
Maboroshi no Sennin - The Sage of Illusions

In a world where Naruto Uzumaki is deemed hopeless in Genjutsu, he defies expectations with the help of friends and a dedicated sensei. Through unwavering support, Naruto unlocks his hidden potential, mastering the art of illusion. With newfound abilities, he becomes a beacon of hope, proving that determination can surpass any limitation. Join Naruto on his extraordinary journey as he shatters the boundaries and embraces his role as a Genjutsu prodigy, rewriting his own legend. Naruto/Kurenai/Ino/Samui I don't Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, this novel.....I don't own anything. Written by Tsukune08, tell me if you want this deleted buddy, the ff was awesome so just wanted to share it with others. Cover art made by yours truly with Ai

LightSensei · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Both Kurenai and Takeshi had to raise an eyebrow as they saw he had a mesh shirt underneath his jacket, his chest was slightly muscled, and you could see there was a small amount of muscle underneath the tanned skin but there wasn't much fat, as would be expected by a child. That was where the normalcy ended, as Naruto's ribcage became visible a KI washed over the store as Takeshi's hands trembled but Kurenai's eyes seemed almost aflame as she looked at his ribs, standing out as his skin clung to his frame. Naruto flinched slightly at the KI but continued showing how his stomach was sunken in looking almost like there was nothing there, Takeshi could swear he almost saw his spine. Naruto finally pulled his jacket off and put it on the ground. Both of the adults were a bit mollified when his arms showed some decent muscles.

Naruto curled into himself as he took in both of their murderous expressions. His shoulders started to shake as their KI didn't let up. He didn't know that their reaction would have been this bad, he was just hoping they didn't try to hurt him. He was hungry and slightly tired from standing almost all day trying to throw eggs at his teammates. Even though he was naturally hyperactive, he did have his limits regarding how much he could do on an empty stomach.

Takeshi's eyes were wide with anger as he didn't understand how Naruto could be so malnourished, he thought of his Tenten like that and his KI almost seemed to double as he saw her despondent face instead of Naruto's. He was furious at this village.

Kurenai was shocked at first but soon her eyes were aflame with justice. She was going to help him eat properly, no one deserved to be starving, especially not a ninja. Besides, if he couldn't eat healthy then he was almost finished as a ninja already. Her KI was barely being restrained as she felt Takeshi wash over his shop. She managed to restrain herself as she didn't want to scare Naruto too badly, however, she finally noticed how he was shaking. She turned to Takeshi and made a motion to Naruto telling him to cut his KI. Once he did, she stepped closer to Naruto, she went to put her hand on him but he flinched away and looked at her with fearful eyes again. Her heart broke as a face of pain and loneliness was present in such a young person.

"I know my body isn't the best looking but please still be my friend," he said in a quiet, almost breaking tone. He stared into Kurenai's ruby orbs, his face reflecting all of the times he had felt alone. He felt Takeshi's gaze on him but he only had eyes for the raven-haired goddess in front of him, his first friend, even if it was for only a day. He didn't know what he would do if another person betrayed him as his Jiji had. He watched apprehensively as she bent down to his level.

His heart almost soared as he heard her speak, "Naruto-san, I don't care what you look like I just was surprised, I am sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you, I am still your friend." she said. Another true smile split his face as he launched himself forward and hugged her tightly, almost suffocating her as he squeezed her head like a lifeline. She reached around him and hugged him as well. He blushed and stepped back a few seconds later.

"Arigatou," he said.

Takeshi stepped forward and bent down to Naruto, "I would like for you to be my friend as well Naruto-san. You have endured something no child should, as much as I wish to call you a child, I cannot. Young man, I would be honored to call you among my friends." he said with a small smile and his hand held out again.

Naruto's smile almost blinded the two adults as he reached forward and grasped Takeshi's hand with all his might and shook it. "Arigatou Takeshi-san," he said.

"What do you eat Naruto-san?" Kurenai asked as he released Takeshi's hand.

Naruto looked up at Kurenai and grinned slightly, "Anything I can afford, usually Ramen from Ichiraku ramen as they are the only ones I can pay for. Sometimes they even give me free food!" he said smiling, "But when I run out of money, I can't eat so I sometimes just go a few days without eating until I receive my allowance from the Hokage Tower." he was ecstatic with his new friends so he ignored how worried they looked.

"How much do you get each week Naruto?" Takeshi asked curiously.

Naruto pulled out Gama-chan, drawing a surprised look from Takeshi, "About 10,000 Ryu." he said as he pulled the bills to show that much. Takeshi and Kurenai's eyes narrowed.

"You can only afford Ramen with this?" Takeshi asked. Naruto nodded. Both the adults shared a look that Naruto missed as he was basking in the fact he now had two friends.

"Well it looks like your tenant helps you out in multiple ways," Kurenai said drawing surprised looks from Naruto and Takeshi, "without it, you would probably have a bulging belly but no muscles because of malnutrition" she explained, she was well versed in human physiology to be able to take people out for interrogation. Takeshi nodded as Naruto cocked his head in confusion.

"What's mal- Mil-walnut-" Naruto stuttered

"Malnutrition?" Kurenai offered. Naruto nodded, "It means you aren't eating correctly Naruto-san." Kurenai said.

"Guess the damn fox is earning his rent." Naruto said quietly drawing chuckles from Kurenai and Takeshi, "But let's get some clothes. Can you guess my size now Kurenai-san?" he asked. Kurenai nodded.

"I will be right back, I already have an idea of what you would like," she said as she walked off into the store.

Naruto looked around for a second before spotting the weapon Kurenai had wanted. His face split into a grin and he looked at the price, it was 250,000 Ryu. His grin fell a bit but he turned to Takeshi.

"Takeshi-san?" he asked tentatively so Kurenai couldn't hear him. Takeshi looked at him. "Could you tell me how much it might cost me to get that?" he said pointing at the sword.

Takeshi's eyes widened as he took in the weapon, "That has been sitting there for a while, I know Kurenai-" Takeshi looked down at Naruto with a surprised look.

"You want to get it for her?" he asked. Naruto blushed a bit but nodded.

"She's my first friend, she doesn't need to be doing this but I want to repay her. I saw she liked it so I wanted to get it for her," he said.

Takeshi nodded, "She has been looking at it for a while. Alright, I tell you what, I will sell it to you for 200,000 ryu. But I will let you make a payment plan." he said. Naruto cocked his head to the side in a curious fashion, "I know you won't have all the money just yet as you still need weapons I am sure." Naruto nodded. "A payment plan just means I will take your money at set times for a set amount until you pay it all. Understand?" he said. Naruto's eyes squinted but a moment later, Naruto nodded.

"Almost like rent but it is building to a certain amount?" Naruto said drawing a surprised look again.

"How do you know about rent?" Takeshi asked.

"I pay it for my apartment. How much for one payment?" Naruto answered as Kurenai came back with some dark grey items in her hands.

"About 120,000 for a down payment and I will allow 10,000 Ryu a month. Work for you Naruto-san?" Takeshi asked drawing a surprised look from Kurenai.

"What could you be buying for that amount?" she questioned but Naruto merely smiled mischievously before turning back to Takeshi.

"Perfect Takeshi-san. Arigatou," he said.

"Go try these on Naruto-san," Kurenai said and shoved them into Naruto's hands. Naruto smiled and took off to the changing rooms. As Naruto changed, Kurenai tried to pry out what was so

expensive from Takeshi, but he thoroughly denied her as he didn't want to ruin Naruto's surprise for her.

Naruto walked back out and looked at Takeshi and Kurenai. Both of them smiled upon seeing his new clothes. He was wearing a dark grey shirt with the kanji for Illusion on the back, oddly enough, and a small swirl on his front right breast. It hugged his body showing some of his ribs but flaring out around his stomach. This led to dark grey pants with burnt orange stripes down the side. He was wearing the usual blue shoes on his feet, but his Headband was tied around his left arm leaving his bangs to hang into his eyes. He smiled at them and said, "Well?"

Both of them nodded at him. But he frowned, "It's missing something." he said. His eyes panned around again as he tried to figure out what was missing. All of a sudden, his eyes landed on something hanging in the bargain bin. He smirked a foxy smirk as he walked forward and grabbed the item. He tied it around his waist, twice, before letting the excess hang down to his calf. He looked up and grinned at them. "There."

Kurenai put a hand to her chin as she contemplated what he had added. Takeshi, however, laughed, "Perfect Naruto." he said. Kurenai took a few minutes more before she spoke.

"You are set on that?" she asked. He nodded. She sighed but nodded her head with a small smile, "I suppose you always need your flare huh Naruto-san?" she asked. Naruto grinned at her as he looked down at his new addition. A burnt orange sash that, if his observation were correct, would act much like Kurenai's single red sleeve, distracting the enemy. The great part about it, for Naruto, was that if someone tried to grab it, he could use it to move into close range.

Takeshi grinned and said, "Okay, I can have a few more of those made and it will cost you about 20,000 Ryu altogether. If you add in Kunai and Shuriken plus your down payment, then about 155,000 Ryu." he counted in their purchases. Naruto nodded and smiled at Takeshi, he handed over the money. Takeshi grabbed the money and put it in his register.

Takeshi turned around and grabbed "Silencer," he then put it in its sheath and said, "This has seals in the guard to keep the blade eternally sharp and free of blood and rust. It is perfect for genjutsu masters." he said. "It is said, it even allows you access to an opponent's mindscape," he explained drawing a slight gasp from Kurenai. "And now it is yours Kurenai. Thank your little friend there," he said as he turned around and presented the sheathed blade to her.

She reached out and grasped the blade, cradling it almost lovingly as she looked at what she had wanted for a while but couldn't justify spending the money on it. She looked down at Naruto and frowned at him as she didn't wnat him to spend his hard-saved money on her. "You don't have to buy this for me," she said.

Naruto shook his head, "You didn't have to help me. I want you to have it. Arigatou Kurenai-san." he said as he smiled at her.

Kurenai shook her head and said, "Arigatou Naruto-san." she said.

Naruto noticed it was getting dark outside and said, "Let me walk you home again, I think we should call it a day today." he said.

Takeshi grinned and leaned down to whisper to Naruto. "Again eh Naruto, don't you think it's a bit fast for you to be dating Kurenai?" he asked grinning.

Naruto blushed bright red, drawing Kurenai's attention but he turned to Takeshi, "I am just friends with her. Takeshi-baka!" he shouted and proceeded out of the shop with a bright red face.

Kurenai looked at Takeshi but he simply whistled, feigning innocence as Naruto walked away. She narrowed her eyes before sighing and deciding she didn't want to know. She tied her new weapon onto her back and followed Naruto out of the store.

The walk to Kurenai's apartment was spent in companionable silence. When they were outside the complex, Naruto turned to Kurenai and smiled again, "Arigatou again Kurenai-san." he said.

Kurenai smiled at him, "No Arigatou to you Naruto, I always wanted that weapon but I couldn't justify spending the money on it." she said as he looked at her blade again.

He looked down and blushed before saying, "It matches your eyes Kurenai-san." he rushed through it Kurenai almost missed it, before he shouted at her, "Bye Kurenai-san See you around." he said as he suddenly turned and ran off.

Kurenai smiled at him as he ran away, a bit amused at how shy he was being. She smiled a bit wider as she walked into her apartment. Naruto could be unpredictable.

Naruto's smile couldn't be beaten as he walked down the streets with his new clothes on and replacements in his hands. He grinned widely as he began to run to his apartment. "I can't believe I got another friend!" he shouted in his head as he dashed up his stairs and through his door. He threw his new clothes on his couch before running into his room. He threw himself onto his bed and sighed happily as he thought of today. "Today was perfect." he thought.