From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace had a card allowing him to use the Ministry Library, he had already returned to Hogwarts and was going through his study material.
Days continued to pass peacefully
Ace would sometimes leave the Castle and travel to the Ministry to browse their library, but this was very rare. Only when he wanted a more in depth description of a certain topic.
Today, he was walking to Professor Trelawney's class to ask her some questions.
Just as he walked into the class, he stopped an escaping Crystal ball! He looked at Hermione, who was storming out of class and hummed to himself as he watched her leave, asking "Frustrated?" Hermione didn't stop, saying "I don't want to talk about it!"
Ace rolled his eyes and picked up the Crystal Ball, walking into Trelawney's classroom, saying "Hope I'm not interrupting." Professor Trelawney looked at the time and replied "Nope. Class is dismissed. Off you go, children. Remember to practice your Tessomancy! We have a quiz next week!"
The students all left the class and Ace smiled at Ron and Harry before putting the crystal ball back.
Trelawney looked at Ace and smiled "How may I help you, dear?" Ace sat down and pulled out his books, asking "I had a few questions I wanted to ask you, would it be possible to take up some of your time?"
Trelawney smiled "Not at all! I'd be happy to help." Ace's eyes lit up and he asked enthusiastically, "Great! I was confused about Reverse Fortunes…" Trelawney explained everything that Ace asked of her as he wrote it down in his books, one question after the other, for hours.
After a long time, Ace left the classroom, apologizing profusely for taking up so much of her time to which she shook her head and smiled, saying that it was alright. Ace apologized once more before leaving and reviewing his notes.
He was so absorbed, he didn't notice Harry passing him by to go back to Trelawney's classroom.
Unfortunately for Ace's study time, today was the day of Buckbeak's execution.
He walked back to the library to sort his things before going to Hagrid's shack. As he walked along, he was just about to exit the castle, when he saw something very curious! Ace curled his lips in amusement, putting his hands in his pocket as he saw Hermione and Harry.
Not only did he see Hermione and Harry, but he watched another Hermione and Harry along with Ron. Hermione punched Draco in the face before the three walked down to Hagrid's shack.
Draco ran into the castle, passing right by Ace with his two friends. However they didn't notice him because Ace was currently invisible!
He revealed himself again, walking out onto the grass as the second Hermione and Harry ran down the hill to Hagrid's shack as well, hiding behind some pumpkins. Ace tilted his head and conjured a telescope charm, watching the second pair.
The only explanation of the situation was that Hermione and Harry used the Time Turner, although Ace didn't know why. However, contrary to popular belief, it wasn't actually that dangerous.
The danger came from meeting yourself, because one wizard scared himself by accident and died from a spell. If someone saw you twice during the Time Turner's time, it wouldn't actually be a big enough deal.
He was a bit confused as to why it was labeled so incredibly dangerous, but then again, perhaps it was just messing with time that was the dangerous part. Ace didn't know, because he mostly used it for extra study time.
He simply studied during the rewinded time, so there was never a real issue.
As he was watching the duo, they threw rocks at themselves before running into the forest.
Ace watched as the trio came out of Hagrid's house, hiding from the Minister, before running up the hill. He raised his brows because he saw the second pair of Harry and Hermione take Buckbeak into the forest safely!
He smiled to himself and dispelled the telescope spell, turning invisible yet again as the original trio arrived at the top of the hill.
Hermioned looked around and said "Did you guys see someone here just now?" Harry and Ron looked at each other before shaking their heads. Hermione muttered "Strange…" before turning around and watching the 'execution'.
Ace looked down at the Executioner outside Hagrid's cabin. He slashed his huge ax down and it was a bit hard to see from this far, so it looked like he really just beheaded Buckbeak just now!
The three in front of him jumped and looked sad until Ron's rat bit him and ran off. Ace watched as Ron chased after his rat while Hermione and Harry chased after him.
Ace watched them leave, wondering what led to the need to use the Time Turner. He mulled it over before walking after them, hoping for some excitement.
As he followed after them, he frowned because he saw the Whomping Willow in the distance. Ace knew that the tree was actually extremely dangerous and so he picked up the pace.
When he got there, he saw Ron getting dragged into the tree by a black dog! Ace's eyes widened and he wanted to run over, but Harry and Hermione were knocked away by the Whomping Willow.
He cursed to himself and took out his wand before the duo managed to get into the same hole, disappearing.
Ace cursed and ran to the tree, revealing himself as he pointed his wand at the tree, saying "Immobulus." The Whomping Willow calmed down and Ace slid down the hole going after them.
He came to a tunnel with stairs and frowned, "Always a secret hole, this is getting ridiculous…" as he continued following down the hole. He eventually came to an open trapdoor inside a house.
He climbed up and heard shouting coming from upstairs!