
From the void he has risen.

~ Los Angeles, California ~

~ Stark Industries headquarters ~

- August 10, 1968, 13h22 -

Howard eyes wander around the room, he scan the faces of the people seating around the long and oval shaped table.

Major Investors and members of the council share their views and opinions on the next steps Stark Industries should take to stay ahead of its competitors.

" A.R.M is slowly becoming increasingly important in the weapons market, they are stealing a part of the cake that we could easily reap for our own benefit. I propose an acquisition, we buy them and we restructure everything so that it sticks with our image. " Gerry, one of the big investor in Stark Industries says with conviction, his purpose very clear, always make more money.

" You're joking, right ? What you want us to spit 15 millions for a shitty company ? We're the leading company, A.R.M is a small fish we don't need to lift a finger about them. " another investor retord to Gerry proposition, in response an animated debate start between the dozens investors present at this trimestriel meeting.

His words also have the effect to chase away Howard's boredom and make him pay attention to the discussion going on, watching them exchange verbal jabs, he brutally hit the table with his fist.

" Shut the fuck up ! All of you ! " he exclaims with a cold and angry voice. " I don't care.. I don't care if their a big or a small company, I want them gone, you can drop a nuclear bomb on them, order an hit or whatever. I just want them gone. I want a total fucking monopoly ! " he continues just as aggressively.

His words invokes an awkward silence, the investors not knowing what to answers to that.

" Mr Stark... I don't want to sound like I'm against you or your ideas but.. The congress will never let us have a complete monopoly over the sale of weapons. " Gerry is the only one brave enough to brought back the founder of Stark Industries to reality.

" Humm... You bring an important point to my attention Gerry. I'm going to need to clear up the situation to achieve my ends. " Howard answer while scratching his chin.

" What do you mean ? We all know that even Stark Industries don't have the pull to change so many laws and regulations. " Gerry says while looking at him with puzzlement, he notice a small red plaque on Howard's wrist but he quickly forget about it.

" Howard, We like you, we really do but you're not a commercial, you're an inventor a brilliant mind destined to alter the course of history there is not doubt, but please, I'm asking you as a friend who believe in you let us take care of the financial aspects of this company. " Robert, the oldest investor of the group says with an honeyed tone. The others, nod their heads to express that they share Robert's opinion.

" Wipe that smile of your face Robert, you think I'm going to let you have your way with me like I am a cheap little whore ? Who do you think I am, your wife ? " Howard respond sharply. " This is the point I was mentioning, you all think you're entitled tohave control of what belongs to me. So here is the update, I am the fucking boss ! I order you to piss on yourself while your beating a baby to death then you obey with a smile on your face and when you're finished you'll ask what you're next actions should be. " Howard says with an enthusiastic demeanor, his fingers tap on the table in a devilish rythme and his eyes dart from faces to faces.

" Why don't we take a small break, to regain our spirits and start over with all our calm ? " Matthew try his best to appease Howard and the rest, but as the dozens of investors begin to stand up they are cut off in their tracks.

Abruptly, the 11 investors find themselves brought back violently to their chairs, like if gravity is working against them they can't stand up or move excessively despite their hardest efforts.

" What the f___" " Holy shi___"

" My go____"

" Gee__" their shout and exclamations are silenced by a small gesture Howard make, he press his index and thumb against each other and the loud mouths of the men and rare women around the table are shut up magically.

" Now my little pigs do not fuss or worse squeal, it make me really sad. " Howard says sarcastically while the rest of the occupants look at him with fearful eyes and incomprehension.

Standing up, Howard start to walk around the table, each time he pass behind someone they fear for their life. After the display of his powers, each movements he does make them think he's going to use them again.

Stopping behind Gerry, Howard snap his fingers, Robert grip the sleeve of his expansive grey suit until he almost tear them apart, the others don't fair any better, if they could use their mouths they would probably make unslightly screams.

Fortunately for them, the snap of his fingers only make the curtains of the windows come down. However it make the atmosphere much more darker and stressful, the conference room is now barely illuminated and it give them difficulties to see where is exactly Howard.

The slight muffled sound of his footsteps make them sweat in their expansive outfit, the small air fluctuations he provoke when he walk make the hairs on their neck raise up.

" This is power. True unadulterated power and it demand an absolute devotion, but I think the lesson is still not understood. Why don't we take it up a notch ? " Howard asks while putting his hands on Veronica shoulder, he can feel her shaking under his hands and the sensation dyes his eyes in purple.

" Huh ! It never gets old.. Oh children we're going to have fun, so many projects and ideas. Stark Industries... I feel like it's going to be so amusing. " he says while massaging the stiff shoulder of Veronica, her long brown curly hair paint an attractive sight and he use on of his hand to twirl a lock of hair between his fingers.

The dry sound of a finger snap echoes once again in the room, but this time it is quickly accompanied by an unusual sound. Robert is the closest to the source and he hear something similar to a watermelon exploding. He feel a warm and thick liquide cover his face and damp his suit, moving his arms slowly, he touch his face with his hands and hesitantly he look at them.


Even in the dark of the room he can see the red liquid on his hands, he also realizes with disgust that his face is covered in it. He look to his right and see with horror the headless corpse of his coworker Matthew, he's dead body is unnaturally seating straight on the chair despite the clear lack of head.

The table and the ones seating close to the poor Matthew when his head explode are covered in blood.

" Robert ! I think you earn the right to regain your mouth, and after all its most important organ for a commercial, as for the others, well I guess you can never say I'm not magnanimous. " Howard speaks but for Robert and the others it's as if the devil is the one speaking, with a twirl of his hand everyone regain the use of their mouths but they're still forced to stay seated in their chairs.

" Urgh.. " Contrary to the expectation of Howard, his first words are not insults, a scream or even a desperate shout for help but a strange throaty sound and Robert vomit just after it.

" Disgusting. You wanna end up like Matthew ? I was going to be content with just one but I can make room for one. " Howard comment while his eye are now glowing, looking like they're pulsating in their eerie purple color. Frantically nodding his head, Robert stay silent like a good pet for its master, he certainly don't want to finish like an headless chicken, the rest of the investors follow his example and stay silent too.

Approaching the door, Howard stop at the intercom and push the secretariat button.

" Yes, what can I do for you Mr Stark ? " the sweet voice of the female secretary speak through the intercom.

" Elise, send the cleaner team would you, we have a situation, I can only say that Matthew and Robert couldn't hold themselves back. " Howard answer to the intercom with a mocking and suave tone.

" A-ha ha ! You're so funny Mr Stark, I'm sending the team for you. " Elise chuckle and she finishes with a voice that sound coy.

Smiling smugly, Howard turn back toward the tables with the investors still stuck in their chairs.

" I'm gonna pass over her so much.. Anyway, I hope that I don't need to specify that whatever happened here stay here, the experts call it corporate mindset but let just say that this big and happy family should keep its secrets. " he says while walking back toward his place at the end of the table.

Once he have taken his seat, he clap his hands and simultaneously says. " Let there be light. "

The curtains opens and the lights bulbs come back on, the darkness recede until the room is once again illuminated, they all look at the same direction, Howard. If before they saw the smartest human being in him, now they see a monster in human skin, the proof come from the second thing they look at in the room. Matthew, or what's left of him, his neck look like it was shredded and his head is spread over the table and those sitting next to it.

~ Kathmandu, Nepal ~

~ Kamar-Taj ~

- 15h53 -

Practicing his katas with dozens of other disciple in the same yellow robe, Alastair try to empty his mind and focus his full attention on his martial art like his master have taught him. But as he moves perfectly trough the set of katas his mind constantly get distracted by the same thoughts, where is the entity that encroach on earth.

" Calm your mind, empty it from all meaningless distractions. Focus on your inherent connection to the universe, you are one with it, the energy from across all the dimensions flow through you, it gives you life and connect you at your deepest with the universe. Comprehend this truth and the mystic arts will reveal its secret to you, but as you learn and walk on this path, know that you will cross demonic entities and others nightmarish creatures. You'll have to defend this planet and its innoce.... " Alastair stop listening to the long lecture of the master teaching today, it's not an abstract concept for him anymore, the Ancient One tasked him with a mission and he intend to fulfill it.

Walking away from the open-air training ground he enter the temple and goes toward the library. Inside, many rows of book placed neatly on bookshelves, skimming trough the titles Alastair select one book he's particularly interested in.

It's 'Encyclopedia of res mala et doctrinis deamoniorum' a large and heavy book containing hundreds of pages, each one detailing demonic, evil and all kind of vile entities.

" An interesting choice, but do be careful, the words and illustrations in this book tend to be quite lively. A novice could easily fall under its thrall and summon an eldritch being. " the librarian says to him while registering his loan, he says these words humorously despite the meaning behind them.

Alastair doesn't offer any answer other than a small displease grunt, although he is not yet a master he can channel the energy of over 11 dimensions and use the basic spell of a multitude kind of magic, he focus on defensive and binding spells but he also have a rudimentary level in offensive and healing magic and of course he can use a sling ring to open portals.

11 dimensions may not seem like a large numbers considering there is an infinite amount of them but the truth is that a master of the mystic arts don't have a free and unlimited access to the multitude of dimensions. The ones without owner are relatively more easier to channel but for those who have a ruler, the magical practitioner must sign a deal, he or she must make a contract with the entity in control of the dimension to have the right to use its energy. The knowledge imprinted on these books make the process of finding compatible dimensions much more easier than in the past when it was an harduous task composed of years of perilous explorations.

Finally in the intimity of his personal room, Alastair take a comfortable position on his small and simple bed. On the wall, a few pictures of his family are hooked, a reminder of them and a way to have them close to him despite the long distance separating them.