
Lust King: I will Rule the World with my Secret Harem!

Alex Delcus was just a normal college student with a simple life. One evening, his world changed when he was hit by a speeding truck. "... So, my sad and failed life finally ends here." As he lost consciousness, he thought his life was over. But instead of dying, Alex woke up in a strange, luxurious room. "Ugh... what's going on? Where am I? How to heck am I even alive?" He found out that he was no longer in his own body but had become the Demon King of Lust, a tall, muscular and handsome figure with humanoid skin and horns. "Hmm? Why is my body so different?" A voice echoed in his mind, a voice that wasn't his. It was a woman's voice. "Welcome, my lord. You have been chosen to live your daily life as the Demon King of Lust," the voice said. "You are now the ruler of this kingdom, a world where the desire for power and conquest reigns supreme." As Alex tried to understand what was happening, he met Lisa Dilhidia, the Queen of demons of lust, who introduced herself as his wife. "Wait! Wait! What do mean by chosen? When did you became my wife?" He was very confused about his existence and his wife who had suddenly appeared. Before he could ask her more questions, Alex felt a powerful desire. He suddenly felt super horny for Lisa's lips apparently for no reason and kissed her, even though he didn't want to but had no choice. Then, a voice echoed in his head, and a virtual video game screen appeared in front of him. Various messages started popping up on the screen. ... [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements necessary to activate the "Devil System"] "Wait! What Requirements?" [Ding, Devil System has been activated!] "A System?" [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements for the "Devil System" to evolve into the "Lust System."] "Evolve? Already? But what did I even do to make it evolve?" [Ding, Commencing Evolution! Failed!] [Ding, Commencing Evolution multiple times! Failed!] "Urgh, shit, failed, now what?

JetLord004 · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter12-Darling, you're finally here!

"Ohh, Darling, you're finally here," she said, her voice warm and welcoming. She extended her hand, and I took it, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles.

"Good night, my love," I replied, feeling a sense of familiarity but unable to grasp the full extent of our history together. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long."

Lisa's lips curved into a soft smile as she led me to the empty seat beside her at the head of the table. "Not at all," she assured me. "I'm delighted to see you."

As we settled into our chairs, servants bustled around us, serving a delicious feast fit for royalty.

The atmosphere was cozy and intimate, despite the grandeur of the room. But there was something I needed to address, a question that had been burning in my mind.

"Lisa," I began, my tone gentle but determined, "I've been having... flashes of memories lately. Vague recollections of a time before. I need to ask you something."

Lisa's expression shifted, a hint of concern in her eyes. "What is it, my dear?"

I took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "Is there a powerful artifact in our kingdom? Something of great significance?"

Her surprise was evident, and she hesitated for a moment before replying carefully. "How did you come to know about that, my love? It's not something we discuss openly."

I leaned in slightly, lowering my voice. "I wish I could explain it fully, but these memories, they're like fragments of a puzzle slowly coming together. I can't ignore them any longer."

Lisa studied my face, her gaze unwavering. "Very well," she said finally, her trust in me evident. "Yes, there is such an artifact. It's known as the 'Eternal Crown.' It's one of our family's treasures. It's said to possess immense power, but it has been hidden and guarded for generations, known only to a few."

I nodded, absorbing this disclosure. "I don't understand how I could know about it. It's as if my past self is trying to communicate with me."

Lisa reached across the table, placing her hand on mine. "Perhaps it's a sign, a calling from your true self. We must tread carefully, my love. The Eternal Crown is coveted by many, and its discovery could bring both great power and danger."

As we continued our conversation, I couldn't control my curiosity and finally asked my wife,

"Lisa, where is this artifact located?"

Lisa's eyes bore into mine as she considered my question about the location of the coveted artifact, the "Eternal Crown."

Her fingers gently squeezed mine, a gesture of reassurance.

"Alex," she began in a hushed tone, "The Eternal Crown is not easily found. It's said to be hidden deep within the heart of our ruined kingdom, in the very place where the chaos of the past lies buried."

I furrowed my brow, mesmerized yet confused. "But why would it be concealed there, in the midst of our kingdom's destruction?"

She let out a sigh, her gaze momentarily distant. "Legend has it that the Eternal Crown was created to restore balance and order when our kingdom faced its darkest hour. It was meant to be a beacon of hope, a symbol of our resilience. But as time passed, it became too powerful, too tempting."

I leaned in closer, my curiosity piqued. "Tempting? In what way?"

She met my gaze again, her expression solemn. "The crown has the power to reshape existence itself, Alex. It can grant unimaginable abilities to its wielder but at a great cost. It can corrupt even the noblest of hearts. That's why it was hidden away."

A sense of responsibility washed over me. "So, you're saying that I might have a connection to this crown, to its purpose?"

Lisa nodded. "It's possible, Alex. Your memories resurfacing could be a sign that the crown's power is coming around within you. But we must be cautious. There are others who would stop at nothing to claim it."

I swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of our situation. "How do we even begin to search for it, especially in the ruins of our kingdom?"

She smiled faintly, her fingers tracing patterns on the tablecloth. "We start by deciphering the ancient texts and maps passed down through our family. They hold clues to the crown's location. But it won't be easy. The ruins are dangerous, filled with traps and guardians."

A shiver ran down my spine as I considered the dangers ahead. "Are you suggesting that we go there, into the heart of the ruins?"

Lisa's eyes met mine, unwavering. "Yes, Alex. It's the only way to ensure that the Eternal Crown doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Together, we'll face the challenges that lie ahead, and we'll protect our kingdom's legacy."

I nodded with burning persistence settling within me. "Then let's prepare. We'll need allies, knowledge, and a plan. I may not remember everything, but I know one thing for certain—I won't let our kingdom's future be threatened."

Her smile grew more bright, a mix of love and pride. "That's the spirit, my dear. Together, we will face whatever challenges come our way, and we will safeguard the Eternal Crown for the good of our kingdom.

I turned to Lisa, my wife, and gently squeezed her hand as a sign of unity. "Lisa, we need to begin this journey by studying those ancient texts and maps you mentioned. They hold the key to finding the Eternal Crown. Do you have them?"

Lisa's eyes sparkled with a sense of purpose, and she nodded. "Yes, Alex. They've been carefully conserved in our family's libraries."

"Excellent," I replied. "Let's retrieve them."

We left the dining hall and made our way through the grand castle to the libraries, a room filled with dusty books and scrolls that whispered of centuries gone by.

Lisa led me to a large, ornate chest folded away in a corner.

With a sense of reverence, she unlocked it and carefully retrieved a bundle of aged parchments.

"These are the maps and texts," she said, her voice tinged with excitement and apprehension. "They've been passed down through generations, guiding us in our duty to protect the kingdom."

I took the bundle from her, feeling the weight of history in my hands.

The parchment was fragile, and the ink had faded with time, but the symbols and writings were still noticeable.

I unrolled a section of the map on a nearby table, and Lisa joined me, looking at it with a furrowed brow.

"We should start by interpreting what we can," I suggested. "Every clue counts."

Lisa nodded in agreement. "These symbols seem to represent landmarks within the kingdom, but their meanings have been lost over time. We'll need to cross-reference them with the texts."

As we studied the ancient writings and maps, we engaged in a conversation filled with theories and discoveries.

Lisa's knowledge of our kingdom's history and my growing understanding of the symbols on the map allowed us to piece together fragments of information.

"This passage here," Lisa pointed, "it mentions a hidden passage beneath the castle. It could be our starting point."

I leaned in closer, my excitement building. "And this symbol looks like the ruins where the crown might be hidden."

We continued to decipher the texts, slowly unveiling a trail that led deeper into the heart of our ruined kingdom.

The puzzles and riddles left by our ancestors were challenging, but we worked together, each finding the missing pieces in the other's understanding.

Hours passed, but we made significant progress.

We began to understand the significance of certain landmarks and deciphered clues that hinted at the dangers lurking in the ruins.

The map and texts were coming to life, guiding us toward our quest.

Lisa looked up at me, her eyes filled with resolution. "We have a direction now, Alex. We'll need allies, supplies, and a plan to navigate the treacherous path ahead."

I nodded, grateful for her wisdom and the shared sense of purpose. "Tomorrow, we'll assemble a team and prepare. Our journey to find the Eternal Crown begins."

As we covered up our study session for the night, the weight of our mission hung in the air.

The kingdom's fate rested on our shoulders, and together, we were determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With our plan in motion and the maps and texts spread before us, I finally said, "Good night, Lisa. We've made great progress today, but there's much to prepare for tomorrow."

Lisa nodded, her eyes still filled with drowsiness. "You're right, Alex. We need our rest for the challenges that lie ahead."

I leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss, a promise of our shared responsibility. "We'll find the Eternal Crown, and we'll protect our kingdom."

After bidding her farewell, I made my way to my room, where a sense of tension and worry filled the air.

As I lay in bed, the weight of our mission weighed on my mind.

There were so many unknowns, so many dangers lurking in the ruins of this kingdom.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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