends" H said like the fool i know he is "Don't be stupid, she was there just like any sane person would, But if she shows any sign of suspicion or she does whatever that doesn't seem right, kill her" I said and turned my back to leave, I heard him say "Sure boss" I smiled. I am glad you still know who was in charge.


I was talking to mum on the phone when i noticed someone coming down to the lake like he wanted something. I quickly hid for a moment, I saw him eye searching for me so i followed the pathway i call 'Secret heaven' I discovered it myself. I ran to the main road, This man might be the owner of this place l, I could get arrested for trespassing, I quickly ran looking back occasionally to see if he was still following me. After running for a while, I noticed no one was chasing me so i stopped running,,,,, i sighed in relieve. I could've slept in the police cell and mum would've been worried sick and maybe have another attack.

I got home and found her still sitting by the TV "Shouldn't you be in bed" I said then she turned to me "How could i? when you were not home safe" she replied "Mum, i am not a child anymore okay? I can take care of my self fine, Come on,,,,,get up lets go to bed" I said and helped her up.

I helped Mum to her room then came downstairs to turn off the lights and TV, I noticed Eli's room was a bit open, is he back yet? "Eli?" I called as i opened the door and walked in "Eli?" I called again but no response. I guess he must've forgotten to lock it as he usually did. I was about to turn back and leave when my eyes caught something, I bent down and picked it up. It was a photo of a girl,A really pretty girl, She had curly brown hair "She is very pretty" I muttered "What are you doing here"?! I heard from behind me.







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