
Lust King: I will Rule the World with my Secret Harem!

Alex Delcus was just a normal college student with a simple life. One evening, his world changed when he was hit by a speeding truck. "... So, my sad and failed life finally ends here." As he lost consciousness, he thought his life was over. But instead of dying, Alex woke up in a strange, luxurious room. "Ugh... what's going on? Where am I? How to heck am I even alive?" He found out that he was no longer in his own body but had become the Demon King of Lust, a tall, muscular and handsome figure with humanoid skin and horns. "Hmm? Why is my body so different?" A voice echoed in his mind, a voice that wasn't his. It was a woman's voice. "Welcome, my lord. You have been chosen to live your daily life as the Demon King of Lust," the voice said. "You are now the ruler of this kingdom, a world where the desire for power and conquest reigns supreme." As Alex tried to understand what was happening, he met Lisa Dilhidia, the Queen of demons of lust, who introduced herself as his wife. "Wait! Wait! What do mean by chosen? When did you became my wife?" He was very confused about his existence and his wife who had suddenly appeared. Before he could ask her more questions, Alex felt a powerful desire. He suddenly felt super horny for Lisa's lips apparently for no reason and kissed her, even though he didn't want to but had no choice. Then, a voice echoed in his head, and a virtual video game screen appeared in front of him. Various messages started popping up on the screen. ... [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements necessary to activate the "Devil System"] "Wait! What Requirements?" [Ding, Devil System has been activated!] "A System?" [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements for the "Devil System" to evolve into the "Lust System."] "Evolve? Already? But what did I even do to make it evolve?" [Ding, Commencing Evolution! Failed!] [Ding, Commencing Evolution multiple times! Failed!] "Urgh, shit, failed, now what?

JetLord004 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter11-My first time with Mia (18+)

"You hear nothing but my voice....and you can see nothing but my eyes.....I am the center of your world...I control your world. You can do nothing without my permission. You are mine! "

"I-I am yours," she said blankly and continued staring into my eyes. Becoming utterly hypnotized.

"Yes, you are mine...I control you.....you can do nothing without me and you are powerless to fight me. You don't want to either. It's very relaxing not having to think for yourself. Having someone else think for you and command you."

" Now it's time for you to submit yourself completely to me. To become totally mine.....Not having a piece of will left to become nothing but my personal property. Feel yourself slipping away and becoming my slave. Feel your mind becoming completely blank and open to suggestions and become totally my slave. Now repeat you will obey me."

"I will obey you, My lord....." she said faintly and weakly. Obviously so under to even think of disobeying me.

"Great now as I count down from 1 down to 3 you will become more and more heavily entranced. When I say one you will become my complete slave. Unable to think for yourself....unable to disobey me. Just a mass to obey me. Now I will begin the countdown."

"1 you feel totally helpless unable to think for yourself....2 slipping into my power...slipping into my power. 3! You are now completely unable to disobey me if you tried you are now my slave. Say it! "

"I'm your slave."

"Great now follow me up to my bed." Wow, this is gonna be amazing I thought to myself as I started walking.

"Yes.....My Lord."

As we arrived in my room I told her, "Mia from tonight onwards, you are going to think of me as your master, a very attractive master that I am through tonight's events.

"Yes, my lord I will think of you as my master." (Mia)

'I could really get used to this from now on.' (Alex)

"Now Mia strip naked." I eagerly commanded

"Yes, Master," she repeated like a slave as she removed her top, bra, pants, and panties. After she was naked all I could do it marvel at her body. She had perfect curves, amazing breasts that you could stare at all day, and an amazing shaved pussy.

"You have an amazing set of tits here Mia." (Alex)

"Thank you, Master," she responded as I got my clothes off myself.

It was around that time I started to fondle her tits. They were amazing! I couldn't keep my hands off of them. I just kept massaging them for a few minutes as she began to moan. Even through the trance she is moaning, she must be sensitive. That was about the time I started to lick and suck on her tits.

"HHMMM your breasts taste so good Mia."

"Thank you, Master. Please keep sucking me." I'd have it no other way. Finally, I let go and gave her a different command.

"Suck my dick! "

She knelt before me, carefully placed her palms around my cock, and rubbed it gently. Then she did the same with my hairy sac. After some minutes, I instructed her, 'Put your lips around it and use it as your lollypop. You would suck me, swallow my seed and love the taste.'

Mia's face moved slowly toward my prick. Then her lips spread wide and engulfed the head. Her tongue licked my underside, and her mouth gradually pulled more of my cock inside. Once half the shaft penetrated her hot mouth, she began bobbing.

'You are doing it well! Now increase your pace and be ready. I am about to cum any moment.' (Alex)

Mia intensified her sucking. Her luscious lips milked my pecker continuously. I held the back of her head and ejaculated down her throat with a loud groan. I felt her swallow like a good girl, jet after jet that hit her palate. Not a drop was spilled!

I almost fainted when I was done - I was too excited.

'You did good! Now thank me for allowing you to suck me dry and tell me how much you liked it!' (Alex)

Mia licked her lips and smiled at me, "Master, this was fantastic! And I wouldn't say I liked it very much. But your seed is delicious... I don't know if you agree, but I would love to do it again whenever you are free."

"Mia, your oral skills are amazing. From now on, when I have free time, I'll call you and I'll let you suck me. Did you understand?"

She grinned, "Oh, YES! I like this arrangement, Master..."

"Good, now let's begin our actual job." (Alex)

"Spread your legs, Mia."

As soon as I said that, Mia suddenly turned around and opened her legs widely. Her pussy juice was coming out rapidly and her pussy lips were throbbing as if calling my dick.

"Here you go, Mia."

I shoved my whole dick inside her pussy in one go.

"Ahhhhhh...yes master, Fuck me, Yes...anhh...anhhh."


Her eyes were rolling with every thrust.


"Anh...I am cumming...I am cumming...I am cumming.... cumming...cumming....yes yes yes...anhhhhhhhh."

She came and pissed on my dick at the same time while making an ahegao face and peace symbol with her both hands.

Just as Mia came, I heard the system sound in my head, "Host, you have to fuck her roughly or you will not the get reward for the quest".

'Ok' (Alex)

Just as I was talking with the system, I saw Mia losing consciousness.

"Don't faint bitch I am yet to come...you came before your master what type of cum-dump are you ?." I said as I grabbed her throat and started thrusting faster.

"I...am.... sorry master." She said in a painful voice.

"You are not a demon anymore, you are just a thing that I will use for my pleasure, that I will use to relief my sexual desires on, understood you worthless cum-dump." I said as I started thrusting at Max's speed.

"Y-es....y-es....ye-s....mas-ter," she spoke in difficulty again.

Removing my hand from her throat I came inside her womb and made a mess of her mind.

After this, I stood up from the bed. 

"Turn around, face the wall!" I said to Mia authoritatively.

She did. Moving behind her, I placed my leg between hers, spreading them. 

"Oh God fuck me!" she thought.

"I'm going to," I responded, answering her unspoken words, though she was too thrilled with desire to have noticed.

She was wet. Really wet. But then I knew that she would be. Standing a short distance away from the wall, Mia bent over, leaning against it as I slid my angry swollen cock inside her in one quick powerful thrust.

"Oh God! Oh God! Yes...Yes! Fuck me, Master! Fuck me!" she begged excitedly.

And so I did.

It was probably a damn good thing no one else came down to my room.

If they had, then they would have heard the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, loud, hard, and repeatedly.

Thrusting my cock inside that sloppy slick pussy, Mia was moaning and groaning loud enough that I began to worry someone might eventually hear them.

As I began to twist her hard erect nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, she leaned over biting into her arm to muffle the sound of her orgasm as I felt it unleash, sending a torrent of additional female nectar bathing my still rapidly fucking cock into her from behind.

Upon hearing her pleasure, I allowed my climax to quickly join with hers.

Discharging ribbon after ribbon of gooey hot sperm inside her vagina, I waited until she was completely full, only then turning to face me thus forcing my cock to quickly withdraw.

Though certainly a virgin, this less than fifteen-minute fuck had been one of the most intense most interesting encounters I'd ever had.

"Wear your clothes, Mia, and guide me to the dining hall where your mistress is waiting. "

My words echoed in the dimly lit hallway as Mia, my servant, guided me toward the grand dining hall.

The scent of a luxurious dinner flowed through the air, making my stomach rumble with anticipation.

It had been a long night, and I couldn't wait to join my wife for a meal.

As we approached the entrance to the dining hall, Mia stopped and stepped aside, giving me a polite nod.

I acknowledged her with a slight smile and entered the room.

The hall was adorned with elegant chandeliers and a long, polished dining table. My wife, Lisa, sat at the head of the table, her presence commanding attention.

She looked up as I entered, her eyes meeting mine.

There was a mixture of surprise and happiness in her gaze, but she quickly composed herself and rose from her chair. With grace and poise, she approached me.


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