
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

chapter 4

Naruto charged at the Teen Titans with his right fist cocked back. Robin quickly got over his shock at Naruto's speed and shouted his command: "Titans, go!"

They all charged at him, save Raven; who was still holding Terra against the cliff. Robin was the first Titan to meet Naruto and swung his bo staff at his neck. But instead of dodging it like his apprentice Terra, Naruto caught the bo staff in his left hand and snapped it like a toothpick. He then punched Robin in the chest with his right fist; hard. Hard enough to shatter every rib in his body and send Robin flying away into a boulder, leaving spider web cracks.

"Robin!" Starfire flew up to begin pelting Naruto with starbolts, only for Naruto to blur out of existence. He appeared right below her and reached out with his right hand. He grabbed her by the ankle and, showing enormous strength, pulled her back first into the ground. After smashing her into the ground, he spun around and threw her like a ragdoll, skipping her into a mountain. The impact was so hard that the mountain collapsed on top of her.

"Rob! Starfire! Raaa!" Cyborg shouted and charged at Naruto, firing his sonic cannon as he ran. Naruto blurred out of existence and appeared behind Cyborg. Before he could react, Naruto shot a purple beam at him from his right index finger, turning him into a waffle. (I hope the irony is not lost on people)

Beast Boy transformed into a green tyrannosaurus and chomped down on Naruto's body. Only for Naruto's free left hand to power up a Vanishing Beam and vaporize Beast Boy's right arm and leg. Beast Boy returned to his original form, suffering from shock. A free and unharmed Naruto threw his body away and finally turned to Raven. "And then there was one…" Raven."

Raven was looking terrified at this strange creature, which didn't even have a scratch from Beast Boy biting him. 'He is definitely not human. There is no way a human could have this much of a dark magic presence. Or have no injuries.' Whilst her thoughts were logical, her emotions were not. Rage was building an army inside of her, and Timid was rapidly losing ground.

"You hurt my friends!" Raven looked straight at Naruto, who was surprised to see that her eyes were now red; and she had another pair of smaller red eyes above them. 'Interesting, she definitely has some demon blood in her. Maybe a hanyou?'

"Terra, avenge your loss and defeat her. Otherwise, you shall never acquire the rank of Majin." Naruto said to Terra before sitting down on the ground to watch the show. He made the waffle, which was previously Cyborg, float into his hand. He began munching on the waffle, much to Raven's shock.

"Right Master!"

Raven turned her attention back to Terra. Terra closed her eyes and began to really concentrate. Her eyes began to glow yellow through her eyelids. Then, her whole body began to gain a glowing yellow outline. Finally, she opened her eyes, which were fully yellow and streaming with her power. The entire cliff face that Raven was holding her against cracked. With a groan that rapidly became a rumble, the entire canyon began shaking. Finally, the cliff shattered, along with the entire mountain behind it. Raven only now recognized the danger Terra posed. Every bit of the flat cliff acted like giant flying shards of glass. Terra landed on the flat of one piece, using it like a hoverboard.

"Ahh!" Terra screamed as she pushed both her arms out at Raven, sending the pieces of the cliff face right at her. Raven dodged a few before creating a force field to protect her from the rest. That was what Terra was waiting for. She lifted up the leftover pieces of the mountain itself, each piece weighing more than five tons. Terra took a baseball pitching stance and sent them flying at Raven like the giant baseballs from hell. Raven's force field was pretty strong, but it was not made for this kind of force. It shattered under the abuse, and Raven was knocked out cold by the impact.

Terra flew down to her master and asked the big question. "So master, did I get the rank of Majin?" Terra was bouncing up and down on her rock hoverboard like an exited school girl. Naruto made a great show of finishing his waffle (which had previously been Cyborg) before putting his chin in his hand.

"Yes, Terra, you finally have the rank of Majin."

"Wahoo... Yes... Wahoo!" Terra began flying around the canyon, weaving through boulders and mountains on her rock hoverboard. She kept cheering and yelling for almost two minutes before she finally returned to Naruto. "So uh… Master? What do I do now?" Terra was beginning to look a bit pensive.

Naruto chose to lie down on the canyon floor. "It's Naruto or Buu now, Terra. You can do whatever you want. You can take your own apprentice; try to take over the city or the world. Or you could stick with me. I am a very interesting person to work with."

'Isn't that the truth.' Terra thought wryly. Then she remembered the Teen Titans. She found it morbidly amusing that she had forgotten about them, especially because Beast Boy was literally missing an arm and a leg and busy bleeding out. All the other Titans were in bad shape, too, but she was so caught up in her celebrations of getting the rank of Majin that she completely forgot about them. "Ahh… Naruto… What about the Teen Titans?"

Naruto opened his eyes, which he had closed whilst lazing around in the sun. She had long gotten used to his eyes, "The who?" and general cluelessness.

Terra felt a migraine coming up. "You know; the group you almost wiped out a couple of minutes ago? They are busy dying; maybe you should heal them?" Terra's tone of voice promised pain for Naruto, despite the fact that she was sure her now ex-master was invincible.

"Oh, alright. I guess we defeated them." Naruto fired a blue beam from his index finger at Beast Boy. After a couple of seconds, he regrew his right arm and leg. Naruto then fired another beam at Robin, which mended his ribs and cracked skull. He finally spat out something small, which in a puff of smoke turned out back into Cyborg. When he turned back to Terra and his eyes were drawn to her waist.

Terra began blushing as she noticed his attention. 'Does he like what he sees? I wouldn't mind being under that ripped body –'

"I forgot to give you your own belt."

And the fantasy just died. "Wha –" Terra's ahem; dignified response was cut short when Naruto fired a purple beam at her rock hoverboard. With a puff of smoke, it turned into a gold utility belt with an engraved M on its buckle. (Think Terra's utility belt, just with an engraved M for Majin) Of course, this made Terra fall right on her ass. But Naruto never worried about such small details. Until…

"Master…" Terra started giving him the puppy dog pout, obviously waiting for something. Naruto was looking conflicted. Despite being a classified psychopath, both Buu and Naruto had a weakness for puppies that they never really got over. Naruto couldn't really find it in him to hurt Akamaru, and Buu had a soft spot for B since he regained his sanity. Apparently, this carried over to puppy looks, too.

"And…I guess…good job or something." Naruto had a faint blush at being made to say something like that.

Terra grinned. "Better."

Back at Slade's headquarters…

Slade was wildly swinging at a red punching bag, channeling his fury away. He never lost his cool in battle because of this and other activities like it. But after four years of research and many ambushes, he was still no closer to finding a way to get rid of that… creature known as Majin Naruto Buu. He seemed to be made of rubber. He never bled and absorbed all impact. And, even worse, was excellently trained in martial arts and had super strength. He even had the ability to fire energy blasts like Starfire and seemed to possess massive amounts of dark magic if Raven's comments were to be believed. And then there was this new attack. The ability to turn matter into anything it seemed. (For our reader's benefit, Buu can transform anything into anything besides food. He can even materialize drinks. This is all canon, btw. But he can only transform people into food and seems to prefer using people for anything else besides food, too, for obvious reasons. He is crazy. And awesome. And PINK! But this isn't the time for my Buu worshipping.)

Slade's fist went into the punching bag as he let out his frustration. 'It's like fighting all the Titans at once.'

… Cue giant epiphany.

'Turn the Titan's against him. But wait, he just showed what would happen. But turn his apprentice and the Titans against him. Make Terra one of the Titan's THAT'S IT! Robin will make Buu his new priority, and Terra will help if she is befriended by them. Even if they all lose, I will step in and kill him. My prize will be both MY apprentices. And if I can't beat him, I still win since the Teen Titans will be gone.' With his nefarious plan all planned out, Slade decided it would soon be time to create a bonding experience for Terra and the Titans. He just needed to finish those worms. And find out just one fact that could turn Terra against Naruto…

Back at Titans Tower…

"Owww, what hit me, dude?" Beast Boy was busy waking up with a killer headache and a sore body. One sniff, and he realized that he was not in his room. 'This doesn't smell like my room. It smells like a couch in Titans Tower.' Those couches had very unique smells on them, a mixture of motor oil and sweat that only Beast Boy could detect. But the smells were still comforting.

Beast Boy remembered the fight, but then why would he wake up on a couch with all his limbs intact if the fight was real? So he chalked it up to being a weird dream. He opened his eyes and took in a very bizarre sight. All the Teen Titans seemed to be asleep on couches around the TV. But that wasn't the weird part. No, the weird part was the positions they were in. Starfire and Robin were in the classic sixty-nine position with Starfire's miniskirt covering Robin's head, leaving no question about what the Boy Wonder was seeing. If he was awake.

They both seemed unconscious, but it was unclear if they were asleep or unconscious. At least, if you didn't know Robin. Beast Boy knew Robin wouldn't be ever caught in this position with Starfire, and he knew that Robin was a very light sleeper. 'So he is unconscious, just like me –'

Beast Boy sat up and took a look around the rest of the room for the two missing Titans. On the third and final couch in the room was Cyborg, who seemed to be covered in…


'Ok, dude, this'll is seriously weird. Were we attacked or not? Did Mad Mod come and attack us again? Or is that Buu guy real? Maybe I should wake up Robin.' Beast Boy was about to wake up Robin until he remembered his 'position' with Starfire. 'Heh, on second thoughts, I wonder how fast I can book a flight to Jamaica? I do not want to be here when he wakes up.' Beast Boy turned into a seagull and took off for a flight very, very far away.

Robin's POV

'I smell something sweet. Hmm, I wonder what it tastes like?' Robin wasn't even in a semi-lucent state when he started licking Starfire's clothed pussy. Of course, he wouldn't be Robin if such a state did last for longer than a few seconds. He quickly returned to his senses but still found that he was completely lost. There seemed to be a dim purple light wherever he was and he face was touching something soft. And his tongue felt like it was rubbing against silk cloth. That tasted sweet. 'Cloth that tastes sweet? Wait a minute where am I?'

Suddenly he heard a scream. "AHHHHH!"

Starfire's POV

Awareness returned quickly to Starfire. She felt incredibly sore all over but could definitely tell that nothing was broken or too badly damaged. She opened her eyes and stared down at a… person's crotch? "Where am I? Where is Robin and Cyborg and –' Starfire's thought processes ground to a halt when she realized just whose legs she was looking at. 'Robin's legs?' Then he started licking. 'Wh-what's going on? Oh Robin ah, don't lick there… oh, it's dirty. Ah!' Starfire had almost started moaning when Robin stopped licking. 'Is this an earth custom? Maybe I must lick and suck Robin down there to repay him.' But just as she was about to lean down and return the favour she heard a scream.


Cyborg's POV

'No! Waffles! Nice giant evil waffles.' Cyborg was dreaming about a tribe of giant waffles with arms and legs holding spears and chanting as they roasted him on a spit. The chanting reached a crescendo before the dream suddenly changed. Now he was in a court dressed in black and white striped prisoner overalls. The only problem was that the judge, jury and witnesses were all waffles with bow ties.

"Cyborg," said the waffle with the white wig on; "we the court pronounce you guilty of multiple counts of murder in the first degree against young and innocent waffles. Your sentence is life…

as a waffle."

At this point Cyborg woke up terrified. His eyes shot open and he saw his entire vision was covered with waffles. He let out a terrified scream. "AHHHHH!"

Raven's POV

Raven's room was sound proof to all who weren't speaking to her right outside her door so she had a peaceful sleep. When she finally woke up one of the first things she saw was a wrapped present on her bedside table; complete with the black ribbon. Although a bit wary, she found the card next to the present. It simply said 'From your new friends.' Raven was still a bit woozy when she read this so it didn't set off alarm bells like it should have.

She opened the present and found what seemed to be a picture frame. Lifting it up, she held it to the light of her bedroom lamp. Raven gasped and dropped the picture. Which didn't do anything to it when it hit the floor due to the invisible seals Naruto had drawn on it.

The picture was of two people she had half convinced herself only existed in her mind. A blonde girl giving the peace sign to the camera, eyes closed and smile wide. Standing next to her was the object of her fear. There stood Buu, arms crossed with a positively evil and toothy grin at the camera. His red eyes stood out from his black sclerae like blood on black rocks.

She checked again at the present, almost afraid to see what else was in there. Only to be rendered speechless and blushing heavily. Because there, sitting innocently in the box was a pink dildo.