From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
As Ace was writing down notes, Hagrid stopped and squatted down touching a puddle of liquid. He frowned and Harry asked "Hagrid, what is that?" Hagrid let out a heavy breath and said seriously "Unicorn blood. I found one dead a week ago."
Ace paused writing and looked down at the Unicorn blood. He squatted down and dipped his finger into the blood before sniffing it and opening his mouth. Hagrid grabbed his wrist and said quickly "Hold it, lad! You can't taste it!"
Ace looked up at him asking with confusion "Why not? People can drink blood normally, unless you drink a lot you won't get sick…" Hagrid shook his head and explained "Unicorn blood curses anyone who drinks it to a wretched life."
Ace smacked his lips and wiped the blood on Hagrid's cloak slowly. Hermione's eyes twitched and Ace took out a bottle from somewhere, scooping up the unicorn blood. Hagrid ignored this and looked around saying "We're here to find the poor beast. We'll split up for now."
He looked down and continued "Ace, you take Harry and Draco. I'll take Hermione and Ron." Ace looked up at Hagrid and blinked, opening his mouth to refuse when Draco shouted quickly "WHAT!? Then we get Fang!"
Hagrid rolled his eyes and replied "Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward." before walking off.
Ace was stunned and turned to Draco, before sighing, "I didn't even want to split up…" Harry watched Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid walk away before asking "Ace, are you scared?"
Ace straightened out and patted his clothes, the bottle of blood disappearing magically as he replied with a smile "Yup! Let's go!" as he walked off humming to himself. Draco was slack jawed and looked at Harry, who shrugged and followed Ace.
Draco held a lantern and looked at Fang, who hung his head and walked forward very slowly…
A little bit later
Draco was complaining, "This is servant stuff! My father'll be hearin' about this!" Ace looked around in the pitch black woods, replying "If you survive, eh?" Draco froze up and stuttered "You-You'll protect me, right?!"
Ace grinned as he scanned the area, "Hehe… Combat isn't my expertise. Every man for himself, I'd say." Draco was dumbfounded while Harry asked "I wonder what Werewolves are like."
Ace's eyes lit up and he said with excitement "I hope we find one!" Draco shivered and retorted fiercely "Absolutely not! Those vile creatures are vicious!" Harry looked at him and asked "Aren't they human though?"
Draco scoffed, "Barely. Those pariah couldn't be considered human at all." Ace tilted his head and spoke, "From what I read, Werewolves are just wizards who were bitten by a werewolf. Therefore, they aren't really pariah. They're still wizards. Plus, the Werewolf community is quite large in Romanian areas."
Draco snorted and muttered under his breath, "Disgusting…" Harry turned to Ace and asked "Really?" Ace nodded and smiled "Yep! Most consider their affliction a detriment to their daily lives."
Draco rolled his eyes and said "Of course! They are cursed! If it's not a detriment, what is it?" Ace shrugged and replied "I think it's quite cool actually. Imagine turning into a werewolf, sounds awesome." Harry hummed and chimed in, "I'd rather be a snake."
Draco commented by the side, "Same." Ace snickered and replied "Not so scared anymore, are you?" Draco blinked and stayed silent while Harry smiled.
A few minutes later
The group came across the Unicorn carcass, but there was a cloaked figure on top of it!
Draco turned white and shrieked before dropping the lantern and running away in fear while Fang chased him with his tail between his legs.
Harry was stunned and Ace pulled him behind himself, grabbing his wand as he shivered and swallowed before shouting "Who's there!?"
The figure slowly lifted its head from the Unicorn, revealing only a lower face covered in silverish blood. It snarled and rose up like a ghost!
Ace backed off and took out his wand, stuttering "Stay back! Ex-Expecto P-P-Patronum!"
The figure glided at the duo quickly as Ace's wand lit up with a hazy white light briefly, flickering before dimming. Ace's face turned white and he cursed "Fuck!" Harry's eyes widened as the ghost came inches away from them!
Ace turned and shielded Harry while closing his eyes, but the pain never came.
The duo heard hoof clops and opened their eyes.
Ace turned his head to see a centaur threatening the ghost-like figure until it glided away, fleeing the area.
Ace looked at the centaur with caution and fear as he gripped his wand tightly, holding Harry.
The Centaur turned around and held his arms out, saying "I mean no harm, friend of Harry Potter." Ace let out a breath and returned, "How do I know that?" The centaur bowed slightly, replying "I am Firenze, Centaur."
Ace straightened out, but still held his wand as Harry stood behind him, looking at Firenze. Ace nodded and said slowly "I'm Ace… Human." Firenze ignored the last part and said "You must bring Harry Potter out of the Forest. It's too dangerous, especially for him. Many creatures know him here."
Harry asked suddenly, "What was that thing?" Ace's eyes lit up and he looked at Firenze for an explanation, Firenze didn't disappoint as he explained "A vile creature. It's a terrible crime to slay a Unicorn. Drinking it's blood will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. For you have slain something so pure that the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life."
Ace wasn't scared anymore and took out his notebook, writing down what Firenze said about Unicorns as he left Harry, walking to the Unicorn corpse.
He took out a few more bottles and collected blood while Harry asked "Who would choose such a life?" with a confused expression, Firenze leaned down and said gravely "Can you think of no one?"
Harry had a sudden realization, exclaiming "Voldemort?!" Firenze asked softly "Do you know what's hidden in the castle at this very moment?" Harry muttered with a look of understanding, "The Philosopher's Stone…"
Ace listened in while touching the unicorn's horn.
He turned to Firenze and asked "Can I take the corpse without being cursed?" Firenze turned to him with an unfriendly expression, replying "I still haven't asked you to stop desecrating it's corpse!"
Ace was startled and asked with confusion "I didn't kill it, why can't I use its body for research?" Firenze was a bit irritated and said "Researching Unicorn corpses is forbidden."
Ace was stunned and asked with shock "Wait, really?! I didn't even know! No wonder there's barely any information on them…" Firenze was a bit confused himself and Harry pointed out "He's new to the wizard world, just like me."
Firenze hummed to himself and looked at Harry before saying "I suppose this transgression shall be forgiven." Ace looked at the Unicorn corpse with reluctance as Hagrid showed up shouting "Harry!"
The trio looked over and Hagrid put down his crossbow saying "Oh. Hello Firenze, I see you've met our young Mr. Potter." before looking at Harry, adding "You alright there, Harry?" Harry nodded and Firenze looked at Harry saying "Harry Potter. This is where I leave you. You're safe now, good luck." before he trotted off with a word to Hagrid.
Ace looked at Hagrid and eyed the Unicorn corpse, to which Hagrid shook his head secretly and Ace sighed before getting up, collecting his bottles while writing down in his little notebook.
He walked back to Hagrid and sighed again, Hagrid rolled his eyes, saying "You shouldn't even have the blood, you know!" Ace refuted immediately, "I don't know what you're talking about." Hagrid cleared his throat and looked at the unicorn, not bothering about Ace anymore.
That night, Ace returned to the library and started his research again. Just like that a few weeks passed.