

Tells the story of a Red and White High School student named Suriyansah Raden Alfatir. He always expected the affection of his parents who loved his twin brother more than him. Only his best friend, who is a child of English-Indonesian descent and also secretly loves him, is the only friend who always comforts his worries. What if Raden's best friend since the 1st grade of high school who was predicted to be the ugliest student in the history of their school... turned out to be the opposite? Let's continue to follow the story of the love story of the two!

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1 Chs

1. Rino Arana

Rino exhaled heavily, when he saw his boyfriend currently sitting with his underclassman. Making out in the cafeteria regardless of his presence, which is clearly his boyfriend.

Rino Arana, 17 years old, class 11-A IPA. With a height of 180 cm, pure white skin, sexy bow lips when he slightly lifts his lips, his face is not dominated by sweetness or rather he is very handsome. Rino had thought that maybe his face without his sweetness was the reason his first boyfriend always cheated on him.

Yes, Rino already has a boyfriend, namely Pratama Arwin Wiranto (Arwin), who is his senior at SMA NEGERI SULTENG. Class 12-B IPS, handsome face, thick eyebrows, slightly thin lips with light yellow skin, 190 cm tall, muscular body because his favorite sport is basketball and also happens to be the head of the school basketball team, school pride in sports, playboy that's his nickname which suits Arwin.

SMA NEGERI SULTENG itself is one of the big elite schools filled with conglomerate children from each of their families. The school has also opened scholarship channels for underprivileged children and Rino is one of several students who enter through the scholarship pathway.

It feels very lucky for Rino to be able to continue his education at one of the elite schools in Central Sulawesi. Because he is an orphan who only lives with his mother and 2 younger brothers, Randa Arana and Dani Arana. Rino and Randa are only 2 years apart, much different from the youngest Dani who is still 4 years old.

Their mother, Rani Arana (35 years old), at a young age, the woman has to work hard to support her three sons by working as a meatball seller in front of her house. Many neighbors have suggested even introducing men of the same age, young or even older to Rani so that the woman can spend her days with her new husband.

But the woman always politely refuses the proposals of those closest to her to find her a husband, because for her only Arka Arana is the only father for her children and the man she has allowed to fill her heart until now.

Wardi, "Win, don't you feel sorry for Rino?" He asked Arwin who was making out with their underclassman, Sinta.

Arwin glanced briefly at Rino who was sitting alone at the corner table of the cafeteria. The man without sweet was busy eating his lunch. Then he again busied himself with his beautiful and smoky classmate in front of him.

Arwin, "No, it's just normal, after all, he was the one who asked to be dating." He said indifferently.

Sinta, "Are you dating Rino, the poor scholarship boy?". Surprised.

Hearing that, Arwin rolled his eyes lazily, too lazy to answer this underclassman's question.

Arwin, "Hmm... But don't worry, because I don't love him, just make him my toy". Arwin held Sinta's hand and then showered it with kisses until the owner turned red with pleasure and shame.

Janu, "Hey! If you want to make a baby, don't come here! Look for the toilet over there!" Throw Janu out because he was embarrassed to see the intimacy of his best friend and his classmate, you know, singles are like that.

Fanda furiously hit Janu's head with a spoon of meatball sauce until Janu's head was slightly forward. Too excited to hear the words of the shortest man among them.

Fanda, "Your mouth is guarded!". he scolds.

Janu, "What the heck! We thought my head was a meatball? What's wrong with what I said anyway? You know that Wiwin (Meaning Arwin) is really cool, maybe it's just his hands now but at least Sita's V will soon get wide!" He said casually without a filter, again busying himself with his favorite spicy fried rice.

Another hit landed on Janu's head and this time it came from Wardi and Arwin.

Arwin, "Satan! Your mouth wants to be tied like that!!"

Sinta, "Honey, don't be angry, he's just kidding, I'm afraid to see you angry," she spoiled by pouting her sexy lips.

Arwin, "Shhh... my sweet darling, don't twist your lips, I'll make a mistake" he teased.

Fanda, Janu and Wardi rolled their eyes lazily, embarrassed by the intimacy of their best friend, not caring that in the corner of the cafeteria a student was holding back jealousy and disappointment because he accidentally heard what his boyfriend, Arwin said.

Rino, "Huh... It's sad to have a boyfriend but it's not considered, if you don't like it why accept me as his boyfriend?". He said while eating his lunch unenthusiastically.

Even though his mother sells meatballs, her income is not much, especially now that Randa is starting to get busy with exams in class, tutoring and so on, it definitely requires a lot of money.

Rino sighed again then got up from his seat and left the canteen with disgusted looks from some of the cafeteria residents there.

Rino was used to seeing such disgusted looks, yet he realized that he was poor. It's only natural because their school is only filled with rich students so it's no wonder why they stare at Rino like that anyways Rino doesn't care because his intention at school here is to gain knowledge and graduate with the best grades in order to make his mother and siblings proud.

Arriving in class Rino went straight to his seat which was in the corner, not joining some of his friends in his class who were busy telling stories. The reason was because Rino had absolutely no friends since he first attended school. After all, who wants to be friends with a poor kid like him? thought Rino.


All the students scattered leaving their activities outside and back into the classroom. No doubt they are still noisy even though the class has entered, Until the teacher enters the class then they will be silent.

Mr. Yanto "Good afternoon children!" Mr. Yanto, the Mathematics teacher, said enthusiastically.

Grade 11-A IPA, "Good afternoon sir!!!" They answered in unison.

Mr. Yanto, "Is there any homework that I gave? Answer honestly, if you are caught lying, you're all reduce your math report card score". With an evil grin typical of a killer teacher, this time he is testing the honesty of class 11-A science which is famous for talented students.

Suddenly the class panicked and confused, when did Mr. Yanto give them home work? They are afraid of being wrong. Until suddenly Rino stood up from his chair and walked while carrying his assignment book to Mr. Yanto.

Rino, "This is it sir, sorry I almost forgot hehehe..." Rino smirked showing the dimples on her cheeks.

Mr. Yanto nodded then smiled sweetly, making the students finally realize that they forgot to do their homework.

Rino, "Then I'll go back to my seat, sir," he said politely.

Many students look at Rino with disapproval, they think Rino is pretentious with Mr. Yanto, who in fact is a single 25-year-old man.

Yani, "You poor bastard! Keep looking for more attention!" It's insulting but Rino doesn't respond at all.

Ana, "Most want to make Mr. Yanto his sugar Daddy this time, Cause Mr. Yanto is rich," She whispered to Yani, because they were sitting at the same table.

Mr. Yanto could only shake his head at the behavior of this class. Indeed, Class 11-A IPA is famous for its genius students, but it is also famous for bullying and gossiping.

Mr. Yanto, "Okay, you guys don't gossip about Rino, you should be ashamed of Rino, he's a scholarship kid but he's smart and wants to work"

Mr. Yanto's words didn't make them realize, They hated Rino even more. Poor Rino.

Mr. Yanto, "Okay, if you don't have homework, you can go around the school grounds 5 times, no protests!" Strictly speaking.

In the end, all of class 11-A IPA except Rino walked out of the classroom feeling irritated towards their very large school field.

Lintang, "Fuck Rino!" He said upset.

Arham, "I really want to trample that face looking for attention!"

Risma, "Later when we come home from school, we'll just work on the poor kid". His suggestion was immediately approved by several other students.

Mr. Yanto "What are you doing there, hurry up and run!!" He shouted from the classroom terrace. Rino didn't go out, he preferred to stay alone in class.

Annoyed, the students ran around the field. Several students in other classes were also seen peeking from the windows.

Mrs. Muna, "Why is only Rino in class? So why is everyone running around the field?" asked Muna who happened to be passing by to Yanto.

Mr. Yanto, "Everything except Rino, I'm punishing them, ma'am, because them don't do homework from me" he replied.

Mrs. Muna, "Huh? It's a shame that most of the smart kids in the class don't do homework. It's the children of today, sir. Then I'll excuse myself, I want to teach in the next class. Bye, sir."

Mr. Yanto, "Please ma'am" he replied politely.