
4. Unknown Person

One day I am on my way. I walk towards college. that day Tina was sick and she not coming with me to college. I also don't want to go college without Tina. but today's my day of book returning in college library. so I have compulsory to go college. when I thinking something in my mind then suddenly I bumped into someone. I saw, that person's all papers split on road because of me.

"I am so sorry, so sorry I didn't notice you. I fixed your paper properly". I said to that unknown person".

"You don't know how to walk on road. you are so irresponsible girl. when you walk on road then your eyes need to only on road". that person said to me".

when he was talking in a loud voice so my eyes filled with tears. but still I give him his all papers. again I said sorry to him and started to walk on my way. I felt so bad. so I quietly went out of the way. after some distance I saw that person. he was going fast on road. like he is late for something. then suddenly he bumped into car. My expression was like totally shocked. someone had a accident in front of me. it's first time that I saw an accident in reality. but I run to him. and saw he was injured, his blood coming from his body. He immediately needs any doctor. I called ambulance. ambulance take very short time for came in accident point. after that I take him in ambulance and I also seat beside him. cause he held my hand tightly. that's why I go in ambulance to hospital with that unknown person. he faint because of that accident and weakness.

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