
Chance Box

A Chance Box.

Long ago before the formation of the Magic Force. The Russian Sorcerer, Shans, journeyed across the world collecting powerful artifacts and objects.

He was a legend among legends, with his name passed down through history.

But many never knew the full truth behind Shans identity and power. He was a legend for reasons no one understood, and soon his mysterious tale faded from time and space, locked away in the vault deep below the sea.

However, around the same time as Shans unknown disappearance in the textbooks of history, mysterious cubes started appearing in random places around the globe. Cubes of different colors, ranging from green, to blue, to red, to black.

No one knew how to open these boxes. Their mysterious magical floating powers stunning random civilians.

People started calling them aliens, others monoliths, some even dared to call them god.

But as soon as they appeared, they disappeared once again.

For three years the Magic Force made it their top priority to find and contain every single box they could get their hands on. And eventually, like Shans himself, these boxes became another lost fragment to the vaults of history.

Then in 1997 one hundred years later in the Magic Treasury deep under the sea, an intermediate Fourth-Class Guardian Sorcerer named Jamiya Hellin was playing a game of cards with her friends.

And that's when everything changed.


Jamiya was the first person to open a Chance Box.


"How does it open?" (Jack)

Yaku touched the top of the glowing black box. It's floating shine glimmering off the white walls and bright lights.

"Some lady figured it a twenty years ago. While she was playing cards. It was all luck and no one knows the true reason of how it happened. But nowadays. It's become commonplace knowledge. You have to earn the box. Through pain, justice, work, or loss." (Yaku)

Jack walked up to the other side of the cube.

"So you're basically saying. We had to earn it through making the bet with Colt? That's sick. What's inside? Is it like some A-Class super cool mega weapon that has a million blades and can shoot god beams? Or is it-" (Jack)

"No. Well... It's in the name. It's a chance. The higher the rank the better the reward. I've secured two in my time on the Force. Both green so it wasn't anything special. I got a chocolate bar in one, and magical replenishing lipstick." (Yaku)

"So it's gambling. You either strike it gold, or you strike at nothing..." (Jack)

Suddenly he came up with a brilliant idea. Jack paced in circles around and around and around.

"This thing is magic right? Did someone enchant it or is it magic itself." (Jack)

"No one can tell for sure, but for the most part, it's indestructible pure magic." (Yaku)

"Indestructible huh...?" (Jack)

He was deep in thought. His face pressed against the floating glowing box of black and red.

"Jack what's on your mind? Another one of your weird ideas?" (Yaku)

"None of my ideas are weird! It's just... I think I can do something with this Chance Box." (Jack)

"Don't tell me..." (Yaku)

"Yup. I think I can rig it!" (Jack)

He held out his hand.

"Yin and Yang!" (Jack)

A white orb formed in his palm.

"If this thing is pure magic then I can take it and control it." (Jack)

"I don't think that's how your magic works?" (Yaku)

"It's worth a try." (Jack)

He touched the white orb to the black cube. It's ancient red lettering slowly dissipated from the old metallic black metal. The under glow faded from it's hollowed frame. Slowly the box crumbled into a dark liquid, swirling with magic and power, being absorbed into Jack's orb.

"It's gone." (Yaku)

He looked around the destroyed area.

"Now all I have to do is distribute the magic evenly." (Jack)

Jack tossed his black orb into the air. He released the held in magic.

Slowly a dark liquid poured. Flowing like viscous honey, it dripped into a mountain of green boxes. One on top of the other, twenty to be exact.

Yaku examined what was happening.

"Huh? It turned into green ones?" (Jack)

"Do it again." (Yaku)

"Um ok." (Jack)

He bent down and sucked up all the green magic boxes in one fell swoop. He released it once again. Slowly pouring it out into bigger chunks.

Ten blue boxes.

"So now it's blue." (Yaku)

"You understand what's happening Yaku?" (Jack)

"Do it one more time." (Yaku)

Jack did it for the final time. Absorbing and pouring the magic in one go. Focusing the magic into bigger and bigger chunks.

Five red boxes.

Yaku picked up one of the red cubes laying it across the white floor.

"Did you figure it out yet? I don't really get it and it's my magic." (Jack)

"I think I got the gist... Twenty green Chance Cubes equals ten blue Chance Cubes. Then ten blue cubes are equal to five red cubes. And five reds equal one black. But what I don't get is how your magic relates to that decision. Can you split up the power of the chance cubes, or is also based on chance?" (Yaku)

Jack looked at his own hands. His sweating palms. His callused fingers. From all the years in the woods all alone, fighting monsters, fighting evils, for a righteous revenge.

He knew there was something missing from his own power. A part not fitting, a memory not the right place. But he also knew his magic power like the back of his hand. He knew he could control the output, how much of each strike, of each burst.

"No I've figured it out. All the boxes are the same. There's no difference between them except for the scale of the magic. I can only absorb one type of magic at a time. So..." (Jack)

He absorbed the five red cubes and turned them back into the single black one.

"Now if I..." (Jack)

He touched the cube. It split open. The soft red glow dissipated into the air. The metal fizzled out of existence, it's material existence disappearing entirely.

"So what are you saying, Jack? What did we get out of this facade?" (Yaku)

"Heh? What did we get out of this? Well first we got a prize..." (Jack)

A singular white feather in a white room. It slowly hovered down, sparkles departing from it's exterior, a shimmering shine as it waved back and forth in the flat air.

"...Second, we got knowledge. Knowledge of how to get more prizes." (Jack)

"I mostly understand what you're saying. Basically, if we collect enough black Chance Boxes and fuse them together, we could get a-" (Yaku)

"A Super Chance Box!" (Jack)

Yaku picked up the feather.

"Interesting." (Yaku)

"Very..." (Jack)

Jack looked at the feather close. Its shinning sparkles attached to his eyes.

"Woah. Don't look at it so close. We don't understand it yet..." (Yaku)

Jack stuffed the feather into his jacket bag portal.

"Anyway, I'm meeting a friend soon so I'll be out for a couple of days. I also know someone who can check out this feather. You have fun on the mission while I'm out." (Yaku)

He stepped out of the room.

"Wait I'm doing a mission by myself?" (Jack)

"Nope. I'm pretty sure you're with Vlad on this one." (Yaku)

He waved goodbye. Jack waved back silently and mopy.

"I don't even know Vlad. He seems kinda..." (Jack)

Jack recollected himself.

"I shouldn't judge people! I'm sure he's a great person!" (Jack)


"Yo old man what's up?" (Colt)

"Colt... Why are you in Tokyo?" (Grand Sorcerer)

"Why are you in Tokyo?" (Colt)

A long silent stare as the two blankly tried their hardest to come up with another quick comeback.

The old man sat down in a soft curved chair in Colt's office. His face covered by a large black blindfold. His hands nicely placed on his lap. His head facing forward. His stern mouth. His old demeanor.

Minutes passed of nothing but staring.

"Uhhhhhh..." (Colt)

Colt broke the silence.

"I'm going to fight. There's no stopping me." (Colt)

The Grand Sorcerer immediately turned angry.

"You know why I put you in this squad. Your power is not meant for killing monsters." (Grand Sorcerer)

Colt leaned forward. His gloved hands pointed up, touching his chin, as he leaned on his old wooden desk.

"That's a lie and you know it. I have the best track record and you know it. I am the strongest and you know it." (Colt)

The old man turned petty.

"You still don't have my permission. That is all. And if you don't wish to comply with us. You will be excommunicated from the Magic Force and Toby will be forced to end your life." (Grand Sorcerer)

"Waaa! That's a bit far oldy! Toby? Really Toby? He doesn't have the balls to even touch me. And were best pals. You'd have my best pal kill me? That's just sick." (Colt)

"His allegiance lies with me now, he doesn't work for your... Ucordinated team of Specials." (Grand Sorcerer)

"Yeah but he doesn't even leave the house. Plus he hangs out with his girlfriend too much to even be work on the weekends." (Colt)

"Toby is outside this very building." (Grand Sorcerer)

Colt snapped his tongue against his lips.

"Shit... Welp... Guess there's nothing I can do then. Have fun with that fight." (Colt)

He got up and walked around the old man.

"There is more that you are hiding." (Grand Sorcerer)

He stopped in his tracks. He turned around at the door, looking down at the blind old man.

"I want to know the reason for the Special Magic Squads reassignment here, to begin with. It is too convenient to be written in a report without an explanation." (Grand Sorcerer)

"Haha! Take that up with Diana not me. She runs that part of things." (Colt)

"Don't be petty Colt. You know in yourself that you would cause more harm than good. You need to understand my position." (Grand Sorcerer)

Colt turned slightly pissed.

"Hahaha! Says the old fuck who can't keep his own organization together. It's a shit show. NO one knows who has command over what country out there. Monsters are getting stronger, more rampant. Rogue Sorcerers are spreading across oceans, creating chaos and killing humans. And the humanoid monsters popping from invisible Rifts between our systems. Times are changing. And you think you can keep the world same-old same-old with how you run things." (Colt)

"Colt! Countries are big. Worlds are bigger. You run a measly gang of no-goods. But I am responsible for the entire world." (Grand Sorcerer)

"That's exactly why... Why..." (Colt)

The door swung wide open.

A woman in the all-white magic force uniform with a black flower pin attached to the left side of her breast.

She stepped up. Her hair and eyes shined bright red. With a white face mask covering up her mouth and cheeks.

She turned to the Grand Sorcerer.

"I was the one who requested Colt's help." (First-Class Captain Sorcerer, Yua Eto)

"Captain Yua... What are you doing here?" (Grand Sorcerer)

"Your question was answered, old geezer. She's the one at fault, not me." (Colt)

Yua bowed down to her hands and knees. Her katana hung close to her side. She lowered her head.

"Grand Sorcerer. I was the one who requested Colt and his squad to transfer to Tokyo. But do not be angry. There is a reason..." (Yua)

The Grand Sorcerer turned to the bowing red-haired Yua.

"One month ago my Squad came in contact with a Rogue Sorcerer. She was a very innocent girl who got mixed up in a gang of terrorists. Long story short this Rogue Sorcerer could predict the future." (Yua)

"Waa! Like Bob or-" (Colt)

"No, stronger. She could see dire events created not of her own accord, but through mystical prophecies. And when the interrogation team contacted me months back I had no idea what they were talking about. I thought they were crazy. They told me that on this very day a great catastrophe would set the end in motion." (Yua)

The Grand Sorcerer took off his blindfold. He looked down with his blank eyes.

"Why did I not hear of this?" (Grand Sorcerer)

"It's not as black and white. You see... Before I could investigate anymore, or look into this mysterious Rogue Sorcerer... She killed herself. " (Yua)

"Yikes." (Colt)

"Indeed. And it was only the next day that strange occurrences started appearing throughout Tokyo and Japan. Red level B and A Rifts. B and C-Class Monsters started showing up from out of the blue. Tokyo's advanced tracking systems couldn't even keep up." (Yua)

"What's the situation now?" (Grand Sorcerer)

"Well... It's hard to say. Three sorcerers were found dead seven hours ago. Hundreds of Red level A Rifts appeared from thin air across small sections of Tokyo. But... Something worse. One hundred feet above surface level. A Black level A Rift was spotted." (Yua)

"Damn... A Black level A. We haven't had one in years." (Colt)

The Grand Sorcerer stood up in frantic fear.

"Did you evacuate all of Tokyo!" (Grand Sorcerer)

"All the precautions were taken care of six hours ago." (Yua)

"Good, good. I'm getting in touch with the Asian Division 2. We need all-" (Grand Sorcerer)

Yua stood up with her fierce red eyes looking right at Colt.

"Grand Sorcerer that is not needed. I have my own squad on the scene as we speak. The rest of my division is taking care of the evacuation. What we need isn't more fodder. We need Colt." (Yua)

"Colt is-" (Grand Sorcerer)

She interrupted again walking toward the window of Colt's office. She pointed to the sky.

"There is no time. Look outside. We heard countless calls about monsters roaming the streets but... As you can see... As soon as my squad came to the scene they were all gone. No monsters at all. Like they had gone back home or something." (Yau)

"Odd." (Colt)

"That is a terrible sign. We must call the-" (Grand Sorcerer)

"Except for one." (Yua)

"What?" (Grand Sorcerer)

"One monster. That's it. They found one monster." (Yua)

"So one bad guy. It's not that big of a deal." (Colt)

"It's in the sky. One Hundred feet above us as we speak. And I suspect the reason why there are no monsters is because... Of that thing." (Yua)

Colt walked to the door. He smirked.

"Ha! Don't worry Yua. I got it." (Colt)

"I have faith." (Yua)

He exited the room.

The Grand Master stood up. He looked out the window. His pitch eyes staring without any sight.

"Yua. Your plan... You know the consequences." (Grand Sorcerer)

"I understand. And I'll take full responsibility." (Yua)