
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantasy
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23 Chs


- I was expecting this question.

- So there's a mean.

- There a mean. I am an immortal not a monster. Anyway that race is capable of a lot worse, and this is an euphemism

- Yes, I know as you can notice, I am human myself. So Which one? What it this mean?

- It's a game about finding out something, and not just any.

- What?

- The thing to find is my weak point. If you find my weak point. Then I'll let you go.

- Your weak point?

- Yes, and you can tell anything, from this kiosk to the palace, you may quote what you

desire quoting, but arrival at the palace gate, if you has still no found it, then, unhappily for you, you

will stay here forever?

- Birds?

- No.

- The jungle.

- No.

- But how will I know if you really tell the truth. I might very well say the weakness and you

will not recognize it.

- I'll tell you, I promise.

- I desire a guarantee. I am an human after all.

- Well then. I swear on my blood, and he bit his mouth and went ahead to kiss mine.

- If I really had to lie then you'd have the

power to burn me.

I did not know what to say, rather I did not know what feeling was tormenting me.

- Very well. In fact, you have still not told me your name.

- I know Vivie.

He knows my name but he didn't let me know his.

I got up and slowly approached him.

He tried to advise me

- You shouldn't do that. You are still weak.

- I know. But I desire to. As you said what was true.

We humans are weak, so weak that a simple breath may kill us, and soiled unknowns could take my life so easily, and we are just the hateful kind you described that is unable to give in. That's why we live fully, we live in all ways until our last breath. and also, there you came. You came to me.

- I didn't have choice.

- Yes, you did have. But you chose to save me. And me who is a mortal, desire you so much, more than you will never understand.

Then I stood on tiptoe and put my lips and his, the same way he did in the smothering water.

It didn't take long that he plunged his cold fingers in my burning hair and responded to my kiss. It was so deep that I felt my leg trembling and trembling until they could not support me anymore. Happily he grabbed me up and brought me to the bed.

- At least, you know what you want Vivie.

- Am I not? We mortals are so fragile that we want everything, mostly someone like you.

He skillfully took off the dressing gown I wore even without noticing it.

- Who put me in this dress bird? I still asked.

- Don't worry beautiful human, it doesn't matter anymore as I am taking it off from you.

He kissed all the part that the sweet fabric left until nothing remained anymore. His coat joined it on the floor and he spread my legs.

He kissed there, this tender part of my body that desired his more than any one's. But when his tongue penetrated in, I cried out passionately, it was embarrassing but I couldn't stop, then he put his finger in my mouth in order to calm me down.

- You are so impatient. Already that wet.

- Yes, but it's not because I am human, it's because I desire you infinitely. So please bird, give it to me.

- Then like you wish, I will do.

He put his arm under my leg and lifted it,...then to grant our desperate plea, he finally entered me. I was so impatient to discover his taste, so impatient to know, that I imagined things even before the union, but I'd be sincere with myself and admit the truth, it was beyond my expectation, and sensing it totally, he swept my tears of granted wish poured for his coming. He granted everything. My warm body of human, and his cold body of immortal had joined in to be one, so as he promised, this union let us grasp a pleasure that lost words.

Now matter, how much he trusted inside me, it was not enough, no matter how much I moaned or cried to express my rapture, it was not enough, no matter how much I looked at the vast sky filled of sparkling stars that witnessed our making love, it was not enough. Along our liking, I wanted to remove away from this threatening intensity he caused on us, but he didn't let me do so. Embracing me strongly, tightly, he kept thrusting and thrusting until I lost the light of reason. His body sweated abundantly and the cold sweets flowed on my body, a frozen rain on a burning desert to quench the insanity, but somehow it increased even more my mad enjoyment.

- Bird, I cannot anymore. It's too much. I will die out of pleasure.

- You chose it. So take responsibility and bear until the end.

- But bird, my body can not take it anymore.