
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Autres
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17 Chs

Part 15

"I'm done playing with you, man. Magic users cast healing on me. The rest of you jump this cat's ass and kill him now," yelled Demiqas.



"Do it," ordered Londark.

"Ah, right,"

The warriors charged to Demiqas and Nyanta but were stopped by Naotsugu.

"Anchor howl,"

"Your playing dirty, Chank boy? Not bad,"

"Healer team, heal Demiqas,"

"Yea," shouted the group of healers

Demiqas was bathed in blue light. His hip was rising.

"Fighters concentrate your attacks on the guardian,"

The warriors attack Naotsugu all at once.

"He's going to die," said Serara worriedly.

"Cast your healing spell now,"

"Huh, right, Heartbeat healing,"

Druid is one of the healing classes. Once they cast a healing pulse on someone, it remains in effect for a short time.

"It's not going fast enough. I can't do it anymore. I'm not strong enough,"

"Naotsugu is going to be fine. Send the rest of your spell over to Nyanta,"

"Okay, but their both in danger, aren't they,"

"If you can't help them both, don't focus on what you can. It'll help,"


"Haha, whatever," said Demiqas as he charged at Nyanta, "it must be hard to get by with one crappy healer pussy cat,"

"Your whole team of healers can't fix your hair,"

"Ah, shut up," said Demiqas as he gave Nyanta a surprise kick to the back, "looks like your warrior buddy's about to get creamed, hahaha,"

Serara was scared for them.

"Shiro," said Naotsugu, giving him a grin.

"Get ready to cast it," said Shiro, giving her the signal.

"Castle of Stone,"

"We didn't even hurt him,"

Castle of Stone, this spell blocks all damage from all opponents for ten seconds. It's an emergency defence only available to Guardians.

"Okay, now cast all your healing spells on Naotsugu,"

"Okay, healing wind,"

"You better stop wasting our time, little girl. That castle of stone has a ten-minute cool down period,"

"If he just used a defensive skill he can't use for another ten minutes, he's in bad shape. He must be starting to panic or at least running out of options if he can't come up with a better defence than that,"

"When that spell runs out, your a dead man. I'm going to enjoy punishing you for this count on it,"

"Come on; you have got to get healthy faster than that,"

"Tiger echo fist," shouted Demiqas as he punched the ground, sending Nyanta into the air.

"Master Nyanta,"

"It's about time to take care of business read Shiro-echi,"

"Ready when you are chief,"

"You finally ready to die, punk,"

"Thorn bind hostage,"

Shiro cast the spell well, and Nyanta charged toward Demiqas. Glowing blue thorns burst out and warped themself around Demiqas. Naotsugu's spell wore off.

"Are you kidding? You're going to have to do better than that, haha," said Demiqas as he went in with a high kick.

Nyanta jumped high up and landed in Demiqas leg; it was still in the air.

"Come here," grunted Demiqas as he threw a right hook.

Nyanta is in the air, readying his next attack. The twin blades tear through the thorns on Demiqas body. After leaving one remaining vine of thorns, Demiqas lit up like a blue glow stick. He then fell over from the damage given.


Nyanta stealthed his blades.

"Wah impossible,"

"Our guild master,"

"That attack took all of his hit points. How did you do that,"

"Healing team recast now we still have a chance to…huh," said Londark as he cast a spell, "Ah crap,"

They all fell and turned into bubbles and coins after being assassinated.

'There is no single attack from a swashbuckler that could ever hope to defeat a level 90 monk even a assassin like myself with the highest attack power among weapon specialization classes can't accomplish that more than likely the secret lies in My lord's spell Thorn bind Hostage every successful hit from someone in your party causes a thousand hit point damage to the player bound by the spell slashing all five thorns does five thousand damage still Demiqas had more than Five thousand hit points left and had healed some prior damage so My lord knew that he would be able to recast his thorn bind hostage in the next fifteen seconds the swashbuckler waited fourteen seconds to begin his attack he scored nine hits the first five came quickly each slab would take .22 seconds and after he slashed the fifth thorn My lord must of recast the spell and then he cut four more I didn't see it clearly but it explains the five thousand damage for each thorn in the first cast the additional five thousand when they were all cut and now four thousand more plus the one thorn still on his body fourteen thousand hit points in one attack. That had to be why Naotsugu used a castle of stone. He must have known they would do it, but they didn't even coordinate ahead of time. Incredible, I don't know if I could do that,' thought Akatsuki.

"You better drop those swords, punks,"

The warriors trembled. Demiqas was still conscious, considering the damage he had taken, which was a surprise.

"We came through the depths of palm on an expedition to help our friends. We have figured out a way to shorten travel time between cities, so you're not isolated anymore, and you need to stop terrorizing people,"

The warriors all looked panicked at Shiro's words.

"It's obvious we have won this fight. It's up to you what's it going to be, Demiqas,"

"Uh you little puke, I'm going to send all your sorry ass through the cathedrals once after another…." Demiqas was cut off by a katana coming through his torso, which also hit the thorned vine. Demiqas had a shocked expression and then burst into bubbles and coins.

Everyone was a bit shocked until they saw who had done it. Akio had been looking out with Akatsuki for any enemy backup they were to take out before they arrived.

"Hey, Shiro, please take care of them before they become a problem. He was charging an attack directed at you," said Akio calmly.

"Akio, thank you,"

"You're welcome though next time, don't gloat until you're sure they can't get up and attack again,"


"Now is that Nyanta I see,"

"Yes, it is Akio-echi,"

"Please don't butcher my name like that, but it is good to see you,"

"The same could be said here,"

"And my guess is this is who we will be escorting back to Crest Moon,"

Serara was still in shock when the man appeared out of nowhere. Her first words were shuttered out.

"Um, ah yes, My name is Serara. It's nice to meet you,"

"It is a pleasure, Serara. You may call me Akio,"

Then Akio, Naotsugu, Nyanta and Shiro pulled out their summoning whistles. Their Griffins appeared immediately.

"M'lady, your ride awaits,"


"Akatsuki let's move out,"

Akatsuki nodded her head in agreement.

"Let's go, guys, back to Akabara last one there has to was my cot piece,"



"What can I do for you,"

"Oh, it's nothing,"

"Right let's go home to Akabara,"

'Oh, so she's into him, okay, we'll. If he hurts her, I'm going to send him through the cathedral a few times,' thought Akio.

"Yea," said Akatsuki.