From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace would go back and forth everyday to Kamar-Taj from his house, studying the Mystic Arts and exchanging knowledge and pointers with Stephen.
Strangely, they were quite good friends.
In the meantime, Ace was reworking his artifacts with all the knowledge he had amassed. Even the Artifact and Relic making in Kamar-Taj was added to his repertoire as he continued to work on his things.
Hermione was sent to Kamar-Taj as she started studying alone, coming back to Ace for any questions. Ace answered each and every single question she had, he was very patient with her and a bit apologetic that she had nothing to do for these years…
He figured letting her go was best for her instead of keeping her with him like an attendant…
She should go have her own adventures too!
And so, the 4 became 3 as only Ace, Sharon, and the kids were left.
Stephen would come over sometimes but rarely leave the library.
Time passed like this until 6 months came around…
The kids were three and Ace was feeling a bit strange. Sharon was getting a bit irritable, he didn't really know what was wrong and whenever he asked she would tell him that it was nothing…
Obviously she was lying to him but Ace didn't press her… He sort of had an idea of the reason, but he wasn't sure…
So he just decided that he was going to come out with it and ask, what's the worst that can happen?
Ace walked into a room and saw Sharon laying on the sofa, staring at the TV. He asked "Um, hello?" she looked at him and asked "What happened?" Ace walked over, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, asking "Um… Are you feeling alright?"
Sharon rolled her eyes and replied "I told you alrea-" Ace cut her off and said "Well, the way I see it is… You're bored. You want to go back to your old job, right?" Sharon fell silent and Ace looked around, clearing his throat as he said "I have a spell that will make everyone forget you're a criminal… if you want."
Sharon looked at him and she snorted gently, her lips curling into a warm smile as she replied "I don't need that…" Ace scratched his cheek and said "Well… You just seemed down and I don't know how to help you. I'm sorry if you don't like this."
Sharon sighed and sat up, crossing her legs as she looked up at him, saying "I do like this! This is amazing and I love you, I love the kids, it's just… I can't sit here anymore! I feel, like, itchy all over! I want to get out and do something, you know? It's not the house or you or the kids, I just want something to do during the day."
She scratched her arm and continued "It's been over 3 years, Ace. I just-... I don't know. When we were at my place, coming home to see you was perfect! I want to work and come back to see all of you running over to welcome me!"
She held out her hands and looked at him, sighing "I guess… I-" she looked down and added, "I just feel like I'm not doing anything… I feel useless sitting here and you're always busy and going out, but I don't have magic, I can't help you. I can only sit here and change diapers…"
Ace looked at her, sitting on the armrest of the couch, replying "You don't have to! Why didn't you just say that? I thought you wanted to leave… well… all of us." Sharon looked at him, speechlessly, waving her hands, saying "No! Never! Are you kidding? I just want to do something, be useful!"
She smiled and teased, "You're such an idiot, even if I left you, would I leave my babies?" as she leaned forward, resting her forehead on his stomach, adding "I don't think I'm a good fit for a stay-at-home wife… Sorry, baby."
Ace picked her up, hugging her as he said "Phew! You know! You were really scaring me, I don't think so either! First of all, your cooking is really garbage! Secondly, you barely even change diapers at all, not to mention-"
Sharon punched him, shouting angrily "Will you shut up?!" as Ace fell off the couch, holding his stomach, wheezing, "Almost as bad as your cooking… Ugh…" Sharon stood on the couch and pointed at him, shouting "MY COOKING IS BAD?! HAHAHA! AND YOU'RE THE EXPERT, EH!?"
Ace coughed, "Better than you." Sharon jumped off the couch, stomping on him with both her feet as she yelled "YOU MADE ME PAN FRIED BALONEY AND AN UNDERCOOKED EGG WHEN WE FIRST MET, YOU DOUCHE!"
Ace rolled on the ground and swallowed, defending himself "It tasted good!" Sharon landed on the wood floor and turned to him, replying "Oh yeah! Better than roasted rat!" Ace retorted "Like yours?" before covering his mouth with his hand as Sharon's eyes spewed fire, "Really?"
Ace scrambled to his feet and started running as Sharon chased him, jumping to the second floor railing and vaulting over it, landing at the top of the staircase as Ace climbed up the steps.
He paused and looked at her as she snorted with her arms crossed, "What's it gonna be, magic man?" Ace licked his lips and burst out laughing, "Catch me if you can, your food is trash! Bahahahaha!" as he flipped over the railing and ran off.
Sharon laughed in anger and slid down the railing, chasing him, "Come back! I'll only paralyze you!" Ace laughed "Like you 2 weeks ago?" Sharon blushed and fumes were about to come out of her head!
Ace laughed and pulled on his shorts pocket, saying "Oh what's this? A scarf? Huhhhhhhhhh?" as he pulled a never ending scarf out of his pocket, looking back at Sharon before adding "Cya, nerd!" while throwing the scarf at the third floor, climbing up quickly.
Sharon stopped and muttered "Damn magical bastard…" before jumping on the wall and kicking off, grabbing onto the second floor. She pulled herself and flew up to the third floor railing as Ace landed up there, saying in shock "Are you crazy?! How the fuck did you even do that?! Are you Superwoman?!"
Sharon looked at him and said "Baby, I'm slipping!" Ace ran over and grabbed her arms, pulling her up when she lunged at him, pinning him to the ground, grinning "Gotcha~" Ace looked at her in shock, saying "Lowblow!"
Sharon giggled and kissed him, saying "Yeah but you still came to save meee~" Ace curled his lips and flipped her over, chuckling "Of course, I'm a hero." Sharon replied "Mmm~ My Hero~"
Just as they started making out on the nice wooden floor, there was a cough.
Ace and Sharon froze, turning to see Strange standing there with Thor. Ace's lips twitched as Thor waved, smiling happily "My friend!" before giving a big thumbs up, saying "Nice maiden! You are truly an Asgardian Warrior at heart!"
Ace put his tongue in his cheek, hanging his head over Sharon's as he said "My house, Stephen…" Strange coughed, replying "I thought you should know something, but I guess you're busy…"
Ace rolled his eyes and looked at Sharon, saying "Can you believe this guy?" Sharon's legs were wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck as she sighed, "Classic temptation. Look at you, learning, Strange. Good for you!"
Thor smiled quite happily, saying "They haven't fallen for your tricks, just as I haven't. You have stricken out, my wizard friend." Strange looked at him, correcting "Master of the Mystic Arts!" Sharon tilted her head side to side, commenting "Same thing really…"
Ace sighed and asked "Is this something that can wait a few hours…" Sharon looked at him and smirked as Thor raised a fist and Stephen's eyes twitched, saying "Frigga and Odin are in Norway. Thor brought Loki to the Earth. I thought you should know."
Ace frowned and looked at him strangely, asking "What? They shouldn- Ah… I see. You want me to go with them and make sure they get to Asgard… But…" she looked at Sharon and groaned.
Strange waved "I can do it!" Ace rolled his eyes and muttered "Yeah, yeah…" before whistling as he stood up, "I'll do it. Damn it, when you want something to happen, nothing does, when you don't, it comes…"
Sharon clung to him like a koala as the cloak flew over, it was pure black everywhere along with the staff and cards.
Noticeably, the staff was completely different!
It had a two pronged fork at the tip with a red gem in between the prongs and the bottom of the staff was a broken blade edge. It was nearly 2 meters long and sparked with an orange glow.
Ace had taken the philosopher's stone and forged a new staff with the old one as the base. The old one was more like a pole, this one looked cooler, plus it was more convenient in fights.
He snapped his fingers and the staff disappeared into a ripple in the air, along with the cards.
Ace clapped his hands together saying "Let's make this fast, I have matters to attend to. Very important." Sharon pouted and leaned her head on his, Stephen rolled his eyes and replied "Sure…"
Ace's mouth twitched and he retorted "We don't need to be celibates, Strange! We're practicing Magic, not Buddhism…" Sharon climbed down and kissed him, whispering in his ear.
Ace's eyes lit up and he grinned, whispering back, she blushed and slapped his chest, sauntering away, winking at him.
Ace chuckled and Thor wrapped his arm around Ace's shoulders, laughing "Hahaha! You are truly one of us, my friend! I'm sure many a maiden will be in anguish at the news!"
Ace chuckled and nudged Thor, replying "I think many a maiden were anguished by you, eh?" Thor grinned and chuckled as Strange rolled his eyes, making a portal, saying "Please leave Earth quickly."
Thor walked through, waving an umbrella as he said "Not a problem, friend! Might I have my brother back?" Stephen waved and Loki smashed into the floor, shouting "I have been falling… FOR 30 MINUTES!"
Ace kicked Loki into the portal as Thor stepped through. He walked by Stephen and frowned "You didn't come to me just for this, what's the real problem?" Stephen looked in the portal before whispering "Odin and Frigga are at the end of their rope… I'll just say it."
He looked at Ace saying "I came from the future. This time's Stephen is at Kamar-Taj. I came to make these guys leave as soon as possible." Ace nodded and asked "Why?" Stephen revealed, "The Goddess of Death, Hela will be released when Odin dies, she must not be allowed to fight on Earth. The results would be catastrophic. The Twilight of the Gods is upon us."
Ace frowned grimly, "I see… That is very unfortunate… I'll send her away." as he walked to the portal, Stephen grabbed his shoulder and said seriously "Ace." Ace looked at him and Strange added "She's really… really strong. Be careful."
Ace smirked and replied "I'm not too weak myself, Future Strange. Don't worry about it. I said I'll handle it, I'll handle it." before stepping in the portal, giving a thumbs up over his shoulder.
The portal closed behind him as he stepped on the grass with his bare feet.