
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasy
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25 Chs



Mom was discharged quicker than we thought, Doctor said we should watch what she eats and the kind of movies that she sees -Because horror movies might just affect the heart- He said this because he knows mother loves to watch stuffs like that, I don't think this lady cares for her health.

"What would you like to eat"? I asked once we got into her room " Anything" She said "Because if i mention what i am craving for you'd say you wont make that, So make what you already have in mind for me" She added and i smiled, Its true though, she tends to mention foods that are not healthy for her at all "OK, salad it is" I said and left her to rest. I got into the kitchen and it wasn't the way i left it, It was dirty and It had dishes to be washed too "Eli was here" i said with a sigh. I finished cleaning the kitchen and made mom food. I went up stairs to mom's room "Mom do you want me to bring your food up stairs" i asked "No, I'm coming down" she replied, she never likes when someone eats in their room, she said it leaves the room having various offensive smell. Mom finished eating and decided she wanted to watch a movie before going to bed "One movie" i said "Yes mom" She replied sarcastically and i smiled. I picked the remote "What do you want to watch?" i asked "The house" She said "That's a horror movie" I said "So? i can handle it" She replied "mom horror movies has various scary sound effect that makes the movie feel real, plus you might get scared and have your heart beat irregularly" I reminded her how the doctor broke it down for us back in the hospital "OK doctor put what ever you think is safe for my fragile heart" she said and i put on baby shark "What is this? she asked "Its baby shark" I replied "Baby what?" she asked again "Baby shark, you know, Baby shark do do do do do do" I sang the baby shark song and illustrated for her but when i saw she was not trying to even understand, i changed the channel to -Flawless it seems like a nice movie. I sat with her for a while and when i saw the movie was indeed good i got up "Mom i will just take a little walk" I said to her "OK baby but don't go too far, you know its already getting really dark outside" She said "Sure mom" I replied, Kissed her then walked out. I walked to my most favorite place in the world. Its a lake not very far from the house, The water is green and really clear, i mean very clear you can literally see the fishes. I come here when ever I'm stressed or over thinking, It just works to be in the water, it takes all the worries away, I took off my clothes and got in the water.


I was finally allowed inside. The both of us were inside, we haven't eaten in a while so i contacted one of my friends with one of the nurses phone, I asked her to bring me some cash, She said she will be here later in the evening which is now. "Baby i will be right back okay?" I said to Lisa. I need to wait outside for her because Lisa doesn't like her, To be sincere Lisa doesn't like any of my friends and i don't blame her. I waited outside for a while before she finally came "Babe are you alright?" She hugged me "Yea i am, thank you so much for this Misha" I said to her "Of cause baby, you'd do the same and more for me, so why not?" She said and i nodded. Misha is a really good friend, she just doesn't have the right people around her you know, Its difficult to be sensible when you have friends like....You know? -Me. "How is she"? she asked "She is doing great, but i don't think we can leave today" I told her "Oh so what are you going to do now you don't have a house? I mean you and your family can always come live with me if you like" She said "No misha, we have to leave town" I said "Oh" That was all she said "I need another help from you misha" I held her hand and looked into her eyes "We need to leave the country as soon as Marie wakes up, Our passports were burnt in the fire too,so I need you to ask your cousin if he can help" I asked her. Misha's cousin is a drug dealer, He can ship drugs to any country, This world is more corrupt than we know, All the security have a price "Edwardo has been over the edge these few days but am sure if i tell him its you he will be willing to help" She replied "Thank you misha" I said to her "You are welcome, Here is 300 hundred dollars, its what i have for now" She said handing the money to me "Sure its enough even, Thank you" i thanked her and then she left. I got us food from the hospital cafeteria and walked upstairs to Marie's room. Reaching there i saw a male nurse coming out from the room "Wat happened? is she fine?" I asked him "Yes she is" He didn't even spare me a glance and was walking away -weird. Before i could open the door Lisa opened it so aggressively i dropped the food in shock "Doctor" ! she screamed "what happened?!" I asked but i didn't wait for a reply neither did Lisa wait to reply me, She went ahead to call a doctor, I opened the door wide and saw Marie convulsing "Jesus!" I said and rushed out. I looked down stairs and saw that male nurse. I ran after him "Hey"! I shouted while going after him.


Angela can never be carrying my child, Its impossible. She is filled with lies, that i find it hard to believe a word coming out from her month. My greatest regret is falling in love with such a person, My heart really is not good with picking mates, Maybe i will leave it to my mind now. I drove until i didn't see any more people then i stopped, for some reason this place felt peaceful. I stayed in the car with my head and hand on the steering just thinking about what grand father told me, Why do i have to be in the middle of problems all the time, I just want to get a way from it all, Everything. *Sigh* I stayed still for a while then raised my head up "Where is this anyways" I asked my self again but this time out loud. I got out of the car and walked down into the place that is suppose to be a forest but instead it looked like a park -Well tended to. I walked down till i could see a lake, A really green clear water, I think one can see the fishes in this water very clearly, I walked down more until i felt movement a little bit below me -This place was like a hill and i think there is someone out there, at the far end. "This is a private property?" I asked no one in particular. I saw a lady wearing her jacket with a phone on one hand, She was on call,,,,,Maybe she owned this place.....I said in my mind until she looked up and what i saw shocked me yet again -Another shocking sight. That lady had gray eyes and dimples like mine. In others words that lady was a female version of me, Grand father wasn't lying, This person in front of me was my twin sister "Alexandra".








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