
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

chapter 7

Naruto stretched out his senses, looking for power levels that were stronger than that of a civilian's. He sensed a large group of 'fighters' and he used that word very lightly, in the same place. 'Must be the headquarters of some other group, I'll check it out.' Naruto took off and flew to where the area was. He flew because Instant Transmition was getting boring and none of the Titans where here to see him fly. As if they could even see his full speed. Half way there he realized that hadn't told Terra where he was going. Quickly forming a cross-shaped hand sign, Naruto created a single Shadow clone and sent it back to wait for Terra to return. With that covered he made his way to the Hive Academy.


Jinx, Gizmo and Mammoth resembled half buried corpses as they made their way back to Hive Academy. "Those sleazes never told us there was a new Titan! T-that dirtball Terra!" Gizmo continued mumbling, well; like a little kid. Jinx however disagreed with his statement.

"Guys I don't think she was a member. She never attacked us unless we attacked her. Either she is really green or she is not a member." The more Jinx stated her opinion the more confident she was in her assessment.

"B-but then why was she with them then?" Gizmo responded as he whizzed along in his jetpack.

"Don't know. Lets hurry back, I'm hungry." Gizmo and Jinx exchanged an exasperated look at Mammoth's comment but had to admit that what he said was true. The best they could do was report their findings.

Inside Hive Academy…

"YOU'VE GOT MAIL BITCH!" Naruto yelled as he smashed straight through the wall of Hive Academy. He landed right in the middle of the Academy's training grounds; the place was full of automated defenses. He grinned like a shark as he waited for a fighter to show themselves. He didn't care who the fighter was.

"And who are you?" A cultured voice spoke as an older male made his way towards him. Naruto heard the voices of the teenagers in this building saying the word 'headmaster' a lot. He grinned. 'So this guy is their strongest fighter. Let's see what he's got,' Naruto thought and charged straight at him. Naruto felt like he was moving at a snail's pace; but to the others he was a blur.

Brother Blood was able to dodge his attacks, barely. Weaving out of each and every one he quickly jumped up to avoid Naruto's punch.

Which smashed into the Academy's beehive themed wall. A shockwave was emitted from the point of impact, destroying all the nearby wall turrets. Brother Blood saw that his opponent's right arm was stuck so he went for the chop to the back of Buu's head. But Naruto's arm wasn't stuck. When Brother Blood closed the distance Naruto tore his arm out of the wall. Spinning around he smashed his elbow straight into Brother Blood's temple. A strike like this from a normal human was dangerous; a strike from Buu liquefied Brother Blood's brain inside his skull. And snapped his neck…

And then, there was silence…

Naruto grinned and fired a purple beam at Brother Blood's corpse, turning him into a box of Smarties (God I love doing this, the irony is never lost). He walked ominously towards the box before picking it up and emptying it inside his mouth.

"MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH," Naruto chewed his sugar-coated chocolate delights before swallowing. He looked around at all the petrified kids before he had a brilliant idea: a new game, one that would aid him in choosing a new student. Naruto's grin took looked like a shark's.

"I have a new game that I want you all to play…" Naruto began to power up.

"SURVIVE OR FEED ME!" Buu yelled out before firing a purple beam at a teenager with one eye, turning him into a jawbreaker. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Back with the Teen Titans…

Terra walked back to the Tower with the Titans trailing behind her.

"Dude, she is scary," Beast Boy commented to Robin as they walked back. Well, Starfire flew.

"Remind me not to get on her bad side." Cyborg added as he walked next to Robin.

"She's obviously been expertly trained. Not many people can walk right out of a pile drive by Mammoth. And what happened next…"


"Yo, Blondie, you gonna help your snot nosed friends?" Gizmo flew right at Terra as he asked the question. Terra just looked at him, an evil smile appearing on her face, with only one eye visible. "Attack me and let's find out." Mammoth completely blindsided her, Gizmo was only the distraction. She went flying into the concrete wall of the vault, back first. Mammoth and Gizmo laughed at the new girl they took out so easily. That was until a hole opened up beneath Mammoth and swallowed him before closing.

"You know the best thing about that move?" Terra spoke, her body obscured by the dust cloud. "No matter how strong you are, you can't escape because you are completely immobile." Terra walked out of the dust cloud with no injuries, just a bit of dirt on her clothing. What the others didn't know was she changed the wall she was pile driven into quicksand just before she hit it. Releasing a dust cloud and re-solidifying the wall was child's play. But she'd rather they think that she was far more durable than she was.

"I could simply wait for you to run out of air but you've pissed me off." She held out her right hand, palm out and cupping it as if she was holding a large ball. Her eyes turned a glowing yellow before she swung her right hand up. The piece of the floor containing Mammoth was blasted up, smashing through ceiling after ceiling in the underground vault, disintegrating as it went up. Of course, this meant that Mammoth was feeling every impact.

When Mammoth finally smashed through the roof he was only rising from the momentum; which still carried him fifty feet up. Terra's right arm was now almost vertical when she clutched her right hand into a fist and turned it ninety degrees to a more natural position. In response, all the flying loose rubble formed into a giant stone fist the same size as mammoth, right above him. Felling like it was time for a cheesy line, Terra said, "What comes up must come down!" Before bringing her right fist down and giving Mammoth a giant axe-handle from hell. The giant fist smashed into Mammoths back, sending him crashing down at almost supersonic speeds. The shockwave and impact sent up a giant mushroom dust cloud and registered on local earthquake sensors. Mammoth was out cold from the impact.

End Flashback

Unfortunately Gizmo had taken Mammoth with him as he and Jinx made their escape. But not without a healthy dose of fear for the blonde teen.

When the Titans arrived back at the Tower, Majin Naruto Buu was waiting for them at the lounge. Well, a shadow clone was.

"Terra, Naruto has gone to fight some people, he'll be back soon. I think he was looking for a new student." Terra nodded before asking an obvious question. "What about Raven? Weren't you going to teach her how to control her powers?" Most of the Titans were interested in his answer to that question. Naruto shook his head. "She's not ready yet. She needs to grow a little more." Before puffing away.

There was a very awkward silence after that. "Ah Terra, what does he mean by that?" Beast Boy was honestly confused by her master's actions. "My master is incredibly powerful. So powerful that he seeks out apprentices to pass the time; I was his first apprentice."

"So does that mean you'll become a Teen Titan? Stay on the team permanently?" Beast Boy sounded hopeful.

"Beast Boy does have a point. You have 'graduated' by your master's standards. Why not join the team?" Robin held out a Teen Titans communicator. Terra smiled a true smile before taking the communicator. "Sure, I'll join. But it'll only be temporary. Until Master is finished training his new student."

"Good thinking Terra," Everyone jumped almost a metre in the air when they heard that voice. They looked up and saw Naruto standing upside-down… on the ceiling. His arms were crossed and his eyes were looking down at them, their crimson irises on black sclerae made meeting his gaze unnerving. Although at this point nothing could really shock them about his abilities.

"Where's your new student Master?" Terra asked and looked around, as if expecting a new person to just pop up. "I stored her like the fifty million." No one else would get the meaning but Terra did. She just nodded and asked, "When will you be back?"

Naruto gave her a toothy smile. "Not long, she's already been trained. All I'm going to do is make her much stronger."

Terra sighed. "Another woman master… seriously. Sigh, I'll see you in a couple of months?" Terra was fishing for the amount of time she would be apart from her Master. Naruto grinned and said "You got it!" before using Instant Transmition.

Back with the Hive Trio…

"Dude! What the fuck happened here!" Gizmo would usually get a dressing down by Jinx for his language. But the entire Hive Academy was completely trashed, leaving nothing more than a crater and a few walls. This wouldn't be the first time they had to move and it wouldn't be the last. However they hadn't heard anything on their communicators; not from their comrades or Brother Blood.

Something flew past her at rapid speed. It took Jinx a split second to realize that it was an airborne Mammoth before he crashed into the rest of the ruins, throwing out a large plume of dust. Jinx was shocked at the complete lack of warning. No speech, no announcing their attacker's presence or name. Not even Gizmo's scanners picked him up. Just suddenly Mammoth was just… flying.

She cartwheeled away and finished with a backflip to see her opponent. She saw a boy about their age with golden hair and his fist extended. Suddenly he disappeared and reappeared behind Gizmo with his right leg parallel to his head. Then, in an amazing display of flexibility and strength, brought his leg straight down in a giant heel drop. It broke Gizmo's back, smashing straight through his almost solid steel backpack. Gizmo went straight into shock.

The boy disappeared again and appeared right in front of her, eye to eye. Her vision was filled with the face of a psychotic smile and glowing red eyes on a black background. The feast of death and destruction at the Hive Academy had woken up the Majin Buu in him. It felt pretty good.

Jinx screamed before firing off a massive purple blast that cracked the entire street and sent Buu flying back. Of course that was only because he let her. He wanted to see what another energy user would do when they stared death in the face. She spun her arms and sent to arcs of purple energy at him. They hit him and the building he had crashed into, causing it to crumble and collapse on top of him.

This was what he was after. 'Will you crumble and die from my assault? Or will you grow, like I do?' This fight was really starting to get his blood boiling. Naruto could feel his ki climbing higher and higher in anticipation.

He screamed out his enjoyment for the fight; unleashing his bloodlust. Unknowingly his pupils became slits as the bijuu inside him were woken up by his bloodlust. His ki climbed ever higher. Of course he would have to pull his punches but that didn't mean he wasn't going to beat her into a bloody mess to see what she had.

To the fearful Jinx, pink light started to shine through the rubble before it all exploded. She gasped as she saw her unknown attacker. The rest of the rubble was hovering around him and he was covered in a pink fireball. All she could see was his bulging muscles and spiky hair that seemed to be blowing up from an unknown air current. He lifted up his right hand, palm facing towards her. Naruto raised his head, which had faced the asphalt, and grinned at her with his toothy maw. "Haaa!" He shouted and fired a small pink ki blast at her.

Jinx's danger senses were screaming at her, so she cartwheeled back and jumped up high. She landed on top of a broken wall. The ki blast hit the wall below her and detonated. Jinx was expecting something with the power of Starfire's bolts. Something that would damage the wall but shouldn't harm her unless hit directly. She wasn't prepared for a dome of energy as tall as the wall and a shockwave that caught her and sent her flying. Fortunately the wall had helped in slowing down the energy of the dome so that the shockwave came before the energy dome. Otherwise she would be legless. (This is actually true in DBZ fights. High level attackers firing ki blasts or balls will detonate into large domes before the shockwave hits. This is due to the shear speed of the detonation, which is so fast it consumes its own shockwave for a while. Please note that this only works for attacks that detonate into domes or spheres. Not the ki blasts that just detonate on contact and explode. Of course in DBZ fights walls don't mean jack shit but yah, didn't want Jinx to be legless lolz!)

Whilst Jinx was in mid-air she had an epiphany. 'This is the guy who wrecked Hive Academy. So what chance do I have?' Subconsciously, her body flipped and landed on another piece of rubble. Unbidden, her eyes went first to Mammoth, knocked out quite close to her, and then went to Gizmo, who if survived would be permanently paralyzed. She felt tears coming. 'No I won't give up! Even if I die, it'll be with my friends!' She put her hands behind her, unknowingly forming the Kamehameha pose. 'With my power being bad luck, such a concentrated beam should kill him with a heart attack or stroke.' Naruto had stopped moving and was experiencing déjà vu.

Jinx smiled joylessly, it was time. Purple energy gathered in her hands and formed into a ball. Taking a page from her attacker's book, she screamed "Haaa!" before firing her beam at him. The beam of purple bad luck was as thick as her and came barreling down at Buu. He grinned and extended both hands out to stop the blast. When the blast hit him he was unprepared for the size of its power. In fact, Jinx herself didn't know what she had unleashed. Instead of a ki blast like he had expected, her bad luck powers caught him completely off guard. They attacked him and obliterated his body down to the cells. This was an attack that couldn't be defended against with just brute strength. 'Ha, I did it!' Jinx's thought before she collapsed unconscious. She never saw the pink clouds of smoke forming.

When Naruto reformed he was shocked. Just like that, a girl had almost killed him. Him, the strongest person on this planet, no, the entire dimension. He was almost panicking, however thanks to the calm nature of Minato Namikaze and Buu's near inability to panic quickly calmed him down.

He had a near death experience; but he wasn't dead. What he had learnt from this was invaluable: All energy blasts weren't like ki or chakra. He had grown careless; just because Starfire's blasts and powers were identical to a Z fighters' didn't mean all energy users were in the same this dimension. Raven's powers reminded him of a chakra coat but she too could have other powers. It seemed that he wasn't ready to teach her either.

He reached this unnamed girl; looking down at her form. She definitely wasn't bad looking, but Raven's looks were superior to her in every way. But he would spare her as thanks, and heal her comrade. He fired his own blue beam at Gizmo and healed him. But Naruto didn't keep it going long enough for the midget to regain consciousness.

'No need for extra complications. And speaking of complications its time to get rid of the luggage. I loathe eating helpless children, reminds me of me. ' Naruto spat out a large amount of what looked like black peas, which in a puff of smoke expanded into the entire Hive Academy sans Brother Blood; since he was… well dead… and fully digested. He had his fill of carnage for the day and had learnt a valuable lesson that would come in handy when he jumped to other dimensions. Now it was time to leave and go train his other student. As he walked by he caught his reflection in the mirror. 'What the fuck!'

There, along with the slit pupil in each of his eyes, was one black tomoe in each eye.