
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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80 Chs

Pugas City 1

Early in the morning, Merlin woke up, but he just woke up, he felt all sticky and gave off an unpleasant odor.

  "Hmm? Sweating again?"

  Now is a cold winter time, outside are still whistling cold wind, also mixed with some rain and snow, like this weather, it is simply impossible to sweat.

  Merlin reached out and touched his hands and back, all sweat stains, but Merlin's face gradually showed a smile, this feeling has not appeared for a long time.

  When Merlin got the first mysterious relief, many days in a row, because of the practice of the mysterious posture on the relief, so when you wake up, there will be many more sweat stains on your body. Only later, as Merlin's physical quality slowly enhanced, the posture on the relief did not work for Merlin, and later, even if Merlin practiced the posture on the relief again, there would be no sweat stains on his body, and even less change.

  And now, after Merlin started practicing the second set of mysterious postures from last night, sweat stains appeared again, which means that the postures on the relief, again have an effect on Merlin, as long as the practice persists, in the future, his physical quality, can definitely become quite strong.

  Merlin then had the maid bring a basin of hot water and washed his entire body before walking out the door.

  "Phew ..."

  Outside the door cold wind gusts, some places on the ground are condensed out of a layer of fine ice crystals, walk up to be careful, the slightest carelessness will slip.


  Merlin vaguely heard a guttural shout, he took a few steps forward to the spacious courtyard and saw old Wilson in heavy armor, holding a large sword with a terrible flame flickering on it.

  Old Wilson is practicing his sword, he has now reached the peak of the second level flame swordsman, just a little short of being able to become a third level elemental swordsman.

  But it also takes time to accumulate, old Wilson is not in a hurry, he simply practiced sword, the flame control to perfection, a sword swing down, the whistling gale mixed with flames, the impact is full.

  Merlin's eyes narrowed slightly, staring intently at the old Wilson's figure, only to see the old Wilson's lean body, like a blow-up balloon, swelled up at once, bulging muscles almost burst the outer heavy armor.


  Old Wilson a sword cut, the whistling wind sound is unusually harsh, the speed of the unimaginable, more shocking is the old Wilson at this time did not use the power of the elements in the body, but purely with the power of the body.

  "Father is getting stronger again ..."

  Merlin murmured, saw that old Wilson had stopped, so he walked over.

  "Merlin, the three sets of postures you gave me are amazing, I've only been practicing for a few days and I feel like my power has at least doubled! Now even if I don't use the power of the elements, I can still resist a third level elemental swordsman!"

  The oppressive aura on old Wilson was even stronger, even Merlin could feel it.

  Hearing old Wilson said the strength doubled, Merlin is still a little surprised, after all, when he practiced the relief on the posture, physical quality but a little slowly change, only a few days, there will not be any significant changes, but the old Wilson now change is indeed very big, all this is related to the old Wilson given by Merlin that three sets of relief on the posture.

  "Maybe it's because my father's physical fitness is already outstanding, and the more outstanding his physical fitness is, the better the results of practicing the poses on these reliefs."

  Merlin pondered, according to such a speed, old Wilson's strength comparable to the fourth level elemental swordsman is just around the corner.

  Not long after, Grand Commander Pula came striding over and reported to old Wilson, "Baron, it's all ready to depart."

  Old Wilson nodded and said to Merlin, "Let's go, get to Pugas City sooner and settle down sooner too."

  So Merlin went back to Count Pumang's castle to say goodbye, while Count Pumang took out some identity cards as well as a letter to Count Selin.

  With these identity cards, a lot of trouble can be avoided along the way.

  After bidding farewell to Count Pumang, Merlin then gradually left Ravensburg with the huge caravan.

  Three days later, the caravan arrived under an ancient city, the walls of this ancient city is already very old, mottled walls, some stone bricks have been seriously weathered, the wind gently blowing, can take away some gravel.

  "Pugas ... This should be the city of Pugas!"

  Merlin looked up at several large letters on the city wall, these words are Morta script, because the Black Moon Kingdom claims to inherit the glory of the Morta Empire period three thousand six hundred years ago, so even the text used is the oldest Morta script.

  But the Morta Empire has been collapsing for 3,600 years, and the Black Moon Kingdom was established only 800 years ago. To say that you want to inherit the glory of the Morta Empire is naturally to put gold on your own face.

  "Finally, it's here. ..."

  Old Wilson, Baron Barman and others, their faces showed a trace of joy, they traveled a long way, fled from the Kingdom of Light to here, every day on edge, now finally arrived at the destination, if all goes well, after this Pugas City is the Wilson family and the Barman family rooted in the place.

  The caravan slowly moved forward until it reached the city gate, several sturdy guards, stopped the caravan and said to old Wilson and the others, "The city lord, Count Selin, has ordered that the city gate is temporarily closed and no one is allowed to enter or leave Pugas City without an identity tag."

  "What's going on? It was fine yesterday, how come it's closed?"

  "What's going on? I heard something big happened in Pugas City, too?"

  Many merchants and civilians are feeling a little puzzled, usually the city gates are fine, you can enter and exit at will, but today they are suddenly closed, and you need an identity plate.

  They are just ordinary commoners, and how can they have identity cards? The identity plate is a kind of identity credential that can only be given by some nobles as well as big chambers of commerce.

  Old Wilson, who was also at the gates, waved his hand and stopped the caravan, then said to the Praetorian Commander, "Go and get Merlin."

  Soon, Commander Pula led Merlin to the city gate. Merlin frowned when he saw how heavily guarded the city gate was and whispered to old Wilson, "Father, don't worry, Count Pumang gave me some identity cards, I'll go and deal with them."

  When he said that, he walked up to the gate guards and pulled out an identity plate from his pocket.

  The guard repeatedly looked at the identity plate several times and asked with some suspicion, "Identity plate of Ravensburg? What are so many of you doing here in Pugas City from Ravensburg?"

  "We were introduced to Pugas City by Count Pumang, what? Is this identity card fake?"

  Merlin did not want to make a fearless explanation, said with a frown.

  When the guard heard that it was related to Count Pumang, he checked the ID tag again carefully and found nothing wrong with it, so he gave it back to Merlin, then said softly, "This is Count Selin's order, we must strictly carry it out! Well, there is no problem with your ID card, you can go in."

  The guards waved their hands and the gates gradually opened. Old Wilson took the lead with a huge caravan and slowly entered the city of Pugas.

  Compared to the excitement of old Wilson and others, Merlin was vaguely worried, looked back at the heavily guarded city gates and murmured, "I hope that what Earl Selin has caused is not a big trouble ..."