
5. Take care

Now I'm in hospital. and doctors chaking to that unknown person. after two hours. I don't know who is he? what was their name? I don't know anything. but because of humanity I help him. I was praying to god for taking care and save him. I was just thinking about that, then doctor called me. I go to doctor, and ask them about that person's health.

"Now their health is not curious. he is out of danger". doctor told me.

Then I take deep breath. cause I was scared when I see her blood on road. so now I relax.

"Thank you doctor. can I meet him? " I ask them.

"Yes, doctor said to me and give me permission for meet him. so I go to meet him. I entered in patient room. I thought he was slept, cause of weakness. but he was trying to call someone.

"I ask him "how you feel now?"

"I feel little good" he said.

I again ask, "you want to call someone? I can call that person for you".

he said "No. but thank you, for you help me and take me to hospital".

"It's my responsibility of humanity" I said him

I told them my name and ask his self. when I ask him about his, then he stop and thinking about something, like he don't want to tell me about him. but I again ask.

then he said "I am a professor of science college. and my name is professor Prabhu".

he told me their name and profession. don't know why but I felt like he was lying to me. I think..that he don't want to tell me anything. so I don't force them and not ask again. I said them to inform his family. they told me that his wife is no more, he is near god. and he have only one son. I feel bad cause his wife is near god.

"So call your son and say to come here" I said to them.

professor Prabhu said "he is not here. he go for business work in other country".

I noticed, that he missing his family. so I told them, don't worry I will take care of you. they try to speak something but I spoke before they spoke.

I said them in dramatical way ''You don't know sir how to walk on road, you are such a careless person''.

they laughed and said "yes your absolutely right. I told you this and also make loud voice on you. but.. now see, I forgot that we need to walk carefully on road. next time I don't forgot it OK".

"You careless and me too, so we can be friends," I said to them.

when I said this he was happy."Yes why not," they reply me.

I know professor Prabhu is unknown person for me, I only know her name and profession. but I don't think that they are dangerous or wrong person. cause I noticed him, he is like a hard working person. so I think he is good person.

"Now you take rest, if you want anything then tell me. I said to professor Prabhu.

"Okay. and thank you again'' they said.

"please don't say that, it's my responsibility you know na". I told them, like I am oldest than his.

I go to outside and check my phone, if anyone call or message to me. cause I'm in hospital so I make my phone silent.🤫