
Trick 92: Heart to Heart ft. Draco

Ace and Slughorn met several more times, exchanging knowledge on Potions, however it was more so Slughorn teaching Ace. Although Slughorn also learned from Ace in some aspects.

They didn't only talk about Potions, many other topics came up as well, Dark Magic, Curses, Charms, Artifacts, etc. Nearly every topic was touched on, Ace enjoyed talking to Slughorn because, just like him, Slughorn loved to talk!

They were quite good friends instantly.

When Slughorn found out the recipe for the Strengthening Potion, he was shocked. The materials were extremely rare and highly dangerous. He surmised that even a single mistake would ruin everything and potentially cause serious harm to the Potions Master.

Ace even demonstrated exactly how to make one, however when Slughorn tried, he failed!

Materials ran out very quickly. It was extremely tough to even get most of the Materials, Ace only had them from scouring the Black Market as well as getting a few things from Frigga.

Unsurprisingly, Asgard also had potions.

Although they were called Elixirs and Drafts instead. However, strangely, even they didn't have Elixirs of Life. Frigga had told him that they were forbidden because they violated the laws of Mistress Death which was a big no-no.

But! Ace honestly had to say that, while he was scared of Mistress Death, no study of Magic was taboo for him. If he had the opportunity to create an Elixir of Life without death as an ingredient, he would do it!

After all, how could he be a Magic Historian without trampling a few taboos?

The days passed slowly for the students, but quite fast with Ace.

He assumed that he would finish the Hogwarts Library before the first snowfall. He was already using the Time Turner to go and study at the Ministry at the same time. He calculated he would be finished by Christmas.

The glasses helped tremendously, not to mention the fact that his learning ability was increased. It was simply a sponge of knowledge.

Ace was walking in the halls when he saw Malfoy enter the Room of Requirement. He tilted his head and walked over.

Draco was looking at a cabinet in the Room of Requirement and reaching for it, when he heard a voice say "Quite the Artifact, eh?" Draco jumped and turned around to see Ace behind him, looking at him with a smile.

Draco swallowed and said "Professor." Ace passed him and touched the cabinet, continuing "Very curious, a Vanishing Cabinet. Don't you think?" Draco looked at him as he went on, "According to records, they were quite popular during Voldemort's reign. You could see the appeal obviously. When Death Eaters come knocking, simply vanish for a few hours before coming back."

He ran his hands over the cabinet, turning to Draco, asking "Draco, are you alright?" Draco swallowed and replied "Of course! Never better! Why do you ask?" Ace smiled at him, replying "You see, I've been noticing that you've distanced yourself from your friends. Crabbe and Goyle do not come by my Study Sessions, I hardly believe they know how to read, however…"

He walked in front of Draco and looked down at him, continuing "You, on the other hand, are quite the bright boy. So the question becomes, what is on your mind? Perhaps I can help you with your issues."

Draco shook his head and replied "Nothing! It's just some things that happened at home. I was thinking of leaving Hogwarts…" Ace sighed and patted his shoulder, saying "Listen to me, Draco. The Weasley Twins have left to run a joke shop, however they are not as educated and intelligent as you."

He paused for a moment before chuckling "Perhaps not in spells, but in Business they are quite savvy. However, I don't think it's wise for you to continue down this path. To be quite honest with you, I believe that you could be an excellent Auror."

Draco stared at Ace in shock, repeating loudly "Auror!? Me?!" Ace nodded and took his hand back, saying "Yep! You are very good at dueling. There's a reason I pit you against Harry every class last year when I was teaching Defense."

Draco looked at the ground and Ace rubbed his head, saying softly "I know about your father." Draco looked up and Ace smiled gently, "Although he has made a poor choice to become what he is, he is your father. However, that doesn't mean you have to follow in his footsteps."

Ace leaned over and continued seriously, "Listen, Draco. Nothing is set in stone. You hold the power to become what you want to be." he grabbed his hands and patted them, saying "Right here. Your fate belongs to nobody but you. Whatever you want to do, I believe you can. You are an intelligent boy and if you don't mind me saying, quite kind."

He smiled gently and added, "No matter how you present yourself to everyone, or how much you act as though you are not. You cannot change the kindness in your heart. You're not the Death Eater type. Trust me, I've met more than a few. I've fought people that have killed arguably more people than Voldemort himself."

He whispered in Draco's ear, "They have a certain problem with their heads, you see." before straightening out as he continued, "Maybe you don't see what I see. Maybe you even believe I'm talking nonsense. However, you know deep within yourself that you couldn't even hope to become what your father is."

Ace raised a finger and said "An excellent Wizard, your father. Truly. And to be honest with you…" He looked into Draco's eyes, adding "Not the Death Eater type either. You have not seen what I've seen, nor have you talked to your father as I have. He cares quite a lot about you."

Draco fell silent and looked at Ace, who patted his shoulder, smiling "Think about what you truly want to do. What does Draco want, not what Voldemort wants." he snorted with an indifferent face, "That abomination was only created out of fear. He will fail, just as all the others have before him. I truly believe this. A mere homunculus wishes to rule the world…"

Ace shook his head and Draco asked "Homunculus?" Ace looked at him and smiled "Voldemort's body. It's a Homunculus. I've fought him before, while he is powerful in his magic, his body is… lacking for a better word." Ace paused before smiling as he explained "You see. Homunculus bodies are created artificially to house a soul, however they are not suited for extended periods of time. I bet that every minute, every second, he feels pain all over. You could even say this is what makes him so strong…"

Ace hummed and nodded at Draco, smiling gently "At any rate, think with this." as he poked Draco's chest, "Think about what you want to be. You don't need to live in fear, if you ask, I will help you." as he walked away, adding "As the old man once said, 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it'. Farewell, Draco." before disappearing instantly.

Draco looked behind him silently for a long time…