
Lust Wizard System

Alex died in his sleep, and meets a powerful entity who chooses to reincarnate Alex for amusement. This wasn't without it's benefits for Alex though as he gained a system of his own in the process. Now with a second chance at life in a world where power rules over all, Alex embraces his desires and lives like the degenerate he always was deep down.

Smiling_Deviant · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Rebirth and System

Within a vast empty plain filled with golden wheat as far as the eye could see and a beautiful sky with clouds passing overhead, a boy with messy short black hair was laying naked in the field. He was curled into the fetal position, his skin pale and smooth with freckles sprinkled across his body.

Then the boys eyes shot open and he sat up with a gasp. The boy was breathing hard, gasping for air as if he had been suffocating for a long time. Once the boy had collected himself he looked around seeing nothing but golden wheat in every direction. Then he looked at himself, and seeing he was completely nude in the middle of some unknown field he started to freak out thinking of the many possibilities that could have lead him here.

"Calm down boy" a voice said from out of the boys line of sight.

This caused the boy to freeze in place his heart racing even more when he realized he wasn't alone in this erie field. Slowly turning to the voice getting ready to run as fast as he could of need be, the boy looked towards the voice that spoke to be him.

"W-Who are you, and why am I here!" the boy said fear filling his eyes.

A large figure, with pale white skin that clung to its bones, and a large face splitting smile with no eyes is what greeted him upon turning to the voice fully. The boy began shaking while reflexively backing away from whatever it was.

"Now, now child. There is no need to be afraid of me, after all of I wanted to harm you then there's nothing you could do to stop me" the figure said.

"W-Where am I, a-and what do you want from me!?" The boy half shouted trying his best to sound confident.

"Wow, broken record much kid?" The figure said, its smile shrinking a bit before it returned to "normal".

"Anywho, my name is of absolutely no importance to you, so stop asking me who I am, and as for why your here well..." The figure held it's chin as if thinking of something.

"Well it's because your gonna provide me with some entertainment!" the figure said.

"What kind of entertainment?" the boy asked.

"Well to put it simply, I'm gonna reincarnate you into a world of my choice, and I'll give you a little gift while I'm at it. In return for a second chance at life, I'll be watching everything you do in this second life like a TV show or something" The figure said his grin widening as he saw the boys eyes widen in realization.

"Reincarnation... wouldn't that mean I'm..." the boy started.

"Yep! Your dead kid, your heart stopped in your sleep and that was that hahaha" the figure laughed as the boy began hyperventilating.

"My little sister... she's all alone now" the boy thought of his younger sister who due to his death is now alone and will likely be put in a foster home now.

"Hey kid I can hear what your thinking, and no I won't be helping out your sister at all" the figure said suddenly causing the boy to turn to him.

"Why not? If it's so easy for you to just pluck my soul after death then why won't you at least pay me back this one thing?" the boy asked.

"Because I owe you nothing kid, I can do what I want to do. Besides what could possibly be in it for me if I have everything I want?" the figure asked.

To this the boy had no response. He had to admit the figure had a point, he was likely some sort of deity and had the power to do whatever he wanted. Who was he to bargain with someone like that?

"If you don't help out my sister, I'll kill myself the second you revive me in this new world!" the boy said as confident as he could.

"Hahaha, my my boy your very interesting, grasping at my want for entertainment as a bargaining chip. Though you do realize I can just keep resurrecting you over and over again right?" the figure said with a laugh causing the boys face to falter.

"Don't worry though, since you've amused me even this little bit I'll throw you a bone this one time, but you'll have to serve me for eternity" the figure said with a sinister smile.

The boy looked down, debating wether or not he wanted to make this deal. Don't get him wrong he cared deeply for his sister, but he really didn't know if it was worth making this deal over. After all what if she was going to be have a good life anyways? Then that would mean he made this pointless deal that he doesn't gain anything from.

"What's your choice boy?" the figure asked.

"I... I'll take the deal, just make sure she's happy and safe please" the boy said while looking down.

"You got yourself a deal kiddo, your sister will lead a great and happy life. Now come my servant, you still have some entertaining to do for me" the figure said with a smile.

With that being said and done the boys mind went blank, the last thing he saw was the smile of his new master.


" *Gasp!* What the..." the boy sat up breathing heavily once again.

"This has got to stop happening to me..." he said to himself before looking around only to see darkness all around him.

Standing up he began trying to feel for something to hold on to so he can find a possible exit. Eventually he managed to reach what felt like a wall, but even after hours of walking he hadn't seen the slightest hint of an exit.

"Didn't he say he gave me a system or something, where is it when I need it!" the boy shouted frustrated at his situation.


[System awakened... think or say open to open the system menu]


"Oh well I guess that's answers that" the boy said.

'Open!' he thought and immediately the system opened.


{Name: Alrie Jir'ul} {Race: Incubus}

{Age: 19} {MP: 300} {LV: 1/25 (0/250}

{STR: 15} {STA: 50}

{END: 25} {DEF: 10}

{INT: 20} {CHA: 30}



"So he turned me into an incubus? Isn't that like a male succubus?" Alrie said while looking at his status.

"Also my name isn't Alrie! It's Alex! *Sigh* I guess he is my master now so he can change my name if he wants" Alrie said while opening the skills tab.



[Lustful Experience]

[Aphrodisiac Scent]

[Intermediate Suction]

[Natural Lubricant]

[Weak Shadow Manipulation]


"Oh nice, at least I have a few skills, though they all seem sex related save for the Weak shadow manipulation" Alrie said before reading each of their descriptions.


{Lustful Experience - Whenever the user has sex or does any sex oriented activities, the user will gain exp. (Amount depends on what the activity is. Passive ability) }

{Aphrodisiac Scent - Allows the user to release a pheromone that acts as an aphrodisiac to those who smell it. (Increases the lust of those affected towards the user.) }

{Intermediate Suction - Allows the user to suck things better with their mouth. ( Passive ability) }

{Natural Lubricant - The users body produces a natural lubricant during sex which also acts as a weak aphrodisiac. (Passive ability) }

{Weak Shadow Manipulation - Allows the user to manipulate shadows on a small scale}


" *Sigh* I should have expected this the moment it said I was a incubus" Alrie said with a downcast look.

"Hello there my little servant, don't bother talking back as I plan to make this quick. I'm here to inform you that I removed your ability to gain exp through any means besides sex or killing things. Do keep in mind though that killing things will always grant you an exp amount so small it's as if you gained 0 exp. Hell you could slaughter the whole planet and you'll only reach 1 exp hahaha. I hope you enjoy" the voice of the figure rang in Alrie's head before fading away with a chuckle.

"... What the hell!" Alrie screamed.

"That's so unfair, I don't want to just go around fucking everyone I see just to level up" Alrie said while crossing his arms with a frown.

"No need to pout boy, after all your living the dream of some people right now. Besides due to the nature of your race, you need to have sex to survive not to mention the level of strength you'll need to escape the dungeon your in right now" The voice of the figure said in his head again.

Releasing yet another sigh at his predicament, Alrie decided to try his hardest to accept his situation because while he doesn't like it, he fears the thought of his new master continuously resurrecting him back at the start of he died. He had no proof he would do that but based of what he saw of his personality he wouldn't doubt it.

"Hey m-master? I can't even see anything down here, can I get some help please?" Alrie asked.

"You do know that demons like Incubi can all see in the dark right..." The voice of the figure said as Alrie face palmed.

Then focusing on his eyes and chanting night vision in his mind, Alrie was suddenly able to see. He looked around and to him it seemed as if everything looked like it have normal lighting everywhere. He could see like he would in the day time.

Letting go of the wall, Alrie began his walk through the cave while holding hope that he could survive this new world and live comfortably in the future.