From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace was chatting with Slughorn when the topic of Tom Riddle came up, Ace asked in surprise, "You taught Tom Riddle?" Slughorn sighed and nodded, Ace asked "How was he? As a child, I mean. He must've been extremely bright. You know, I heard that he was the most amazing student Hogwarts had ever had."
Slughorn replied "Well, Tom was very brilliant. A truly smart boy, however, particularly fond of a rather dark topic of study. Very dark indeed…" Ace nodded and smiled "Yes, I can see that." as he chuckled, adding "The Dark Magic studies are also a favorite of mine."
He leaned over to Slughorn, continuing "It's really amazing all the things you can accomplish with Dark Magic!" before leaning back in his chair, looking around at Slughorn's office, adding "Unfortunately, the requirement for most of the spells is murder."
He sighed and shook his head, "It's really a shame!" Slughorn sighed and nodded, "Truly. Dark Magic is very interesting, always had a fancy towards peculiar potions myself." Ace nodded and replied "I've seen countless spells in the restricted section! Did you know, there's a spell to travel to the Realm of Death and recruit Dead souls to fight for you?"
Slughorn raised a brow and Ace sighed, "The ritual is of course, sacrificial. Must consume life to acquire life, I suppose." Slughorn shook his head and sighed, but Ace added, "However! I don't think we should send these spells into the fire for this. Maybe one day we can figure out a way to use them without the murder and death! That's what I hope for anyway."
Slughorn leaned back in his chair, asking "What do you want to be, Ace?" Ace smiled and said "Magic Historian, or collector, or whatever entails knowing all the spells and cataloging them, maybe even making spells myself! So from my point of view, the spells themselves aren't evil. It's more so the people, right?"
Slughorn smiled and nodded, "I agree. We all have a bit of light and a bit of dark in us." Ace snapped his fingers and said "Exactly! You see, I figure, why not teach all spells. Light and Dark alike, the teaching of morals is worth more than forbidding knowledge, you know?"
Slughorn retorted "However, that would present a problem. Perhaps accidents would happen." Ace frowned and muttered "Yeah, I guess. But the accidents would happen anyway, right? We live and learn. Obviously, I don't want to put students in danger but I feel it's not right to cast away certain spells that are deemed 'Dark'..."
He drank from his glass before saying "Oh! Like the Killing Curse for example! I don't condone murder of anyone, but you could argue that using the Curse for good is just as viable as using it for evil!" Slughorn nodded and replied "There was a time when the Aurors were allowed to use the Killing Curse on Death Eaters. A horribly bloody time that was."
Ace nodded and remarked, "Exactly. Using that logic, we could alleviate some of the restrictions on Dark Magic. It shouldn't be kept from children in case they become evil. It's not fair. Maybe that student will create new dark magic without the consequences, only using his creative mind to make whatever he desires. Like for an example… Ah! A spell that decomposed bodies."
Slughorn tilted his head from side to side, saying "I suppose. However, most Dark Magic has negative effects." Ace waved and replied "I'm not saying that they are dangerous, but even normal spells can be used to kill people, right? Who's to say that Dark Magic can't heal as well? Like the Homunculus Ritual, it can provide a soul a new body should theirs be destroyed."
Slughorn nodded and they continued chatting about this until Ace had to leave.
A week passed just like that, without warning
Ace was eating breakfast when he saw Ron walk in with a keeper uniform on. He chuckled and shook his head before turning to Draco and frowning, walking over, asking "Are you alright, Draco?"
Draco shook and said "Y-Yeah! Not a problem at all!" before getting up and leaving the Great Hall. Ace sighed and watched him leave before turning to Crabbe and Goyle asking "You're his friends aren't you?"
Crabbe and Goyle stayed silent and Ace hummed, they said "Well, yes, Professor, but…" Ace frowned "But?" Crabbe looked at Goyle before saying "Well… Draco told us to piss off." Goyle added, "He said he didn't want us around him anymore."
Ace looked at them and sighed, replying "I think when your friends are dealing with a lot, they push people away." he leaned on the table and continued "I know you don't like Potter. However, you see how he always has his friends around him?"
The duo looked at Harry, Hermione, and Ron before nodding. Ace smiled and asked "Do you believe Harry is the greatest wizard to ever live? He can smile and laugh even in the toughest times because his friends support him. Look at you two, there was a time where you both and Draco were inseparable. What happened?"
Crabbe and Goyle looked at their food before getting up, saying "Excuse us." as they ran off.
Ace smiled gently, watching them go before looking at the rest of Slytherin, "How are your studies? Are your mid terms looking easy?" the students looked over and some nodded while others shook their heads.
Ace smiled and said to them "Come to the Library. I will help you." before returning to his seat and eating.
The Slytherin students looked at him before whispering amongst each other, "He's really nice." "Really? I think he's annoying." "I heard he had a muggle girlfriend…" "Ugh. I wish it was me." "You? You think he'll fancy a tosspot like yourself?" "Whatever! I'm going to the study session. Anybody fancy tagging along?" "Yeah, I'll join." "Me too, these Charms exams are kicking my ass…" "Hmph! Enjoy your muggle-loving Study group!"
"Excuse you! Who was it that was saying she found Captain America sexy?" "He's different!" "Still a muggle, ya twat!"
Later that night