
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

chapter 5

Buu and Terra had just walked into a local corner dairy to buy some food and energy drinks. Jump City was a big place so there seemed to be shops everywhere. When the pair entered the store Naruto stood still, looking menacing; whilst Terra rushed to the back of the store where they had the fridges for soft drinks. She quickly bought a bag full of energy drinks before moving on to the essentials.

Terra had long since 'figured out' Buu. Obviously he ate candy as a coping mechanism for killing people. Why else would he eat so much of it? Therefore, following her 'reasoning' she realized she needed her own coping mechanism. She obviously had killed people, although by accident, so she realized that she needed a quirk to help cope. And that was when she tasted the energy drink known as V. Pure ambrosia. And then there was Red Bull and Lift + and Demon and Mother and Angel! All new flavors waiting for her to taste! So energy drinks became her quirk. Of course she never realized Buu might be thinking in reverse, killing people so he can have candy...

As for how he could afford such things and pay for the four-year trip in general, well that was an interesting story…

Flashback (Three weeks into their traveling)

Naruto and Terra had moved to New York to do a job. What kind of job they were doing, Terra hadn't the foggiest idea. But Naruto said it was part of her training. He was carrying Terra piggyback whilst running extremely fast to their destination: residential areas. Terra got the added bonus of molesting – err, holding onto Naruto's chest. Naruto's fast pace quickly landed themselves in a miniature town of middle-class houses.

"You can let go now, Terra," Naruto didn't seem to care either way as he began walking with Terra holding onto his neck before dropping herself off his back. She caught up to Naruto and began walking beside him. "So what are we here for Master?" Terra looked warily at the houses and people all around them.

Naruto began to chuckle evilly. "We are going to…" Naruto dragged it out with Terra hanging onto his every word. "…sell earthquake insurance!"

Terra face planted anime style. "What?"

Naruto just continued grinning. "They most evil people in the world, far more evil than even me. Insurance salesmen! And if they don't pay an earthquake will hit them." Naruto put a particular emphasis on the word to see if Terra would figure it out. She had yet to disappoint him.

"Oh… never took you for the scamming type Master. And this is your way of testing me?"

Naruto nodded. "We need to pay for this trip somehow and you are too young to begin assassinating people."

"ASSASSINATING PEOPLE!" Naruto was grateful that he had moved their conversation to a nearby abandoned park. People would begin to wonder what two twelve-year-old were doing talking about assassination.

Naruto just nodded absentmindedly. Suddenly he had a positively wicked idea, "Just think of it this way Terra. If you fail and lose control, you will be responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. So no pressure." The sarcasm positively dripped off the last statement.

Terra felt faint. 'Sure…no pressure.' Terra started giving Naruto the evil eye. Finally she muttered, "Fucking slave driver…"

This happened to be the first time Terra had sworn in her life.

Naruto grinned and formed the cross hand sign. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto easily created hundreds of clones. In another puff of smoke they changed into different people wearing business suits. "Now go my clones! Go and sell people earthquake insurance! For only $50 initial payment at the door, we will insure you from all earthquakes! You will only need to pay an extra $25 a month after the initial payment!" Naruto was shouting this out loud whilst creating more and more clones that Henge'd into different people. They went door to door really slowly, so that when Terra created an earthquake midway through his speeches every household member would be able to see a seller and get 'easy money'. 'Hahahaha it's the perfect plan.' Naruto was unconsciously rubbing his hands together. Terra took a few steps back from her crazy Master.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Terra could feel the first of many headaches coming on.

10 minutes later…

"You will only need to pay an extra 25 dollars a month after the initial payment!"

Suddenly the earth began shaking around the neighborhood and a couple of cracks appeared in the road. Naruto clone faked looking a bit sweaty, as if he was now regretting his words. Suddenly he was descended upon by customers demanding that he keep to his deal.

At the end of the day, due to a lot of Instant Transmition and repeating the process; Naruto had scammed over a million people. With them now having the capital of 50 million dollars Naruto decided that it was time to bail. That was once Terra had gotten her mouth back up from the floor due to the amount of money that they had made in a single day.

'If I knew it was this easy, I would have started my own insurance company!' Terra thought enviously before Buu grabbed her by her shoulder and used an Instant Transmition to bring them to a cave, where 50 million dollars in fifty dollar bills was stacked in a giant pile. Buu had used Hiraishin to teleport his clones to this place, so not to use up the clone's chakra and have to make more.

'But how is he going to store all those bills? We can't use a bank…" Naruto grabbed his right arm with his left hand. Before her very eyes, he tore it straight off without as much as a hint of pain.

'What the f –' Terra began hyperventilating when she witnessed this brutal act straight in front of her. But then her eyes caught up with her mind. 'There is no blood and he doesn't seem to even feel it. What's he doing?' Terra noted with some fascination that the moment Naruto's arm left his body it turned pink instead of his natural tan colour.

Naruto then threw his arm at the pile of money, only it wasn't an arm anymore. In mid-air it lost more and more of its features and expanded. By the time it reached the pile it resembled a giant pink sheet. It covered the money completely before it began closing up tight like a cocoon. 'It's still alive? What are you Master?' Terra watched as the sheet became a ball which then shrank so fast she almost missed it. It then flew back to Naruto and in mid-air turned back into his arm. When it reconnected with his socket it assumed its tan colour once again. Naruto turned back to look at Terra, nonchalant as you like.

'Wow,' Terra thought before she fainted.

End Flashback

At Slade's headquarters…

'It's time to carry out my plan. I will turn on the worms and sick them on Titans Tower.' Slade turned on the giant mechanical worms from his computer and input the coordinates.

Back at Jump City

Terra made her way back to the hotel where Naruto was staying with her.

She had found it hard to control her disappointment back when Naruto had rented the room and got her a separate bed. 'Damn it, I have special needs! I need to molest his chest!' Terra's blush would have caused the Red Cross to jump off a cliff or hang itself. (Lolz, all these references to tomatoes, wanted to do something original) She walked up some stairs to the Jump City Hilton Hotel. Due to the amount of money Naruto had from the insurance scam he ran with her the Hilton Hotel was chump change. 'But he is getting bored. And a bored Buu is a destructive Buu. Maybe I should convince him to take on another apprentice. Otherwise the Titans will be sent back to their Tower in a matchbox. Oh, decisions decisions.'

Suddenly she felt a rumbling in the ground around the Hilton. A natural earthquake? Unlikely since we're not on a fault line. And it's not me so it must be something large tunneling. I swear if this is Master being bored again I'll –' But her suspicions were unfounded as Naruto walked out of the hotel, shirtless and hot as usual.

Terra wondered what it would take to phase her master and voiced her opinion. "Doesn't anything phase you Master?" Naruto walked towards her and pondered the question.

"Running out of candy. It will bring about the apocalypse. 'Brought about by me, but she doesn't need to know that.' Naruto walked closer and closer to Terra, enjoying how her blush grew in size.

"Really Master, candy!... Err, Naruto, what are we going to do about this?" Terra gestured at the rumbling street and shaking buildings. It was obvious that this was an attack by some sort of villain.

"Let's head over to the Titans." Naruto turned around and began running towards their tower.

Terra only just managed to hold back her groan at him turning away. Then she realized what her Master had said.

"WHAT?" 'Why would we go there?'

Naruto looked back and grinned devilishly. "For entertainment of course!"

Terra grinned, 'Of course', and created a hoverboard from a piece of the road. She should have known her own master's thought processes by now but he continuously surprised her. But, seeking out the Teen Titans for entertainment was definitely him.

Meanwhile the Titans were playing whack-a-mole, only these moles were indestructible and could fly. So not really whack-a-mole anymore.

It was then that Cyborg realized what the target was. "Dude, they're after the Tower!"


Naruto and Terra were standing on top of Titans Tower. One of Naruto's greatest secrets and deceptions was that he could fly. He just felt like keeping it hidden in this world so he caught a 'ride' up with Terra.

"Hmm, they must not be at home. What to do what to do…" Naruto was getting bored, hell Terra was beginning to feel bored too.

Naruto looked up at the sky and saw the moon. It was so round and big… Naruto's stomach growled. Suddenly he had a 'brilliant' idea. 'Could I turn the entire moon into a chocolate dumpling? Mmmm, with caramel in the inside and and and sprinkles on top!' Naruto stood up but just before he could execute his 'brilliant' plan and unleash sweet sugary chaos on the Earth below, three flying worms appeared and started flying around them. Correction, they flew around the tower. Naruto watched as the all linked up into a circle before spinning round and round. He took no notice of the fact that they were shooting lasers at the ground, to him those were just details. What was far more important was how these things resembled a donut.

Terra noticed her master was zoning out again and took it upon herself to solve the problem. That was before she too realized how much the worms resembled a donut. Ok maybe a bit more of Naruto had rubbed off on her then she thought. 'And I want a lot more of him rubbing me off – No bad Terra bad!' And so our two heroes (NOT!) who could have stopped the madman's evil plan were instead stuck in la-la-land. Thus they didn't notice the tower starting to sink.

Finally Naruto decided to end this crime against nature and fired a purple beam at the worms, turning them into a giant donut. But before he could celebrate some laser beams shot out of the ground and cut through the doughnut. To Naruto, it was the sign of the apocalypse. 'I had a perfect giant doughnut and these lasers RUINED IT! SOMEONE'S GOING TO PAY!'

Naruto was getting very angry, angry enough to charge up a gigantic pink energy ball. Robin landed on the roof with them and Terra for the first time realized that they were sinking. 'That just won't do. A gigantic energy ball just loses its effectiveness if the person who created it is sinking. Oh well, here I go!' Terra's eye's glowed yellow and she pushed both hands up, as if she was Atlas holding up the sky. Titans Tower began rising up from the sea. Robin was looking incredulous (do you guys know that this is not a word. Omg this word means to me: bug-eyed; can't believe what you are seeing. If there is an actual word that looks like this one and I have been misreading it then please tell me) (thanks guys!) as Terra raised the Tower by herself. That was before he remembered that Naruto was holding up a ball of energy the same size as the Tower. And still growing. And then he saw the giant doughnut around the Tower and –

'Just close your eyes Robin. All the craziness will go away by itself.' But when his eyes were open nothing had changed.

"You there, boy!" Robin realized he was being addressed as such by Majin Naruto Buu. "Who created the laser beams?" Robin blinked.

"The laser beams were created by Slade and cut through the foundations of the Tower" 'And the giant doughnut. How the hell did that get there anyway? Easy Robin, that's crazy talk.'

Naruto frowned, "Slade hey… Well I better give him his present then." Naruto put his first two fingers on his head and used Instant Transmition. To Robin and Terra he suddenly disappeared. Suddenly there was a massive explosion and a column of pink energy erupted up into the sky. Everyone was staring openmouthed at the sight and thus didn't see Naruto appear behind Terra and pinch her ass. Terra's gasp was drowned out by Naruto initiating a make out session with her back against his chest. Terra was surprised at his spontaneous kiss but she definitely enjoyed it. She wondered why he did it though. Naruto stopped their impromptu make out session and whispered in her ear, "By the way, I may have made a hole in the Earth's crust."
