
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Films
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43 Chs

CH 23: Battle Of New York P3

"I got a ride." Natasha said as she walked away a little and prepared to jump. The moment one of the Chitauri pods got close, she immediately jumped, the Gilgamesh allowing her to jump a lot higher than what a normal person could as she grabbed onto a Chitauri pod and flew away.

She immediately got on the pod and destroyed the chain that held the shooter Chitauri in place before kicking the bastard off, letting him fall to his death before she jumped on the driver Chitauri's back and stabbed his back.

"Okay, turn, turn." Natasha commanded as she controlled the Chitauri when they hit a building slightly :"Less! Less!" A few Chitauri on their pods tried to attack her, but they were completely obliterated with an Ultimate slamming into them.

The said Ultimate flew shortly thanks to the force of his jump before he came crashing on top of a Chitauri Leviathan where Hulk and Thor were fighting side by side.

"ROOOAAARRR!!!" The Ultimate roared before he hit a few Chitauri so hard that they exploded and then he jumped slightly before bringing his enormous and thorny hand down on the Chitauri Leviathan with a punishing force behind it.

The moment the punch connected, the part where The Ultimate was standing immediately blew up and the Chitauri Leviathan's guts went flying down to the streets as did its two disconnected halves.

As the three Avengers landed on the ground and looked at the dead Chitauri Leviathan in silence, Hulk in the middle suddenly punched Thor and Ultimate on his sides. The punch hit poor Thor and sent him flying towards a wall, but The Ultimate easily grabbed Hulk's fist before snorting and jumping away to kick some more ass.

Another Ultimate who was fighting on the streets, suddenly heard a lot of human screams in the same place. It snorted in annoyance before running towards the building where he could hear the screams and then jumped into it to see a few Chitauri standing on the second floor while aiming down at the shit ton of civilians on the first floor.

The moment he saw a Chitauri holding what seemed to be a ticking bomb, he reached out towards him as the bones on his fist suddenly extended and shot towards the Chitauri's head.

As the bones that were still connected to Ali pierced its head and killed him, resulting in him dropping the bomb, The Ultimate's bones suddenly retracted as the dead Chitauri came flying towards him.

The Ultimate grabbed the dead Chitauri's leg before swinging it at the two Chitauri soldiers who were shooting at him with enough force to blow up the upper half of all three Chitauri.

As the bomb ticked faster and faster, The Ultimate picked up the glowing blue alien bomb before he just threw it inside his mouth and closed it. And after a few moments, the bomb exploded inside his mouth, but The Ultimate didn't show any signs of pain or heck, even a little bit of discomfort.

When he saw the civilians looking at him with fear, he snorted and rolled his eyes as he transformed back to his human form. Of course, he made sure that they couldn't see his face before he created an ice mask and put it on his face before he released his wings so they would recognize him as he smirked :"It's me, Necro Frost, you dumbasses. I can just power or transform or whatever you call it. Now piss off so you won't get harmed in the crossfire."

<I just wanted them to know that The Ultimate was Necro Frost, alright? I didn't want them to think that it was someone else>

And then he immediately jumped out of the building before transforming into The Ultimate again in a split second before returning to kicking ass, Doomsday style, as the police and firefighters came to help the civilians.


"Director Fury, the Council has made a decision." The Councilwoman opened her bitch ass mouth and spoke to Fury who was looking at their pictures on a computer with a holographic screen.

Fury :"I recognize the Council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it."

Councilman :"Director, you're closer than any of our subs. You scramble that jet-"

Fury :"That is the island of Manhattan, Councilman. Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will NOT order a nuclear strike against a civilian population."

Councilman :"If we don't hold them here, we lose everything."

"If I send that bird out, we already have." Fury said before he disconnected and returned to observing the fight going on in New York.


"Oh, you..." Natasha groaned as she led the Chitauri on where to fly when a blast was shot towards them and she saw Loki tailing after her. Natasha wanted to ask Hawkeye for help, but she didn't have the time as she heard a familiar roar.

She smiled as she looked back to an Ultimate approaching Loki's pod after jumping before he slammed into it and destroyed the pod as he grabbed Loki and descended on the Stark Tower, where Loki and Tony had their conversation before.

While Natasha jumped off of the pod and landed on the part of the Stark Tower where the Tesseract was, The Ultimate landed on the Stark Tower before throwing Loki inside like a ball, but with enough force to not turn him into mashed potato.

"Enough!" As Loki got slammed into a wall and stood up to see The Ultimate walking towards him, he roared out with anger, causing The Ultimate to stop momentarily :"You are, all of you, beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature! And I will not be bullied by-"

However, he was interrupted by Ultimate punching him across the building as he roared and ran after him :"Oraa! Where do you think you're going lil ass bitch?!"

Ultimate jumped before punching Loki down to the floor, creating a rather big dent on poor Tony's floor as he began punching Loki without hesitation :"God? Heh, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LIL ASS BITCH!


And he delivered a last punch to the bloody god before snorting and walking from the passed out dumbass :"God my ass. You don't even pass as a bitch."

<What? You thought ma boy here can't speak or something? *Leonardo DiCaprio smug face*>

"Ali!" As he walked out and was about to jump away, he heard Natasha's voice from above. As he looked up at her, she pointed at Loki's scepter on the balcony :"Selvig says that we need Loki's scepter to close the portal!"

He nodded before he transformed back to his human form and put an ice mask on before he grabbed the scepter and flew towards the roof of the Stark Tower next to Natasha :"Here you go."

"Thanks." Natasha thanked with a smile and Ali nodded back before he heard Fury's voice in his earpiece :"Ashborne, do you hear me? You have a missile headed straight for the city!"

"What kind of missile?" Ali frowned as he put his hand on his earpiece and spoke up before Fury answered :"The nuclear kind..." Causing Ali to sigh in annoyance through gritted teeth :"Well fuck me... How long till it reaches here?"

"Three minutes, max. The payload will wipe out the entire Midtown." And Ali sighed again :"God damnit... Guess it's time to play the hero even harder, huh? Fine, I'll take care of it."

"What is it?" Natasha asked with furrowed eyebrows as Ali sighed in annoyance :"It was Fury, says we have a goddamn nuclear bomb coming our way and it's gonna fuck us up in less than three fucking minutes... You stay here and be ready to close the portal, when I tell you, close it."

Just as he was about to fly away, Natasha grabbed his arm with a confused and worried face :"What?! What the hell are you planning to do?! That's a fucking nuke!"

But Ali smirked as he gently grabbed her hand and made her let go :"I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move. Trust me, it will be alright, okay?"

Natasha was silent for a few moments before she sighed through her pretty nose and nodded as she looked at him with worry :"Just please, be careful, okay? I don't want to lose you..."

Ali chuckled as he winked :"Don't worry, I'm the most resilient being in the universe!" And then he immediately flapped his wings as he flew towards the incoming nuke at full speed.

"Guys, Natasha can shut the portal down." Ali spoke up into his earpiece mid flight as Steve's voice immediately came :"Do it then!" However, Ali disagreed :"We can't, we've got a fucking nuke coming to the city. The motherfucker is gonna blow up in less than a minute."

As he maneuvered in the sky to get behind the nuke, he smirked :"And for your information, I know just where to shove the damn thing. Up these Chitauri motherfuckers' asses."

:"What?! Ali, are you crazy?!" As he flew under the nuke and grabbed it, Natasha's angry voice came, and Ali smirked smugly :"Yup! The craziest at that!" 'Actually, I can just turn this nuke off with my Galvanic Mechamorph (Upgrade) DNA by fusing with it. But that ain't badass enough, so I would rather blow up the Chitauri instead. But I'd rather if Natasha didn't know about that... She would chew my ass off if she did...'

"Ashborne, you know that's a one-way trip." Steve said, But Ali snorted as he rolled his eyes :"Oh please, as if this would be enough to me of all people. Even if I don't manage to make it back through the portal, I can still live in space, you know? Returning to Earth would be a matter of time. Can't chat anymore, got a nuke to deliver."

As he flew in the sky, the news were talking about the Battle Of New York City while the people that weren't in danger like in other cities and countries watching it, like the people in the Helicarrier, or Ali's mother and sister. As he flew closer and closer to the Stark Tower, he began to rise with the nuke on his back while Natasha, ready to close the portal, watched him from afar.

After what felt like hours for everyone, but was actually just a few seconds, Ali entered the portal and disappeared from sight as the people watching the news cheered loudly.

However, there were still those who were still worried and anxious. On the other side of the portal, Ali smirked at the darkness of the smirk as he saw the mother ship in the distance :'Heh, nice to come to the place where Necrofriggians grow up. But unfortunately, I don't have time for sightseeing.'

As he flew, he closed his eyes as the dark blue color that always shone on his hands when they transformed into his Necrofriggian hands started glowing again.

But this time, it wasn't just his hands. The dark blue light went through his entire body as it completely transformed him! His body turned black with blue spots as he completely turned into a real Necrofriggian!

He opened his eyes, revealing completely crimson eyes as he smirked :"Time to shine, bitches." He opened his mouth as three long, dark blue tongues grabbed the nuke and he suddenly swallowed the entire thing!

He spread his arms and clawed them, gaining the right pose, before gritting his teeth at the feeling of the explosive feeling inside of him as he looked at the mothership in the distance.

'Hasta la vista (see you later), motherfuckers.' He sneered in his mind before he opened his mouth and roared towards the mother ship, letting the nuclear explosion in his stomach loose!