
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


- I sensed it but forgive me Vivie, I could not stop.

He kissed me, and imprisoned my mouth in his, fondling, kneading my breasts, and playing nastily with my nipples, ravaging my inside with his burning part, as hard as a stick of steel. He completely filled me over with devastating storms of pleasure.

When we finished, he fell slightly in me. We smiled to each other and kissed. But alas for me, it was a short break as he took me again. He kept taking me, endlessly, until the moon that went off return to its place.

Through my half- Conscious I felt his hair on my skin and his cold lips kissing me to sooth my fever.

- I hope that you will always desire to remain human.

I didn't know why but I cried out on his words. I looked him getting up and putting his coat. He looked at me before scattering in countless black birds and flied to the palace.

- Vivie, my name is Azeo.

Azeo's kingdom didn't own days. But we could guess the "morning" time by his birds. They screamed each time an human hour passed, and displayed it on the sky.

For my part, imprisoned in the world I didn't fear, I just went along his pitiful game. As he asked me to tell him his weakness as the price I have to pay for freedom, I started to enunciate countless things that could be his sad weakness.

- Light?

- No.

- How could it be "no"? You are a vampire aren't you? Then your weakness should be light!

- Such cliché. You are not even ashamed to tell it so loudly.

I got pissed.

- Well, well, mister original, let's see if you are that good at hidden those weaknesses. We just started the game.

- I am looking forward to it.

I thought about endless thing that could enslave people, no matter what they could have, or what they could be.

- Coldness?

- No.

- Summer?

- No.

- Spring. Autumn. winter. The solstice. Butterflies.

Humans. Mortality. Immortality. Sun. the moon. loneliness. Your mother. Your father. The one who

transformed you. cars. the darkness. Life. The death. Football. drugs...

I quoted a lot of words, a lot of addicting things that existed and tortured humans since the night of times, but none of them was the one, and each of them received the hateful answer "no".

In the end, becoming truly suspicious, I asked him if his weakness was really true.

- Yes, it's really.

They were simple words, they were said with a veiled colorless voice, but I believed them, I believed him.

I looked up at the great, lonely castle.

- Where are you staying there, away from me?

- Until you find the answer I will not appear before you.

- Liar, there is your birds spying me, observing my slightest move and reporting everything to you. Don't you think that it's too unfair?

- No, you just forgot that the birds are all a part of me. They help me to see the outside world.

- Even in your own kingdom? I am sure that even you who forgot light, are aware of this strange way to think.

- I am but I am fine staying like that.

- Then come here. In a life that refuses to end, derogate from rules, one or two or even a billion times, do not change much. You will still keep living on.

- That's a formidable thing to say. You are really the typical human who think to change something before leaving the world.

- And do you hate it?

- Not really.

- Me.

- What? My weakness?

He laughed. For the first time, he laughed simply, without this heavy cynicism that hurt my heart so much.

- Well attempted, at least it's not modesty or shyness that smothered you.

- And you have seen nothing yet. But passing on, let's find other things.

We still continued the game for a few moments, me who kept citing words and he who kept answering no. Those precious, laughing times became my treasure and they conquered my heart more than he could understand.

Soon, he stopped the game.

- Vivie, I have to go now. We will pursue our game later.

- But why? Where are you going?

- I am starving, and you too. I asked my butler to serve you something lightweight. You're a little paler than usual.

- You are going to find blood?

- Are you shocked?

- No, if the blood are not human's.

A short silence followed my reply.