

After going through a breakup he met her in detention not a place where love is found but he did

wandering_chaos777 · Urbain
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3 Chs


I don't want you anymore and honestly it's not working out so let's breakup. Lux felt a sharp spike right through his heart. What is going on he thought whiles trying to reorganise his thoughts. Ava his girlfriend was asking for a breakup.Lux was circling his thought trying to find if he had done something wrong but no matter how much he thought,nothing came up. In the midst of this Ava stormed off because she found this scene pathetic.Try as he might Lux couldn't gather any strength to talk or even pursue her to ask why she did what she had done. Their conversation had drawn the attention of some onlookers including Lux's best friend Aziel who came to find him standing with no warmth in his eyes.Now Aziel was the only friend lux had until Ava brought him out of shell .Aziel knew how much lux liked Ava and he felt sorry for his friend. Aziel held lux by the hand and dragged him to the washroom as he tried to get his friend back to his senses."Honestly I'm not surprised about this"he said ".She always seemed to be playing you but you'd never listen". I'm not one to talk but you better get your shit together Aziel said as he left him to organise his thoughts ."let's find her later and ask what is going on"(bruh ^_^).lux liked the peace and quiet in detention when no one was there.He was a top student and he loved to draw so the detention room sort of served as a quiet space for him to put his thoughts together.lily on the other hand had just had a confrontation with her teacher and had just been sent to detention. She entered the room thinking it was empty but surprised to find someone there. He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words.As all these thoughts circled in her head she composed herself as she realised she had been staring too long."Well what did you do she asked".Lux looked at her then looked back then forward again pointing to himself."Well as far as I can see we are the only ones here so yes you" she said."Nothing, just here for the peace and quiet here"."oh" she said as she sat down near him. She saw him with a book and asked if she could see the book which he initially refused but after much persuasion which he couldn't handle , he finally gave in. She inspected the book as she found some drawings and some scribbles inside."Wow,you're pretty good" she said and he replied "th-thanks"with a bit of stutter.Can you do me she asked and he said he can but it'd take some time.Oh by the way I'm lily .Nice to meet you he said forgetting to reciprocate the gesture."And you are" she asked ."Oh sorry I'm Lux " he replied.lily realising he was a bit of a loner thought "Well this is going to be easy".Lux brought out his tools after lily took a seat by the window. He started to draw her as she continued to ask him a lot of questions."pretty", lux thought .Lux who didn't really know what was going on in the school failed to recognise lily as she was one with a bit of a reputation in school as she was really pretty with a dark brown hair and emerald green eyes which looked as if you'd get lost in them when you looked into them.When she noticed that lux was staring a bit too much considering he was just drawing her she said"pretty right".Lux unconsciously nodded his head."Wait what" he said after realising what he had just done.lily giggled a bit and she turned to look at the dying embers of a setting sun.He told lux to to come sit by her which he did as they both watched the dying embers of a setting sun.Lux turned to look at her whiles she was looking at the sun."Beautiful" they both muttered