
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantaisie
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80 Chs

Big Trouble 1

  The young girl exudes a youthful, energetic atmosphere, let a person look at the heart to pity, and and sturdy, looks a fierce face of Cook different, the young girl looks very sweet, put the two together, how do not look like brother and sister.

  Earl Selin, who just now had a serious face, saw the young girl, his face immediately eased down and said with a smile: "Shelley, recently Pugas City is a bit unsafe, you try to stay in the castle, your brother Cook, I also summoned him back, is to work together through this difficult time."

  The young girl Shelley slightly spit out her tongue, a cute face, said in a delicate voice: "Father, I know, from now on, all try to be in the castle."

  Cook looked at Shelley, a smile appeared on his face, and was about to leave when Shelley said loudly, "Father, brother, there is a man outside the castle, saying that he is from Ravensburg and has a personal letter from Count Pumang, asking me to give it to Father."

  "From Ravensburger? Cooke, go and invite the man into the castle."

  A hint of joy appeared on Count Selin's face as he kept rubbing his hands together and murmured, "Finally, it's here, it must be Pumang who sent someone."

  The Earl of Salem had a letter brought to the Earl of Pumang in Ravensburg, many days have passed, he often chanted, is to hope that the Earl of Pumang can send some spellcasters to help themselves.

  Now it is finally waiting, so the mood is naturally very excited.

  Cooke frowned slightly, with some reluctance, but turned away.

  "So you're the guy from Ravensburger?"

  The tall and sturdy Cook, coldly stared at the young man in front of him, this man is too young, even younger than Cook, Count Pumang sent such a person?

  Thinking about it, Cook's eyes became more unkind, and his tone was cold.

  Merlin heart is also very shocked, he felt the sturdy man in front of him, the body seems to emanate a very fierce aura, not yet close, Merlin felt very dangerous.

  The breath of the stout man, far more powerful than even the old Wilson, Merlin could not even resist the urge to stay away from this man, who brought Merlin a very dangerous feeling.

  "So powerful, it must be an intermediate elemental swordsman, a fourth or fifth level elemental swordsman!"

  Merlin's mind flashed through a thought, intermediate elemental swordsmen and low-level elemental swordsmen are different, counted as a whole are a leap forward, can exude an oppressive and huge aura.

  And, once reached the intermediate elemental swordsman, the general zero-level spells, for these powerful intermediate elemental swordsman, will not play much of a killing role, Merlin felt that his ordinary fireball spells and ordinary freezing spells, certainly will not pose a threat to the sturdy man in front of him.

  Even in such a close distance, once the other side to launch an attack, but very unfavorable to Merlin.

  So for this stout man, Merlin has always been wary.

  "Yes, I'm right here from Ravensburger, and my name is Wilson Merrill!"

  Cook ignored Merlin and said indifferently, "Come on, Father wants to see you."

  It dawned on Merlin that this man, who looked as majestic as a beast, was the son of Count Selin.

  Followed behind Cook  , Merlin stepped into the castle, his mental energy is always probing the surrounding area, there are many hidden terrain in the castle, in these places, there are some guards hidden, even if they are following Cook, these people's eyes are still not relaxed, are staring closely at Merlin.

  Merlin felt a little uncomfortable, his brow furrowed, but did not say anything and followed Cook to the spacious hall.

  In the hall, Merlin saw the lively and beautiful young girl Shelley just now, Merlin nodded slightly to her, and then set his eyes on a middle-aged man right in front of the hall.

  This middle-aged man was holding a letter in his hand, and seemed to have just finished reading it. His gaze looked at Merlin, revealing a hint of complexity, and even seemed to be vaguely disappointed.

  Merlin immediately knew the identity of the middle-aged man, so he put one hand on his chest and said respectfully, "Dear Count Selin, Count Pumang of Ravensburg asked me to greet you on his behalf!"

  Count Selin waved his hand slightly and said: "Mage Merlin, Count Pumang's letter I read, you are not the mage stationed in Ravensburg, Count Pumang introduced you to settle in Pugas City, usually there is no problem, but now Pugas City has encountered some difficulties, I'm afraid ... "

  Merlin smiled and nodded slightly and said, "Earl Pumang has mentioned it to me slightly before coming, if it is not a big problem, Merlin is willing to serve Earl Selin."

  Count Selin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Good, when this incident is over, I will find a way to resettle Venerable Merlin's family."

  "Merlin thanks His Excellency the Count for his generosity! Just now I saw that inside Lord Count's castle, it seems to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and the guards are all very alert, what kind of trouble has Lord Count encountered?"

  Although Merlin agreed to help, he also wanted to know what was going on first, and if it was anything too big for even him to do anything about, then he would have to consider whether he still had to stay in Pugas City.

  Merlin's words silenced the atmosphere in the hall.

  Cook also stepped forward and asked in a deep voice: "Father, I haven't asked just now either, you summoned me back in such a hurry, and also recalled the grand commanders of Pugas City in a big way, what exactly is that madman? Is it worthwhile for father to be so careful?"

  Merlin was slightly surprised that even the son of Count Selin did not know exactly what was going on.

  Count Selin looked at Merlin, smiled bitterly helplessly, and said with a low voice: "Since Mage Merlin asked, I will naturally talk about this matter. Five years ago, I dealt with a baron of Nelson who betrayed the city of Pugas, and disposed of his family along with him. But by mistake, the son of Nelson, Merilon, escaped. Now, Merilon has returned, and he sent me a letter saying that he would kill me with his own hands in my castle in a month's time. And now, there are only five days left until the deadline Merilon said."

  Merlin did not care about certain circumstances that Count Selin had deliberately omitted. As the supreme commander of the entire Pugas city-state, he naturally would not be merciful in dealing with the betrayal of the nobles under him, in which many unimaginable means might have been used.

  But the feud between Earl Selin and Merilon was not the focus of Merlin's attention, he wanted to know this Merilon, in the end, who was he? Why did he have the courage to make such a big show and threaten a count?

  Merlin looked his gaze at Count Cailin, he believed that with the power of Count Cailin, he must have already figured out all the information of Merilon.