
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Others
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17 Chs

Part 14

"We've been looking for you, little Serara," said one of the guild members creepily.

Shiro, Nyanta and Serara made it out of the gate. Waiting for them was the Guild leader Demiqas on his throne, looking down on them like some type of overlord or even a god.

"Cheif Nyanta,"

"Talk to me,"

"This Demiqas fella, you think you could take him out,"

"Is that even a serious question,"

"Hmm," Shiro pushes up his glasses.

"Don't worry, none of those knucklehead fools are going to lay a hand on you, little lady,"

"Okay, so which one of you future dead guys is Demduface or whatever,"

Serara pales at Shiro's blatant disrespect.

"Shimmer down; that's kinda strong, my man. There is no need to be loud and rude when he is sitting right here; we can be civil about this," Nyanta paused and pointed at Demiqas, " I bet it is the swoll-up dude chilling right over there ain't that right, Demiqas,"

Demiqas was pretty smug, sitting up on his chair with two ladies at his side. With Nyanta's correct guess, he used some skill and disappeared into many muted colours.

"Long time no see, little lady. You didn't think I would let you run away; you're mine. If you do the right thing and come back now, I'll forgive you after a few visits to the cathedral,"

Serara was scared of this man; he made her feel small and weak. She had started to show signs of shedding tears.

"How completely ill-mannered and immature of you; now my inner adult is telling me to be tolerant. However, you have stroked this cat the wrong way,"

"Real cute,"

"I said you've gone too far. It is my duty to rein in the behaviour of children such as yourself. It's time for you to learn to respect you, elders you understand," said Nyanta in a calm baritone voice, making the come at me hand gesture.

"What? Are you kidding me? What makes you think I'm going to fight you,"

"Are you that afraid of fighting me alone,"


"Sorry to interrupt your little chit chat pardon me, your Dufaceness. We could go and fight with someone else if you're scared,"

Serara was once again shocked at how bluntly Shiro insulted Demiqas. And Demiqas was starting to get seriously pissed at Shiro.

"Maybe your friend in the grey robe wants to stand in for you. I mean, he's the one wearing the fancy little bathrobe and everything; you look more serious than your boss does,"

"In case you haven't heard of me, I'm called Londark of the grey steel,"

"Oh, that's quite the fancy nickname, not too bad, I suppose. I think it would properly settle the score here if only our strongest fighters did battle Chief Nyanta will fight you, Grey steel,"

"Myself and the elf can finish this since the meathead is too afraid to fight all alone; that'll work,"

"Okay, fine, you wanna get crushed, don't you don't, yea,"

Demiqas used the movement skill he had used earlier and appeared in the air close to Nyanta and angled himself so that when his punch hit it would do a fair amount of damage. The ground making to ground unevenly made the terrain harder to balance. Nyanta, luckily with his cat-like reflexes, jumped away, avoiding most of the rock and debris that was now scattered in the air from his punch. Now a thick brown, grey dust covered the field of vision. At this predicament, Shiro pushed up his glasses and smirked evilly.

"Very good," Nyanta swung his rapiers around, got himself into a comfortable fighting position with both swords behind his back, and pointed at Demiqas, " you ready to get all scratched up."

"Mister cat," shouted Serara.

"If it's all the same to you, I'd rather the lady not witness too much blood. Just let me know if you want me to take it easy on you,"

"Yeah, keep talking, cat,"

Demiqas is in the Monk class, one of the three warrior classes. Similar to Guardian and Samurai. The fight had commenced blows were exchanged in quick succession. In Elder tales, various skills had duration periods called cast times. They also have cool-down times called recast times. Nyanta seems to have more of an advantage in the fight as he is wielding a weapon and not brawling with his fists like Demiqas. Cast time is the amount of time it takes a spell to have its full effect once it's been cast. Cool downtime is the time it takes before you can reuse a spell after it's been cast.

"Aura Saber,"

Monkeys have short cooldowns, which allow them to make chains of attacks giving their opponent little room to recover.

"Phantom Step, Haha Leave it to a cat to think he's going to beat me by slicing me with toy swords,"

"Check yourself. A rapier is a gentleman's weapon,"

"Ah, Nyanta is running low on hit points,"

"It looks like our Guild master has this one sewed up unless,"

Nyanta went for a head-on attack charging at Demiqas. Using his rapiers, he monvered several slashes. The Pirate Swordsman Swashbuckler is a specialized weapon class and one of the few that can duel wield. What makes it truly unique is that it lowers the target's abilities with each strike, lower attack, lower dodge, and lower defence until an opponent can't fight.

"He's about to suffer a death of thousand tiny cuts,"

"Wow, not good,"

'It would appear as though Demiqus is losing,' thought Longdark.

"Come on, fight like a man. You gotta have more fight in yea then that,"

"Coming from you, the word's fight like a man has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard,"


"Serara, when I give the signal, I want you to cast a healing pulse on everyone,"
