
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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788 Chs

Elbaf Offensive

New World, Wano Country.

A large regiment of fifty ships was sailing at full speed towards the port of the Wano, so loud that even the Sea King class that emerged from the sea fled in panic.

"Is that the Wano? The land occupied by the Yonko Kaido."

"This is a head-on contact between Yonko!"

"The New World, is it going to be wildly turbulent again?"

The pirates on the big ship group were murmuring in distress.

After more than two years of expansion, the pirates under Apophis have filled up a lot more.

However, such strength is still not worth mentioning against the latent terror of the Wano; if not for the leadership of that man, these new pirates do not even dare to approach the sea.

Simultaneously, the pirates stationed in the port of Wano also found the movement in the distance.

"It's a pirate ship, it's a big group of fifty ships!"

"Look at that banner, it's the Yonko Demon Sword Pirates!"

"Just kidding, right? Apophis, who is on the same level as Boss Kaido, is also on board!"

"These bastards, are they trying to start a war with us?"

"Quickly inform Boss Kaido, this situation is beyond our control now!"

The pirates on the port quickly stirred up.

Not only those new pirates in fear of Kaido, but the Beasts Pirates also remembered the same, two years ago by Apophis dominated the fear.

"So panicked, not like the four emperor pirates should have the aura!" Eneru said in a frivolous tone.

"Of course, they are facing Apophis-sama!" Wyper said with honor.

This scene also let those new pirates cheered up a lot and understand their current status; many even think about how to rely on the Yonko pirates' prestige to burn and plunder.

Urouge is looking at this scene with a smile on his face; a group of pirates, the most sinful and restless, are often accidentally caught in the battlefield by the Marine, "Perhaps, this is the dark justice that God's Messenger-sama has said!"

Not long after, the fleet has entered the port.

Apophis stepped down from the main ship with a steady pace, followed by Eneru and others in turn.

The surrounding pirates tramped to stop, but as soon as they met the pair of blood-colored pupils, their inner courage and perseverance would instantly disappear into thin air.

"Stand down, he is not for you to stop." A calm voice came from the sky.

A group of pirates breathed a sigh of relief while also looking up towards the sky.

The vast wingspan seems to cover the sky, and the flame that wraps around the whole body is even more palpitating.

The winged dragon turned into a human form and jumped down from the air; it is one of the three disasters, Conflagration Ember.

"Apophis-sama, big brother Kaido has been waiting in Onigashima." A low voice came from under the helmet, very metallic.

"Not even ask our purpose, this courage, really deserves to be a member of the Beasts Pirates!" Eneru teased.

"If you guys are here to fight, boss Kaido will only be more happy." Ember glances at Eneru with a cold gaze, coldly spit out a sentence.

Eneru helplessly shrugged, not to mention, it seems to be true.


Sure enough, the moment Apophis set foot on the Onigashima, it was a kanabo club that came flying in a whirlwind.

"Apophis, let me see your progress! If you stand still, you will be killed!"

In a sense, the moment you come up to start a fight is worthy of the Beasts Kaido? ... thinking like this, Apophis waist of the demon sword extremely fast cut out.


The violent shock wave will Apophis standing corner of the island directly destroyed, behind the sea is instantly set off an endless storm.

Before they could react to why the seniors were all running away, those inexperienced newcomers were slapped directly into the bottom of the sea by the furiously impatient wave.

The kanabo club was undoubtedly knocked back, and the god-like demon figure caught it violently.

"Hahahahaha! Looks like you haven't wasted these two years!" Kaido laughed wildly and smashed out another stick, the air in the form visible to the naked eye into an air cannon blast out, "Again!"

"The power has grown a lot more than two years ago, really deserves to be a monster among monsters." Apophis's arms are tingling; this body, after all, has died, wants to continue to grow as Kaido is impossible.

The good thing is, his progress in swordsmanship and Haoshoku Haki is not small.

After all, swordsmanship and physical skills are, to put it bluntly, increased use of one's attributes.

For example, according to the so-called online game in the other world, his swordsmanship is to multiply his strength, speed, burst, dominance, etc., by a specific factor and then add it up.

So, although his basic attributes are no match for Kaido, the increase factor can still barely make up some of the difference.

Of course, for this brutal and straightforward world, strength is always the most crucial main attribute.

Back on the battlefield, between the kanabo club and the blade meet, the roar is continuous. The airwave radiates in all directions. The Onigashima that collapsed once two years ago looks like it will sink again.

"Kaido, stop here, I came today, not looking for you to fight." Between the words, Apophis is also a little helpless.

If you don't count Doa Doa no Mi, he is not a match for the other three.

What is this?

The main body is the strongest admiral, and the incarnation is the most watery Yonko?

"Are you kidding? This level, not even enough to warm up!" Kaido stared at Apophis with a pair of bull's eyes wide with anger.

"If we continue to fight, the people I brought will die, they are more or less, can be of some use."

Hearing Apophis' not-so-kind words, not to mention his men, moved even the Beasts Pirates to tears. Finally, a big brother can consider the feelings of scum like them.

Under this level of engagement, not to mention the ordinary pirates or cadre level, even the character of this level of Quinn should think about running away.

"What's there to worry about with something like henchmen?" Kaido said with displeasure.

Sure enough, with Kaido as a comparison, the surrounding pirates only feel Apophis' cold-blooded words have become mild.

"If you really want to fight, I can find a more suitable opponent for you." Apophis put away his demon sword and said calmly.

"A more suitable opponent? Whitebeard or Garp?" Kaido also temporarily restrained his battle intent.

"Neither; it's the Giant King of Elbaf." Apophis blandly threw out a deep-sea bomb so that the surrounding pirates' expressions began to change sharply.

Ember, who flew to the sky to take refuge, whispered to himself, "So, he is trying to unite with big brother Kaido to attack Elbaf."

Jack also pushed aside the ruins and climbed out, excitement in his eyes, "To fight the giants?"

Those newcomers who survived were appalled; they didn't know and didn't expect to play such a big game just joining the banner of the Yonko!

Kaido is a look of disgust, "Just that size is taller than me, but the strength of almost weak to the garbage? Can there be a real strong man?"

Published in Qidian, August 20, 2019

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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