
Maboroshi no Sennin - The Sage of Illusions

In a world where Naruto Uzumaki is deemed hopeless in Genjutsu, he defies expectations with the help of friends and a dedicated sensei. Through unwavering support, Naruto unlocks his hidden potential, mastering the art of illusion. With newfound abilities, he becomes a beacon of hope, proving that determination can surpass any limitation. Join Naruto on his extraordinary journey as he shatters the boundaries and embraces his role as a Genjutsu prodigy, rewriting his own legend. Naruto/Kurenai/Ino/Samui I don't Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, this novel.....I don't own anything. Written by Tsukune08, tell me if you want this deleted buddy, the ff was awesome so just wanted to share it with others. Cover art made by yours truly with Ai

LightSensei · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

His face was a neon red as he said, "Gomen Kurenai-san, from now on, I will yell before coming into the clearing." he said as he trembled from the sight burned into his eyes.

Behind him, Kurenai smiled at him, she was completely naked standing near her clothes again. She had just finished a shower before he showed up. She had frozen when he suddenly burst into the clearing but when he didn't stare at her and instead turned back around, she was proud of him. She knew many men would just stare and then apologize, especially with her as their object of affection. Instead, he immediately turned around and didn't even try to take a second look. She chuckled as she took in his trembling form.

She grabbed her dressings and dressed before walking up behind him and laying a hand on his shoulder. She turned him around and gave him a small smile, "Thank you for not staring Naruto-san, and I don't think you need to yell, simply try to announce your presence before coming in here and I will do the same." she said.

Naruto smiled up at her hesitantly, "You're not mad?" he asked.

Kurenai shook her head, "I may not like it but you proved that it was an accident by turning around immediately. I appreciate that more than you know Naruto-san." she said still with a small smile. For a second, she wondered who might have taught him how to be such a gentleman. But she brushed it off.

"Now I believe it is time to go get you some clothes," she said.

Naruto looked down but turned back to her with Gama-chan in his hands, "Uhhh, Kurenai-san I know this isn't much but this should help cover some of the costs." he said as he offered her the overflowing wallet.

Kurenai's eyes widened in shock at his wallet. "What the hell? With the amount sitting in there, he should have no trouble buying new clothes. Why did he say that the only thing he could afford was that hideous jumpsuit?" she thought to herself. Then her eyes narrowed, "Naruto-san, how much did you pay for those jumpsuits?" she asked.

Naruto smiled brightly, "About this much for one of them." he responded, "It was such a lucky deal, even one shirt cost like 3 times this much. But with this, I got a full set of clothes for less than one article." he said with a huge smile.

Kurenai frowned, "I can't believe that they would try to price gouge him so badly! Well, that stops now, I am introducing him to Takeshi's shop." she thought. She hadn't wanted to take him to the highest shop in town but she was sure Takeshi wouldn't see him badly.

Naruto shrunk back from Kurenai as KI started coming off her in waves. He knew she was angry but he didn't know why. He simply looked at her with some trepidation as he pulled Gama-chan back to his chest. He worried that he might have offended her by offering to pay after she had said she would but he couldn't let her pay for all of his stuff. He took a few steps back and was about to speak when Kurenai suddenly looked down at him. He froze at the cold fury shining within her ruby-red eyes. He felt his heart skip a beat as he stared into her almost murderous gaze. His eyes finally showed the fear he had from what she was doing as he began to back up slowly.

Suddenly, the KI abated and her ruby red eyes shone with a compassion he had never seen except in his Jiji's eyes. She reached out tentatively, making her actions deliberate as she held her hand out to him and said, "Gomen Naruto-san, I didn't mean to be so angry but you shouldn't have been paying so much for your clothes." Naruto's eyes widened, "I see you know why, so I want to introduce you to a shop that won't try to overcharge you. With the money you have there," she pointed to his Gama-chan, "you should be able to buy almost eight different sets of clothes." she said

Naruto looked down, sad that he had been spending his money so horribly. But he looked back up with determination in his eyes as he nodded and smiled at Kurenai, who smiled back at him. "Arigatou Kurenai-san." he said.

Kurenai merely waved him off, "It's what friends are for aren't they Naruto-san?" she said as she smiled at him. Naruto smiled happily before suddenly jumping at her and wrapping his hands around her stomach. He rubbed his head of shiny blonde locks into her breasts as his eyes leaked tears.

"Arigatou, Arigatou." he continued repeating as he hugged her tight. Kurenai herself blushed as he rubbed his head into her breasts. She was about to knock him away when she noticed what it was he was doing. She smiled sadly down at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she allowed him to hug her despite his position.

"I hope Anko isn't anywhere around, she would get such a kick out of this." she thought to herself.

Naruto suddenly jumped away and blushed furiously as he looked at her, "Uhh. Gomen Kurenai-san, I lost control of myself again." he said.

Kurenai giggled and again had to slap herself inside her head as she looked at him, he looked so contrite that it was funny, "It's okay Naruto-san. Let's go get you some clothes ne?" she said. Naruto nodded happily. He turned to leave.

"Uh, Naruto-san, what say we travel by shunshin." Kurenai offered as she held her hand out to him. Naruto looked at her hand and smiled as he stepped back and took her hand. She smiled as the two disappeared into a swirl of leaves.

Naruto and Kurenai appeared in front of a nice-looking shop. Naruto looked around and noticed that he could see the main hub of the city a few blocks up. The shops around here would usually be way too expensive for him to buy anything so he hadn't been down here in years. He sighed as he noticed that everyone started to glare at him as soon as he appeared, even next to Kurenai. He looked up in front of himself and noticed a shop with the name "Dragon's Claw" painted above the shop's windows in bright gold letters. On display in the shop windows, were weapons and battle armor of all kinds. Naruto looked up at Kurenai and she smiled down at him as she stepped forward and proceeded into the shop.

Naruto hesitated but a moment before following her into it himself. Once he entered, he was almost overwhelmed by the huge amount of stock sitting on the shelves. The store was filled to overflowing with different types of Swords, Staffs, Short swords, and even clubs. His eyes didn't land on anything in particular, everything seemed perfect to him. So, once he observed the whole store, he turned his attention back to Kurenai, but he noticed her eyes were lingering on a particular weapon on display.

He followed her eyesight to an impressive-looking short sword. The blade sat on display with the sheath lying underneath it. The blade itself was double-edged and dark grey, perfect for concealing it during even a full moon. He wondered how it could have such a color as most weapons were shiny silver. The Tsuba was a normal square but it had intricate designs that one could see if you looked hard enough. The handle was wrapped in a red cloth with a wooden base. A red tassel fell from the end of the handle giving it a regal-looking appearance.

The sheath itself was almost as magnificent as the blade to behold. The tip of the sheath had a black guard on it. The sheath itself was blood red to match the hilt of the blade. The only blemish on the whole red sheath was a single Kanji resting in the middle of the sheath in black. Naruto's eyes honed in on the kanji and he spoke softly, "Silencer." That was the name of the blade. He followed the sheath up to where the sword was to be put and noticed that the edge of the sheath was black just as the guard was. The thing Naruto noticed though, was the hilt and sheath were the same color red as Kurenai's eyes. All in all, an assassin's weapon.

He and Kurenai were brought out of their observation of the weapon as a tall man with bulging muscles walked out of the room in the back of the store and his voice boomed out from where he stood, "Ah! Kurenai-chan, what brings you here today?" he asked as he smiled at Kurenai.

Kurenai smiled back at him, "Takeshi-san. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine but you aren't due for more resources just yet, what I sold you last time should have held you over for quite a while, especially with your genin team," he responded.

Naruto watched as the two conversed and he wondered exactly how Kurenai knew this person. He wanted to jump up and introduce himself but he didn't want to offend Kurenai by embarrassing her in front of an apparent friend. So, he let his eye wander around the store as the two continued to talk completely oblivious to him.

Kurenai looked down at Naruto, drawing Takeshi's eyes to him as well as she answered him, "I brought my new friend here to come shop for something a bit more ninja-like than this kill me orange." said.

Takeshi stepped forward and looked down at the minuscule Naruto. His eyes widened as he took in the blonde hair and whisker marks. He stared at Naruto as Naruto continued looking around the business oblivious to the two stares being directed at him. But, as Naruto's eyes panned around, they eventually came to lock onto Takeshi's. The blonde took a slight step back from the huge man. However, right after that, Naruto began to stare at the huge man matching the intensity of Takeshi's stare. Kurenai watched with a small breath as the staredown continued.

Naruto and Takeshi suddenly both broke out into grins, "Naruto-san, the prankster from hell who managed to prank my store!" Takeshi boomed out.

Naruto's chest puffed out, "I knew that the sign looked familiar!" he shouted.

Kurenai stared in shock as Takeshi reached out and held his hand out to Naruto. Naruto's minuscule hand was completely engulfed in the bear of a man's hand but the two shook hands, which only further increased Kurenai's shock as Takeshi had NEVER shaken another person's hand other than one person. "Good job my young friend. I must say I was impressed with your ability. Now what can I do for you today?" he asked as they released hands.

Naruto rubbed his head sheepishly as Kurenai snapped out of her shock and smiled slightly at Takeshi, "Naruto-san seems to be having trouble paying for something other than that orange monstrosity as people tax him." she said grounding out people.

Takeshi looked down at Naruto with surprise before his face broke into a grin, "Well, you are more than welcome to shop for whatever you need here and I will even throw in a discount for a first-time shopper if you come back Naruto-san."

Kurenai's jaw is almost unhinged as she heard that, Takeshi's shop was one of the best in the village and for him to give a discount was unheard of. She looked down at Naruto with wide eyes, "What the hell did he do to get this treatment?" she wondered only to remember Takeshi was known as one of the fairest people around and he probably knew of Naruto but couldn't help him until now. She shook her head as she asked Naruto, "What size are you?"

Naruto looked up at her with wide eyes, "I don't know, I never really looked." he said, "I would just hold it up and take it, even if it was a bit big it didn't matter."

Kurenai sighed and looked down at him, taking in how big he looked with the orange monstrosity. She decided she couldn't figure out his size with the jacket on, "Take off your jacket." she said.

Both Takeshi and Kurenai noticed how nervous he became when she said that, "W-Why?" he asked stuttering as his body froze almost as if he was going to bolt out of the store. Takeshi, upon seeing his reaction, moved to the front door and turned his sign to closed before turning around.

"Take it off Naruto-san," he said as he looked at him from in front of the door. Naruto looked down and his body shivered slightly. Kurenai was about to speak when he reached up and began to unzip his jacket